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WHO suggests India's death toll for covid19 is around 4.7 million, almost ten times more than offical figure.

While BD did not do great it recorded 140,000 excess deaths in 2020 and 2021.

If the turd Modi had not stopped supply of the contracted UK AstraZeneca vaccines in late March 2021, then BD would have come in at under 100,000.

LOL. Why does super duper BD needs Modi to give them vaccine ?

By then the damage had been done with millions of dead Indians from Covid-19 over the previous 3-4 months.

Modi has the blood of millions of Indians on his hands.

Wrong again. Most deaths were reported during teh 3rd wave and this survey was BEFORE the 3rd wave hit.

Majority of Indians already had antiodies when the 3rd wave hit India.

doesn't matter, all you need to do is build another ram temple, put some more tilak in forehead everything will be fine.

Do that, but the fact that Modi Vaccinated Indians with 1.9 Billion vaccine doze also helped.

BTW WHO cannot and does not claim millions - it only can say 'based on this our model there should be ....'. Except the model they built is inapplicable.

Same as all the stock prediction models will project some price for next trading session based on momentum ....great until mean reversion occurs or something exogenous happens.
Here is another technical analysis about the lacuna in WHO's estimation.

WHO has spliced data from different sources to create a single subnational panel for India, there are deeper methodological concerns about these estimates.

WHO acknowledges that modeling excess deaths for India is “most complex” – From the report -

We consider the most complex subnational scenario in which the number of regions with monthly data varies by month, using India as an example.

Since monthly mortality data is not available at a country level, WHO uses state wise data. The problem is that state data is also not available for all months and the number of states for which data is available changes by month.

So what WHO does is try to project national deaths based on limited state level data. In order to do so, it relies on a paper by Karlinsky (2022) who uses excess deaths in the Cordoba province to estimate excess deaths for Argentina. But herein lies the rub.

For Karlinski’s method to yield unbiased estimates, the proportionality principle must be satisfied. Meaning the share of COVID deaths of the State/region (being used for national projections) out of total national deaths should be stable throughout the projection period.

In other words, for example, if Kerala accounted for 30% of all COVID deaths in June 2020, it should account for the same in February 2021 as well!!

Karlinski is crystal clear about this - “This projection (state to national) makes use of the stability of the spatial distribution of deaths within countries and is appropriate where the spread and toll of COVID19 are similar between the subnational and national data used”

Karlinski even shows evidence that this spatial distribution is very similar between Cordoba and rest of Argentina in Figure 1, panel B of his paper – you can check for yourself.

WHO also acknowledges this – “If, over all regions, there are significant changes in the proportions of deaths in the regions as compared to the national total, or changes in the populations within the regions over time, then the approach will be imprecise.”

BUT UNLIKE Karlinsky, WHO provides NO EVIDENCE to support that this holds for the subnational/statewise data used for India!!!!!

Eyeballing data from India, we can see that different states went through peaks and troughs at different points in time during the pandemic. All of them did not correspond to the national peak/trough.

WHO should have validated this and perhaps used data only from those states that mirrored the national distribution of COVID. By not doing so, WHO’s methodology seemingly violates the most basic assumption upon which it is based.

Now lacking good data, estimating excess deaths is difficult. But a good (and honest) statistician always validates (or tries to) her assumptions and acknowledges the limitations of her estimates. Something WHO neither addresses nor acknowledges.

WHO estimate is neither technically sound nor reliable. Its purely a political number in an attempt at monkey balancing.
I just read the WHO model description. There are serious flaws, not in the statistical method or data science used but in the domain understanding itself !!! For example same set of covariates have been used for all countries - this only helps in explanation of the model but not the applicability of the model.

For example the death count per John Hopkins dataset is around 2.5k/million in UK, 3k in USA but only 200 to 500 in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India. You can see that :
1. This 1/10 ratio is not just an Indian phenomenon but all of South Asia region. Yet covariates modeled are the same across all continents. How does WHO explain this intrinsic regionsl difference ? By saying it is due to a factor 10 under reporting!

2. Even if the actual is 10 times as reported as the estimate model says, that'd make the south Asian countries only at par with the UK USA types. Which is equally unbelievable given the health care infra difference, population density difference (which have all been used in the model as covariates anyway ) - in other words WHO'S own assumptions negate their model !!!!

The above is just one example of the amateurish model by WHO.

BTW, China's death rate reported in John Hopkins dataset used is 9 per million. Let me say it again in round numbers : USA 3000, UK 2400, India 350 , Pakistan 175ish, China 9.

This tells us that:

1. Chinese lockdowns and vaccines must be more effective than all others - by a factor of 300 over biontech et al. Current situation in China proves that is not the case. The alternate explanation is Chinese are lot more immune and lot less comorbid than westerners. This is not entirely unbelievable given obesity, food ingredients etc.

2. One of the top reasons for mortality, acknowledged after the fact by medical professionals because they learnt it later, is indiscriminate use of ventilators to not serious-enough patients. In those, ventilators ended up making the infection deadly! India et al benefitted from shortage of ventilators frankly.

Long post but the point is the WHO approach to this model is childish. They have now proven they neither know medicine, nor epidemiology, nor data science. Just a bunch of statisticians
One simple explanation, we have zero covid policy and not let it spread like rats in India numb numb. Less patients equals more treatment hence less deaths. No amount of bullshit can cover the fck up of this proportion numb numb. India is the typical case of talk and no action.

While BD did not do great it recorded 140,000 excess deaths in 2020 and 2021.

If the turd Modi had not stopped supply of the contracted UK AstraZeneca vaccines in late March 2021, then BD would have come in at under 100,000.

By then the damage had been done with millions of dead Indians from Covid-19 over the previous 3-4 months.

Modi has the blood of millions of Indians on his hands.
You remember the great Indian migration back to the villages where thousands died of starvation?

doesn't matter, all you need to do is build another ram temple, put some more tilak in forehead everything will be fine.
In China, if we allow 'herd immunity' like India, and let 4 to 6 million die, the CCP would be overthrown. In India, it is celebrated as a victory. Lolol

One simple explanation, we have zero covid policy and not let it spread like rats in India numb numb. Less patients equals more treatment hence less deaths. No amount of bullshit can cover the fck up of this proportion numb numb. India is the typical case of talk and no action.

You remember the great Indian migration back to the villages where thousands died of starvation?

In China, if we allow 'herd immunity' like India, and let 4 to 6 million die, the CCP would be overthrown. In India, it is celebrated as a victory. Lolol

lol. China covid policy and action is a lesson to the world.

A lesson on what NOT to do. Each video is more incredible than the other.

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I just read the WHO model description. There are serious flaws, not in the statistical method or data science used but in the domain understanding itself !!! For example same set of covariates have been used for all countries - this only helps in explanation of the model but not the applicability of the model.

For example the death count per John Hopkins dataset is around 2.5k/million in UK, 3k in USA but only 200 to 500 in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India. You can see that :
1. This 1/10 ratio is not just an Indian phenomenon but all of South Asia region. Yet covariates modeled are the same across all continents. How does WHO explain this intrinsic regionsl difference ? By saying it is due to a factor 10 under reporting!

2. Even if the actual is 10 times as reported as the estimate model says, that'd make the south Asian countries only at par with the UK USA types. Which is equally unbelievable given the health care infra difference, population density difference (which have all been used in the model as covariates anyway ) - in other words WHO'S own assumptions negate their model !!!!

The above is just one example of the amateurish model by WHO.

BTW, China's death rate reported in John Hopkins dataset used is 9 per million. Let me say it again in round numbers : USA 3000, UK 2400, India 350 , Pakistan 175ish, China 9.

This tells us that:

1. Chinese lockdowns and vaccines must be more effective than all others - by a factor of 300 over biontech et al. Current situation in China proves that is not the case. The alternate explanation is Chinese are lot more immune and lot less comorbid than westerners. This is not entirely unbelievable given obesity, food ingredients etc.

2. One of the top reasons for mortality, acknowledged after the fact by medical professionals because they learnt it later, is indiscriminate use of ventilators to not serious-enough patients. In those, ventilators ended up making the infection deadly! India et al benefitted from shortage of ventilators frankly.

Long post but the point is the WHO approach to this model is childish. They have now proven they neither know medicine, nor epidemiology, nor data science. Just a bunch of statisticians

What is the model used by WHO ?

We can estimate the figure quite easily

Just see mortality figure in 2017-2019, see the number will not be quite different

Then compare it with mortality figure in 2020-2022 April

The different with the average mortality in 2017-2019 will be the figure that close with the reality.
Most of the Indian posters in this thread are totally shameless.

Literally trying to deny the most obvious thing in the last 2 years.

Yeah, we don't go by "most obvious", we go by HARD DATA and FACTS.

You might want to try that sometimes.
It only takes 1 lie to make real facts into fake facts.

Indians love to lie.

It's a problem.

And no amount of Lies is going to convert Fake Facts into real Facts.

As for who are habitual liars, I am not the one with False flags. LOL.

We can all see who's the problem.
And no amount of Lies is going to convert Fake Facts into real Facts.

As for who are habitual liars, I am not the one with False flags. LOL.

We can all see who's the problem.
Lol, you doubt I'm an American?

I have to chuckle.
I suspect that the state of UP has underreported the deaths by a good margin. I've heard from central government civil servants in my family that states in central India are not very disciplined and transparent in reporting numbers for stats :disagree:
What is the model used by WHO ?

We can estimate the figure quite easily

Just see mortality figure in 2017-2019, see the number will not be quite different

Then compare it with mortality figure in 2020-2022 April

The different with the average mortality in 2017-2019 will be the figure that close with the reality.
At present, the death registration of the Indian official data (CRS) can be found, but it is not known what the actual coverage rate of CRS is, which is related to the validity of the data.
Sadly no data for 2021。
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Why India's coronavirus cases, deaths are vastly undercounted
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