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Who is a Hindu?

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wtf is going on here?? Neo please....dont let this discussion go in drain road runner I can already find a bunch of mistakes in the above two replies to adux, thank you.

I'll desist replying here anymore, we are just fanciful and ridiculous peoples indeed...

There's no mistakes in the slightest. I have hundreds of neutral links to prove them. I will be proving them, don't worry. You are welcome to quit out this thread, because I've only just started correcting the hundreds of historically proven inaccuracies you lot have been spouting in this thread. Anyone who can contradict himself by quoting from the Puranas after having quoted the Rig Veda obviously hasnt a clue what he's talking about. And quit crying to the mods, that's all you guys ever do.

Roadrunner the correct thing to do is to register any complaints with mods. KEYSER
Road runner,

I have seen your kind quiet a lot, skewed sense of history

Check on the Maurya Empire? and Lets start from there....

Let's not get into Maurya just yet. Start with what I have mentioned. Counter it, then we'll get to Maurya soon. It's Indus Valley which was talked about mainly so far.
O.K. time out gentlemen and ladies............

Now the new rules for this thread are as follows No racial terminology to be used. If you disagree with a point being made. Either argue it with facts that you can provide or do not comment. If you disagree with comments posted strongly then use the IGNORE feature or do not respond to comments you do not like.

Oh and no one liners or dismissive posts please thanks!

^^Dude, I havent used any racial terminology. Adux, or the other guy (there's so many of them I can't remember now) seem to bring racism into everything they can't argue against. But I am all for starting afresh. Let's not call each other names, accuse others falsely of being racist. Argue against my points. I'd like to see you. I have many neutral sources that prove I am correct, rather than Puranas written hundreds of years after Rig Vedic sources, and contrdicting them.
^^Dude, I havent used any racial terminology. Adux, or the other guy (there's so many of them I can't remember now) seem to bring racism into everything they can't argue against. But I am all for starting afresh. Let's not call each other names, accuse others falsely of being racist. Argue against my points. I'd like to see you. I have many neutral sources that prove I am correct, rather than Puranas written hundreds of years after Rig Vedic sources, and contrdicting them.

Roadrunner I have merely stated the new rules and have not accused anyone......
Fully agree with Keys on this, lets discuss the issue in a respectable manner. Imho we're all here to share our pov's...either we like them or not and to learn from eachother.
We'll all agree that best and most educative debates are the ones with counter arguments, so lets engage and keep it civilised.

Roadrunner I have merely stated the new rules and have not accused anyone......

Agreed. Was just stating my case, since someone else was accusing me of being racist or something. I think his post has gone now though, which makes this one a bit irrelevant !
I'll request any gentlemen here before doing anything to follow these simple few rules of,

1. Sticking to topic or what is being discussed between me and niaz without bringing abc empire, we are not exactly discussion here if Maurya was born in Modis home or not k?

2. Provide intellectual proof, copy pasting things from here and there and claiming it is pakistans it is pakistans is just silly, we are discussiong proper archeology here where there is no Pakistan an no India but a subcontinent, If someone investigates the sources I provided previously there are more then enough involvement of the name Pakistan.

3. Puranas WERE WRITTEN AFTER RIG VEDAS, I did not think I deny it but I asked the arguer to bring specific quotes that how did he generalizes puranas like he did that its a conspiracy, or did they knew of india and pakistan?

4. Stop claiming and argueing with repititive and absolutely ridiculous things you dont eat beef, aryans eat beef ,thats why indians are fanciful et al without knowing the proper history behind it, as I have already mentioned Vedism and Hinduism has definite difference, but the latter is a evolved one absorbing the former.

5. We are not glorifying or villyfying any religion here, stop acting someone like panic stricken one.
We are not discussion empires here and who originated in pakistan or who originated in India, thats going off topic a deliberate attempt to pull this thread off, we are not even discussion anything near what roadrunner thinks we are, he just came from nowhere and started posting things without proper context.

As I said I dont think our history book does says Indus flowed in Bangladesh through Modis headquarters like the guy is thinking, we are thinking, they gives the due credit to where it lies or lied, All the sources i have given for other thing specifically mentiones present day Pakistan and Present day India per se.

Any post going offtopic would not be entertained, though me and niaz was off topic but we were having a very specific discussion without even bringing any religion here.
As I said I dont think our history book does not says Indus flowed in Bangladesh through Modis headquarters like the guy is thinking we are thinking, they gives the due credit to where it lies or lied, .

ToI feed dated 27th June 2007.

Humans spread globally, evolved locally

People Have Continued To Evolve Both Through Genetic Drift And Through Natural Selection, Say Experts

Nicholas Wade

Historians often assume that they need pay no attention to human evolution because the process ground to a halt in the distant past. That assumption is looking less and less secure in light of new findings based on decoding human DNA.
People have continued to evolve since leaving the ancestral homeland in northeastern Africa some 50,000 years ago, both through the random process known as genetic drift and through natural selection. The genome bears many fingerprints in places where natural selection has recently remolded the human clay, researchers have found, as people in the various continents adapted to new diseases, climates, diets and, perhaps, behavioural demands.
A striking feature of many of these changes is that they are local. The genes under selective pressure found in one continent-based population or race are mostly different from those that occur in the others. These genes so far make up a small fraction of all human genes.
A notable instance of recent natural selection is the emergence of lactose tolerance — the ability to digest lactose in adulthood — among the cattle-herding people of northern Europe some 5,000 years ago. Lactase, the enzyme that digests the principal sugar of milk, is usually switched off after weaning. But because of the great nutritional benefit for cattle herders of being able to digest lactose in adulthood, a genetic change that keeps the lactase gene switched on spread through the population.
Lactose tolerance is not confined to Europeans. Last year, Sarah Tishkoff of the University of Maryland and colleagues tested 43 ethnic groups in East Africa and found three separate mutations, all different from the European one, that keep the lactase gene switched on in adulthood. One of the mutations, found in peoples of Kenya and Tanzania, may have arisen as recently as 3,000 years ago.
That lactose tolerance has evolved independently four times is an instance of convergent evolution. Natural selection has used the different mutations available in European and East African populations to make each develop lactose tolerance. In Africa, those who carried the mutation were able to leave 10 times more progeny, creating a strong selective advantage.
Researchers studying other single genes have found evidence for recent evolutionary change in the genes that mediate conditions like skin colour, resistance to malaria and salt retention.
The most striking instances of recent human evolution have emerged from a new kind of study, one in which the genome is scanned for evidence of selective pressures by looking at a few hundred thousand specific sites where variation is common.
Last year Benjamin Voight, Jonathan Pritchard and colleagues at the University of Chicago searched for genes under natural selection in Africans, Europeans and East Asians. In each race, some 200 genes showed signals of selection, but without much overlap, suggesting that the populations on each continent were adapting to local challenges.
Another study, by Scott Williamson of Cornell University and colleagues found 100 genes under selection in Chinese, African-Americans and European-Americans. In most cases, the source of selective pressure is unknown. But many genes associated with resistance to disease emerge from the scans, confirming that disease is a powerful selective force. NYT NEWS SERVICE
Alright, where did I get to. I'll start here for today.

Niaz, The Aryan invasion theory as niaz your saying is total wrong but here are my short view on the same, Aryans existed beyond India that is for sure, but they didnt invaded India as it is being said,

Oh That I can agree to. Aryans existed outside of India (and Iran), and never invaded or migrated to either) - a quick look at the genetics will show this (I can agree to some Indian Punabis and Indian Gujeratis being of mixed Aryan-Dravidian descent however).

When river Saraswati dried up a group of peoples moved in the banks of Ganges from Indus, assimilated with new philosophies wrote new books as in upanishads which are more refined than Vedas.

Fanciful thinking at best. When the Saraswati (noone even knows if this existed) dried up, noone moved from the Indus except one or two tribes. The Indus remained populated by the Vedic people - populations do not change like this. Mass migrations do NOT occur in this sense. You seem to forget that the most important river in the Rig Veda is the River Indus. This makes the Indus (aka Ancient Pakistan), the most important area to the Vedic Aryans - Now you tell me, why would they moved from their most important river (Indus), to their LEAST important river - Ganges.

Let me explain this simply

  • Vedic people lived only in Ancient Pakistan
  • One or two tribes out of perhaps hundreds moved into the Gangetic Plains of modern India and RULED the indigenous Dravidian inhabitants by creating a NEW religion/philosophy for them that resembles modern day Hinduism
  • A COLOUR based caste system was created by these rulers to maintain power
  • The indigenous inhabitants of the Gangetic plains finally realized they had been subjugated unfairly, and usurped power from the Vedic Aryans, and THEN Hinduism was created - Hinduism is a purely Dravidian invention..The caste system became job based, BUT since all the darker people were placed in the lower castes beforehand, they got the wrong end of the job stick, and still it continues today
  • Summary : One or two people migrated from the Indus Valley to the Gangetic plains, and ruled the inhabitants who then created Hinduism. Vedism and the Vedic people never left the Indus Valley

There were several parallel groups of peoples present in India at that time. From Genetics to discoveries of Archeology has proved it however lets not go there it will lenghthen the discussion hugely; On Genetics If you recall Kivisild was second author in the infamous Bamshad study of indian caste populations which had forcefed AIT once but then after the new study he has made a U turn and puted up what actually happened, however if someone says Aryans existed only in India thats a myth, Aryans are a race while what happened in India is a civilization formation which is a part of one race.

India is not one race. And if it were, it's not Aryan for sure (which isn't a race anyway, more an ethnic group).

I quote Sir.John Marshall, in his book Mohenja-dara and Indus Valley Civilisation, vol-1 Page vi-viii says:

"Taken as a whole, the Indus Valley people's religion is so Charesteristicaly Indian as hardly to be distinguished from still surviving Hinduism....

Does Sir John Marshall spell Characteristically as "Charesteristicaly" as on the forum India where you got that quote from?

One thing that stands out both at Mohenjadara and Harappa is that the Civilisation hitherto revealed at these two places is not an incipent civilisation, but one already age-old and sterotyped on Indian soil, wit many millennia of human Endeavour behind it."

Let's be clear now. When he says Indian soil, he means Ancient Pakistani soil.

Now please note that Hindusthan or Hindu is not from Sindu river, but "the Landmass between Himalyas and Indu Maga Samudram" and this place is Hindustan and people are Hindus and the book of ESTHER of Old Testament calls India as Hodu a minor variation of Hindu.

Wrong. "Hindu" is from Sindhu. The first reference to the word "Sindhu" is from the Saptha Sindhu of the Rig Veda who called their country (Ancient Pakistan), as Sindhu. The Persians and Greeks then pronounced the Vedic country as "Haptha Hindhu", and then after this as more and more of the subcontinent was discovered by the rest of the world, they called the people there Indians - this is why the majority of the early history (pre 500 AD - 1000 AD) or so of "India" is all Ancient Pakistan - in fact these were the majority of the great civilizations from the region.

It is to be noted that Dravidian gene is present among Aryans in the whole subcontinent, and even Dravidians are not the Tribal peoples who existed in India and still does in many places (I used the term Aryan and Dravidian Gene to simplyfy things but in reality they shoulds not be termed as Dravidian and or Aryan gene as such), My friend Vishnu Som a editor of NDTV travelled in Andaman with Indian Navy after Tsunami, and you know there is a tribe in there called as 'Shompel' Tribe and they are one of worlds oldest living tribes! They are neither Dravidians nor Aryans.

I'll tell you a starking thing, If you know the language of 'Baloch' peoples and see the similarity it has with Tamil, it is quite starking.

Don't use language to determine who is Aryan and who is Dravidian. Languages can be forced or simply adopted by people over history. Language says nothing about genetics. One example - Baloch do speak a Dravidian language, but are of a completely different race to Tamils - this is obvious to everyone. There is no Dravidian gene as such, but any "Aryan" genes in India have been well and truly swamped out in time by the Dravidian ones.
COLOUR Based......lol, I understand now when people say Half-truth's are more dangerous than Lie's,
COLOUR Based......lol, I understand now when people say Half-truth's are more dangerous than Lie's,

I can understand why you are in denial here - it is not politically correct to associate your religion with this, and I am by no means trying to denigrate your religion - i am concerned with historical fact and accuracy though - the notion you claim that the caste system was not color-based is just an attempt to fit in with the political correctness of modern times. Even your own Hindu websites admit this

"In the early days it was color of the skin that mattered, not the caste."
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