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Who the hell is so cruel ?

In past Indian offcials has talked "Foreign Hand" without naming any country. They named Pakistan this time because they had evidence.

Its same with Pakistan. Till they are not able to get evidence to link terror attacks with India, they can't name it.


Pleas read my post carefully - my criticism is not about India accusing Pakistani nationals of being involved, but of accusing Pakistani institutions of being involved, of which there is no proof - your own evidence dossier said as much.
And what you say abt Pakistan media talking abt RAW involvement in BD. Do they talked based on some proof? Media in both countries are to make money. Increase TRP.


I think this was a case of the Indians having cast the first stone, and the Pakistanis responding, much as they did when the Mumbai accusations were being hurled at Pakistan, responding with their own theories.
.. I am not looking for an optimistic response coz my assertive way with a concrete approach would not blemish the fundamental and rudimentary believes imbibed in any one in just a matter of phrase but i am certain not seeking a hostile approach either.

If you truly seek to build bridges, then demonizing Pakistan, even if you commend them later, is not the way to go.

I would argue that building bridges requires taking a far more neutral POV, and recognizing that biases exist on both sides - if you believe Pakistanis will always hate India and find justification beyond Kashmir, Pakistanis too believe that Indians shall never reconcile with the existence of Pakistan, and work to break her as in 1971.

Harping on just one or the other will merely add to the vitiated atmosphere.
a lot of people feel that al-Qaeda is the given name to trained agents of RAW in Afghanistan as for Mehsud a peace deal has been reached in Swat and media has shown how things are safe their once again.

Then how do you explain this?

Taliban rename their group | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Taliban rename their group

The Nation, February 24, 2009
By Haji Mujtaba Khan

NORTH WAZIRISTAN - Bringing an end to their internal rifts, Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leaders have renamed their group as Shura Ittehadul Mujahideen with the purpose of striving for the supremacy of Islam and crushing infidels.

The three leading militant groups calling themselves as Taliban have circulated a single-page Urdu pamphlet in different parts of Waziristan, which confirmed that they had got united according to the wishes of Mujahideen leaders like Mullah Muhammad Omar and Sheikh Osama bin Laden.

The three leaders Hafiz Gul Bahadar, Baitullah Mehsud and Maulvi Nazir have confirmed the establishment of Shura Ittehadul Mujahideen with certain objectives. The pamphlet said the target of the Shura Ittehadul Mujahideen was to get Mujahideen united at a single platform for Jihad and stop those who were violating and crossing the limits. It said that TTP had decided to shun differences and join hands with one another. It added the TTP supported Mullah Muhammad Omar and Osama bin Laden’s struggle against Obama, Zardari and Karzai administrations.
because nobody else has to gain other than India for it is the only country in the region that wishes the destruction of Pakistan. Not Afghanistan not Iran not China but India they were our sworn enemies in the past.

And who the hell told you that it takes a country to make a bomb??


And surely India thinks of its own survival BEFORE destruction of Pakistan.
And who the hell told you that it takes a country to make a bomb??


And surely India thinks of its own survival BEFORE destruction of Pakistan.

Failed pakistan will be dream for every1..IA.
actually India will survive better after destruction of Pakistan bcz they will have no enemy then..but i m thinking about something happening in India n who will be then blamed.
^^ It is not an official policy of Indian government to do so. It is an opinion piece by an editor of a magazine and that means squat when it comes to government's policies towards Pakistan. You are deluding.

I hope you understand what a retarded line of argument you just tried to pursue. Pakistan is the country that every Indian says is supposed to be instigating subversive activities in other countries; but I can't even imagine what would happen if half as respected publications in Pakistan were to be calling for the disintegration of India this openly, bluntly and aggressively. Imagine the outrage in India if Pakistani writers were flooding the net with this low quality junk. This kind of stuff is obviously much appreciated by many in India, post this article in an Indian forum and you will find out. You have politicians quite literally bragging about how they broke Pakistan in the past, and then you insist that we’re the ones who’re delusional?

The Pakistani government has ALWAYS denied that it is involved in any violent activities in India, but that doesn't convince any Indians. And here we have considerably respected Indian publications openly urging and calling for Pakistan's disintegration, and you reject it because…because this is not the Indian government's official international position? Well OFCOURSE its not !:lol: Did India declare its intention to disintegrate Pakistan when it was secretly instigating insurrection in East Pakistan? Is it likely to do so now with the rest of the world worried about and actively trying to assist Pakistan? Also governments and their intentions can change, but these trends, this build up towards or symptoms of the policy through propaganda or coercion can be seen. You see Indians are not as angelic as you like to pretend.:agree:
If every bomb blast in indian can be blamed on pakistan then why not the other way round......every blast in pakistan has a indian hand behind it.
If every bomb blast in indian can be blamed on pakistan then why not the other way round......every blast in pakistan has a indian hand behind it.

Mere tit for tat accusations will do no good.
In case of Mumbai, every accusation proved to be true,ur own Govt also admitted pakistani involvemment.

Instead of making veiled insinuation ,if u any evidence of indian involvement in terrorism in pakistan,present it in front of the world.
The future has to be a democratic one, though not necessarily in the mold of Western Democracies. I think the model we saw in play with the current government may perhaps be ideal. The military remains on the sidelines when it comes to governing except when times of crises force its intervention. That intervention should however be limited to encouraging the power brokers to compromise and resolve the situation, and not to take control of the country.

To toot my own horn, apparently Gen. Jehangir Keramat shares the same opinion :D

The Power of People Power

Pakistan moved towards a precipice, teetered on its edge and moved back. Internationally there was a collective sigh of relief that a disaster had been averted. Within Pakistan there is jubilation. People power has triumphed over State power. The State after flexing every muscle it had, gave in to the marching hordes. It was the right thing to do because the other option would have led to the end of democracy. Now democracy stands strengthened and the road map to a shift of the power center to the people is clear. This opens a new chapter in Pakistan’s history as hope and optimism pervade the environment after the gloom generated by the deadlock.

The deposed Chief Justice was already a hero for the people simply because he had stood up to a military dictator. Now there are other heroes; the politicians who defied arrest and braved barricades and police brutality, the lawyers who sparked the demand for an independent judiciary under the re-instated Chief Justice, the people who thronged to the rallies and marches oblivious to the danger and discomfort and the media that defied gag orders and restrictions to bring the struggle into every household. Except for what the police did, there was no violence---just people who wanted justice, law and order, security and an enforcement of laws that limit excesses and make a democracy a republic that cannot be manipulated to suit individuals.

There were many doomsday scenarios predicted as the drama played out on the streets and TV screens. The most pervasive view was that the ‘high noon’ in Islamabad would lead to military intervention because this was the experience of the past—crude outright take-over, forced resignations to drive out everyone and start anew and public criticism to pressure the government. There were also the Bangladesh and Thailand models with the military manipulating changes. This time the military followed what must be called the ‘Kayani Model’---invisible but around, fully informed and acting through well timed and effective influence in the right quarter. The preference was for the institution rather than any individual and there was no personal angle or ambition. It worked. The lawyers, politicians and the people who were out on the street pitted against the power of the state never asked for military intervention---they relied on their own power and were prepared for the worst. The military acted to avert, to correct and to clear the way for full democracy with the center of gravity where it should be---in parliament and the people. As events unfold this is exactly what is likely to happen.

There were phone calls from abroad, frantic running around by concerned envoys and negotiators trying to bring about a reconciliation that would have been a respite not the solution. The solution came from within—home grown and totally suited to the environment and in line with the national urge not to derail democracy. This augers well for the future of democracy and for civil-military relations--- the military has demonstrated its full support for democracy and abhorrence for intervention. The intelligence agencies have been kept out of the fray except for the over-watch necessary for national security. Quietly but firmly a precedence has been set to determine the future course of events; forging a national response to the threats, charting a blue-print for the economy, making a pragmatic foreign policy and bringing about effective responsive governance –all stemming from political stability.

The biggest folly would be to start identifying winners and losers. There were none. Everybody won. If the government had not acted at the outset to ensure security there may have been a tragic event as in the past. If it had not responded to the will of the people it would have led to violence. If it had not listened to the voice of reason it would have doomed democracy. In the end the government did what was best for the country and the people---that is what governments are there for.

www.spearheadresearch.org :: View topic - The Power of People Power
If every bomb blast in indian can be blamed on pakistan then why not the other way round......every blast in pakistan has a indian hand behind it.

This comes out of frustration. However its of any value if you are able to convince anyone outside pakistan / bangladesh of it. otherwise u r preaching to the converted.

The best way of convincing anyone is by providing evidence, or creating circumstances where people srart believing you. for example you can show india's reluctance in cracking down on terrorist groups, or our habit of cutting deals with terrorists etc etc. And after that you will have to convicne people that india poses a threat to THEM, only that gets ppls' attention, like india found out after 9-11.

so all the best.

and if u have any spare time, try finding out whats making these teenagers go nuts. but thats low priority.
Failed pakistan will be dream for every1..IA.
actually India will survive better after destruction of Pakistan bcz they will have no enemy then..but i m thinking about something happening in India n who will be then blamed.

A typical primary school student level post. :tsk:
If every bomb blast in indian can be blamed on pakistan then why not the other way round......every blast in pakistan has a indian hand behind it.

Because such an action would allow the real culprits to go free ?
Because such an action would allow the real culprits to go free ?

think of ur country...ur country always blame us after any incident bcz they know that who is real culprits.there r several active terrorist groups (i dont want to point out bcz u know well) working in India ..so blaming any1 with out any evidence gives nthing ..
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