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WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

There's one more point that should be discussed. Our records show that 99% of the attacks in Pakistan have been suicide attacks. Their method of carrying out an attack is simply by putting on a suicide vest, blending in, and then detonating themselves up near the target which is SUFFICIENT to kill people around the ground zero to the maximum.

Now we're getting reports that Suicide JACKETS have been recovered from these terrorists and their bags. That's a PATHETIC attempt at linking this event with Pakistan's militants. Because frankly, they don't carry their jackets around in bags so that they can first make sure that they have a good ol hunting spree and THEN carry out the suicide attack. Their ideology is brainwashed so that they can go and take only ONE step. Which is to carry out a suicide attack. There's no room for any other "Action" on their part.

Secondly, Suicide jackets don't make sense with the size of the group that carried out this incident. 12 armed people for the sake of killing a Cricket team? ONE suicide bomber would've been enough to take out the entire convoy IF it was an attack lead by someone from within Pakistan.

InshAllah we WILL capture these morons and bring their real identity out for the rest of the world to see. In the mean time, I SERIOUSLY want the leadership to grow a pair and give their statements like real MEN!

Now this is some thinking! Thanks a lot!!

Please come with solid thinking like this. I will welcome such discussion even if it is against RAW.
indians were unhappy that Sri Lanka was willing to do the test with Pakistan....they were going around telling teams not to support Pakistan by playing there. They were bringing politics into sport. They are going around lobbying in US and EU to get us declared a terrorist state.

Pakistan is not a terrorist state and there is no terrorist infrastructure.

But even with that said, i would have no problem committing a mass genocide right now because for the first time in a long time --i am seeing red.

The writing is on the wall. Nobody else would have attacked the Sri Lankan cricket team. Not AQ, not taleban, none of the so-called lashkars.

dont u guys remember that we arrested 11 indian agents a few weeks ago in Lahore (with weapons, fake passport and documents). These are more of those trouble makers.

If we dont raise hell to india about this matter, pir lanaat ho.

Then isn't it natural for me to defend??

And you didn't answer my question. when we should take it as a statement from GoP?

When all the govt members say it in unison? (which IMO, is impossible)

Shouldn't the world pay any attention to the statements from high officials of Pakistan??

In the same way should you not be paying attention to statment by Auntulay or even Modi ?

I would not without conclusion of investigation no matter if Indian or Pakistan unconcerned official says anything.
i just heared in geo that inteligence report says RAW is planning the the attack report was been out 22 of january i hope some one will confirm it this report also says that they also planning attack on heads of jamiat al dawwa this news given by ansar abbasi journalist of the news the nation
64 mm LAW left by terrorists is not a proof eh...

this weapon is not used bhy any one in pakistan or afghanistan...only Americans or NATo or LTTE use it
lets also not forget that indians arrogantly told Sri Lankan defence procurement officials NOT to get help or equipment from Pakistan. Arrogant bastards.

Sri Lankan's God bless them --they told india to buzz off......I saw a report today that despite this tragedy, Sri Lankans said they have no regrets coming to Pakistan for the sport.

indian army elements supporting LTTE terrorists in Sri Lanka ---and LTTE has been terrorizing and traumatizing Sri Lanka for decades now.

We will Inshallah continue our strong ties with Sri Lanka. But Pakistani cricket has taken a beating today ---thanks to the bitter indians.

Even if its counter-productive, i hope our politicians and the ISI come up with a fitting jawaab. Inshallah.
yar all hindutva thugs along with indian political murderers in their statements gave clue to this type of act
Please observe some of these weapons used. If you have a careful eye, you will notice they don't originate anywhere from inside Pakistan, and rather from stockpiles in a neighbouring country. I think just based on the weapons, many lines can be drawn all pointing to a few originating sources.


The report says that India is perturbed by growing Sri Lanka-Pakistan cooperation against LTTE terrorists in Sri Lanka who were created byh India way back in 80s.

The report further says that LTTE with help of India is involved in training terrorists from Balochistan Liberation Army who had been funded and trained and created by RAW to carry out terrorist activities in Balochistan.

Over all and all the report suspects the involvment of RAW backed LTTE and India in this attack somehow.

Could be LTTE.

India did create and support LTTE till the 90s when Rajiv Gandhi was killed after the IPKF debacle. India became enemies for both Sinhaleese and Tamilians when they send in the IPKF under an agreement with the then Premadasa. And IPKF ended fighting an LTTE armed by the SL army. LTTE did suffer damages too and vowed revenge, killing Rajiv Gandhi who decided to send the IPKF.

Till then our approach has to LTTE has been aggressive, banning and patrolling the international waters in the north of Lanka. It was the IN who intially claimed success in creating an embargo starving LTTE of aid and ammunation. But India wasnt ready to move in and make the killed blow or provide with offensive weapons due to its earlier sour experience and domestic pressure. Thats when an frustrated SL seeked and got Pak help.

And now how can India use LTTE to attack Pakistan. LTTE / other terrorists get arms and funds from the same channel although the source might be different. Muslim terorists ets funds from muslim symphatisers and LTTE from tamil symphatisers. But the funds are channelled through the same route and so are the funds. LTTE might have used this common channel to gain access to Pakistani elements.
Now this is some thinking! Thanks a lot!!

Please come with solid thinking like this. I will welcome such discussion even if it is against RAW.

It doesn't require that much thinking. Indians think its LeT or Taliban. LeT just has a problem with India's occupation of Kashmir, Taliban in Afghanistan used to encourage boys to play cricket.

It doesn't make sense for these two organizations to carry this attack.

This attack was politically motivated to break Pakistan's and Sri Lanka's friendship and also to get Pakistan out of world cup 2011.

Only one organization would benefit from this and that's RAW.
its and indian return of 26/11, and they madeit becz of political instability. intelliegence had already warned of these type of attacks on 22 Janyary 2009
Please observe some of these weapons used. If you have a careful eye, you will notice they don't originate anywhere from inside Pakistan, and rather from stockpiles in a neighbouring country. I think just based on the weapons, many lines can be drawn all pointing to a few originating sources.


LAW LAUNCHING TUBE one that is used by USA military.
u can go on and on and on but the reality will never change.....its high time that all pakis take up ghandhism or practice of non violence other wise ur in line to be next somalia in under 10 yrs....BTW its interesting to see RAW getting so much attention in these forums, i think many **** frnds will agree that RAW was behind pak govt. peace deal in SWAT......HE HE HE....u guys r unbelievable...its the easiest thing to do on earth BLAME OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u can go on and on and on but the reality will never change.....its high time that all pakis take up ghandhism or practice of non violence other wise ur in line to be next somalia in under 10 yrs....BTW its interesting to see RAW getting so much attention in these forums, i think many **** frnds will agree that RAW was behind pak govt. peace deal in SWAT......HE HE HE....u guys r unbelievable...its the easiest thing to do on earth BLAME OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The same gundhism that burns minorities and rapes women? Or does non violence only pertain to not eating beef? No thank you in any case.

PS - RAW ki kiyamat nazdeek hay.

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