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Who can counter USA in future - China, Russia, EU, Japan?

US OTOH, is trying to limit China, by propping up Japan militarily. You see that Japan now has a MoD, its under another ministry. But the signs are absolutely unmistakable. This was a damned huge step for Japan. Their military budget has been increasing, and signs of allowing the military back are there. US is encouraging this. They have also started helping India a LOT. This also doubly limits China. India has broken free of the South Asian straitjacket by means of sheer economic might, if India is able to maintain that, then CHina has a competitor in India, who fights for clout with China in Asia and beyond.

Japan said that a stable China is also in Japan's best interest so I dont think Japan is out to harm China. Japan and China have good relations and they help each other's economy. They are doing well working with each other.

And I dont see the person who started this thread mention India, why do you Indians always have to mention your country in every thread?
As China and other nations becoming more and more stronger, the superpower attitude will dies away in near future. The world will be a multi polar instead of bi polar or unipolar. There will be more and more regional power which will have their own sphere of influence.
China is the only nation which has more or less acceptance to a lot of third world countries and they could influence them in one way or other. But their attitude is kinda co existence and non interefering which makes a lot of countries comfortable with china. So I should say, china will be in equal position or in better position than USA in 20 years from now but in a lot of different way than USA.
HUH about India.. NOT sure.. may be a regional power???? we have to see how it first addresses its own people, still darking India haunting the shining India..
I think India is at a good stand. According to the recent survey , middle class indians are the most well paid. Average income of indian community is $90000
per year. While American national average is $50000.

Is this zaheer khan with a different Nick or U two share the same weed :rofl:
China will not counter USA. China will balance USA, and vise versa.

USA and China have successfully engaged each other and penetrated each other. US official policy is to make and treat China as a responsible stakeholder. And China lives on US market, Chinese money supports US daily operation.

By the end of February, a 50 men delegation of house buyer will visit San Francisco, New York and Boston to buy US houses. And US welcome them to spend money and support US house market. This is just one of countless instances that is going on on daily basis, reflecting how US and China depends on each other. If you are still in doubt, please listen to what Hilary Clinton’s saying in Beijing these days. If somebody still doesn’t believe it, a visit with a brain doctor is strongly suggested. No joking!

The major problem with Sino-US relationship stays in Taiwan issue. US has benefited greatly by dumping obsolete weapons with the price of perhaps 10 times, if is not 100 times, more than market value. I believe US is wiser than most people believe, as US is a country paying attention to material gains more than any thing else. As US’s stake in China getting higher, the weight on Taiwan is becoming lower. Let me tell you a true USA: if it comes to US interest, it can dump Taiwan at any moment as long as its interest is more on mainland side. Of course, US can maximize its benefit by engaging on both sides. As mainland and Taiwan are hotly engaged in economy, with some proposal to build up military trust across the strait in rumor, gradually the issue will be cooled down. That day is a day of Chimerica!

Now let’s review the relationship beyond Sino-US bilateral relationship.

China encourages US’s continued occupation of Japan. This will prevent Japan from finding excuses to make further military expansion and balance Korea issue.

US officially ask China to take more world responsibility as US declining power make it unable to tackle each and every concern it has. Thus China’s clout has been projected never so far in its recent couple of hundred years history.

China has unprecedentedly projected its navy power across India Ocean and reached Africa. (Sorry, I know somebody is not happy about this.)

China has also built up huge influence in Latin America. As recent as yesterday, Chinese vice precedent Xi Jingping was reportedly so busy sign agreements with Venezuela that he even missed airplane schedule! And big-mouth Mr. Chavez vows to guarantee supplying China 500 years of crude oil.

Chinese projects and influences are mostly welcomed in Africa, which is of a simple truth for even no-brainer.

China also successfully engaged with EU countries. Typical evidence is that recently G7 meeting announced that China’s economic policy is good and is benefiting the whole world. They encouraged China to stick to its flexible monetary policy, in a sharp contrast to their initial noise.

In South Asia, China’s engagement with SA countries is also unprecedented. It has widened its activities for peace and prosperity with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka with a scope and depth never seen before. While some narrow minded Indians view China as its number one enemy or potential number one enemy (what a joke! :rofl: ), nobody can deny that Chinese economic engagement with India brings benefit for both countries. Only groups of Indians hating to see these are those of warlords, military expansionists and neo-imperialists, because they’ll have no reason to have their military budget increased.

For those ignorantly believe non-democracy is a soft sport of China, and the rest ought to gang up against China. How naïve and stupid that is! 1) The 21st century has no place for those with pure ideology, except for those exhumed mummies. That is the reason why so-called “democratic alliance” ( of India, Japan, Australia and USA) failed soundlessly. No wiseman will give it a sh!t. 2) Hey, let me explain to you that so-called non-democracy is a strong spot of China. Why? Because a political system has to match with the country’s cultural soil for the system to survive and thrive, and to benefit the people. Chinese democracy is not perfect, as every any other countries, but is growing in a healthy way with right trend. As a matter of fact, the worldwide financial crisis led by democratic beacon USA has made people cast a doubtful eye on democratic capitalism, and start to study seriously command capitalism.

In conclusion, China will not counter USA, and USA is not going to and is unable to contain China. Both are striving for a world called Chimerica, which is also rightly dubbed as G-2, a world where Ying and Yang are rightly balanced by USA, China and other worthy players (I'm not quite sure yet whether India is on the list, sorry).
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^ I think its in US' best interst to learn something from China.

China is very friendly to the Muslim world, and you can read their newspapers and media...the Chinese are not biased against Muslims this places China's image on a better level with the international community especially the Muslim world.

The Chinese are very intelligent people, they know that to get something from the Muslim world, oil gas startegic advantage...you must be friendly to the Muslim world not wage a war like US has...that's one of the reasons China is loved and US is hated by the international community....and China will succeed because of its friendly nature.
China will never be a superpower in the traditional sense.

China would never fight a long strewn out war far away from home. China isn't going to get into any entangling alliances nor will it seek misleading titles such as "Superpower." We aren't going to police the world, impose our beliefs, or tell other people how to run their own nations.

Most Chinese believe in a strict non-interventionist policy and any global armed conflict intervention should be UN-mandated, unless it directly affects China's national security.
China will never be a superpower in the traditional sense.

China would never fight a long strewn out war far away from home. China isn't going to get into any entangling alliances nor will it seek misleading titles such as "Superpower." We aren't going to police the world, impose our beliefs, or tell other people how to run their own nations.

Most Chinese believe in a strict non-interventionist policy and any global armed conflict intervention should be UN-mandated, unless it directly affects China's national security.

That's what most Chinese I've talked to say. China just wants to do their work and work hard, they are not bothered about "superpower" status. Also they dont want war with any country, China is a peace-loving nation.

People don't understand that china does not have expanionist dreams---except just to get some empty uninhabitted land alongwith its borders with russia mongolia.

The future threat would be from india---somewhere in the indian ocean the indian navy would want to take charge of the waters named after them. So, my vote would be for india.
. .

People don't understand that china does not have expanionist dreams---except just to get some empty uninhabitted land alongwith its borders with russia mongolia.
That i dispute. China has consistently shown expansionist tendencies. Whether that be Tibet, Arunachal Pradesh, Spratly's, Russian Land, Mongolia, etc.

And the best part is what they base their claim on-'Historically in China as part of xyz dynasty'.

The future threat would be from india---somewhere in the indian ocean the indian navy would want to take charge of the waters named after them. So, my vote would be for india.
Cant really venture out THAT far! USN is actually encouraging IN to increase their presence, and start taking over responsibility from USN to keep the waters safe.
India has over 35% of its population living below the poverty line, thats more than 350 million people, that's more than America's entire population (rich, middle class, poor) combined. India has a looooooong way.

24.3% and not 35%. And there are about 150 million people living below the poverty line rather than 350 million. Dont make up numbers. You think you can misguide the citizens of a country which you are talking about?.

You would want to believe India has a long way, but that is not the perception the world has. Poverty has nothing to do with Indias military might.

Countering any major power in the world in the future will require an allied efort, no country will be able to counter another in a conventional war because the dynamics of war have changed. To counter China, USA would need India. To counter US, China, India and Russia would do most of the job.
24.3% and not 35%. And there are about 150 million people living below the poverty line rather than 350 million. Dont make up numbers. You think you can misguide the citizens of a country which you are talking about?.

You would want to believe India has a long way, but that is not the perception the world has. Poverty has nothing to do with Indias military might.

Countering any major power in the world in the future will require an allied efort, no country will be able to counter another in a conventional war because the dynamics of war have changed. To counter China, USA would need India. To counter US, China, India and Russia would do most of the job.

Even if the population of Indians living below the poverty line is 24.3% and not 35%, that's more than 240 million people living below the poverty line not 150 million. India has a population of over 1 billion (are you denying that), 24.3% of 1 billion is more than 240 million people...thats almost America's entire population. 240 million people is more than both Pakistan's and Afghanistan's total populations (rich, middle class, poor) combined.

And you Indians keep on dreaming about superpower status...its not the Chinese who are obsessed about superpower status, its Indians who are obsessed about wanting to be superpower, and US is not too worried about India at all because they know its only a dream of Indians.

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