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who can counter israel in future- pakistan ,Egypt ,RSA , Iran.

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Well, well! The US needs only to find a way to co-opt Iran and then .. Ta ..Dah ... the Zionists will have, finally, re-established the long-lost Caliphate! Man, those Zionists are clever!!!
Nyeth - Israelis seem to be more stupid - for not learning lesson from their humiliation at the hands of 1000 fighters of Hizb'Allah, who were able to fight 30,000 IOF soldiers for 34-days!
Nyeth - Israelis seem to be more stupid - for not learning lesson from their humiliation at the hands of 1000 fighters of Hizb'Allah, who were able to fight 30,000 IOF soldiers for 34-days!

Hamas is a Creation of Mossad


Please go away---there was so much loss of life and material for the palestinians and lebanon in the last two skirmishes that that it is incomprehensible that they will acount to anything. In the last skirmishes in lebanon there have been thousands of muslims killed in the conflicts and billions lost in material and property---hizbollah has furhter become a pariah---the western world is more sympathetic to the cause of israel---and now palestine is begging for 2.6 billion dollars.

Israel only uses as much force as it seems neccessary to get the results---only an idiot would believe that a 1000 hezbollah would stop 30000 israeli soldiers---and that idiot must be on hallucinogenic drugs---every israeli incursion has an agenda behind it---every reaction to israeli hegemony is already calculated by the israelis for the results to be twisted around for their benefit---their deceitful acts of weakness are designed to get more potent weaponery from their beloved friends---each and evryone of their moves has a motive behind it---if they let the enemy breathe a lit bit longer doesnot mean that they are being merciful---it means that how much more misery that can be forced upon the underdog---.

You and the likes of you come to this board and start bragging about the hizb---the hizb is acceptable to israel because it allows them to do their thing---EXPANSION---they wait for hizb to launch an attack---israel then carries out massive strikes and alongwith takes a little more land as well---every single time---a slow death by strangulation---the euphoria that the victim gets from asphyxiation (lack of oxygen) makes him feel that he is on a high and feels jubiliated for a moment---not realizing that he is losing his life at the end---one step at a time.
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No need. Palestinians will outbreed the Israelis and the Israelis will eventually have to give them a state.

But the real fight will be over the region's fresh water supply.
do u guys think that pakistan is not strong enuogh....... on 23rd december 2008, the day when indian fighter jets voilated Pakistan airspace, "they were locked down by PAF's F-16's" General kiyani showed the photographs to obama & Kiyani said to him that next time we will shot them down........ & every one can guess that the fighter was IAF's SU-30mki & also every do know that SU-30MKI is much more powerful & lethal then any IsrAeLi jet.... so my point is that our airforce "IS THE BEST" & "SECOND TO NONE"
Its not about quantity or quality. It all boils down to the greates attribute of HUMAN SPIRIT i-e courage. THe 1000 HEZBOLLAH had the courage & there actions has not breeded any contempt from the people who they fought for.
It is always an interesting topic when discussing which nation is more powerful than which. Sort of like when we are kids, and the 'my dad can beat up your dad' topic came up.

Here's my take:

Tier I (super powers):
USA > China > Russia

Tier II (continental powers):
France > UK > India > Pakistan > Israel > ROK > DPRK > Germany > Brazil > Indonesia > Iran > Saudi > Turkey > Italy > Spain > Iraq (or used to be)

Tier III (regional powers):
Egypt > Venezuela
(and a few more...)

Tier IV (national powers):
everybody else
do u guys think that pakistan is not strong enuogh....... on 23rd december 2008, the day when indian fighter jets voilated Pakistan airspace, "they were locked down by PAF's F-16's" General kiyani showed the photographs to obama & Kiyani said to him that next time we will shot them down........ & every one can guess that the fighter was IAF's SU-30mki & also every do know that SU-30MKI is much more powerful & lethal then any IsrAeLi jet.... so my point is that our airforce "IS THE BEST" & "SECOND TO NONE"

:oops::oops: i was not knowing this. Thanks a ton ton to you!
i read in some articles that we already beaten Israelis in air combat field in 1967 & 1973 Arab-Israel war by Russians old jets to advance jets of Israel.Pakistan is potential to destroy Israel
we don't wanna any counter with israel its totally not our problim . let any super muslim state wanna do . we have much home made problims if we get out from our mess i thank full to god.whats israel for us nothing just a country.
we don't wanna any counter with israel its totally not our problim . let any super muslim state wanna do . we have much home made problims if we get out from our mess i thank full to god.whats israel for us nothing just a country.

Why is that u alone tend to post some sane posts or is it just me thinking so.
Pakistan has its own problems(terrorism,power shortage,water shortage,illiteracy,infrastructure etc) to think of before going to destroy Israel or thinking abt the Arab's problems wich they themselves are not willing to solve..
Pakistan and turkey iin future.
and if iran got nukes then they are also

Pakistan need a strong air force and turkey already has a strong air force
LOL at Pakistanis trying to counter Israel..Dude look at your own country.It is deep in loans..was almost bankrupt..there are daily bombings but no you have lick arab's *** and try to counter Israel.
do u guys think that pakistan is not strong enuogh....... on 23rd december 2008, the day when indian fighter jets voilated Pakistan airspace, "they were locked down by PAF's F-16's" General kiyani showed the photographs to obama & Kiyani said to him that next time we will shot them down........ & every one can guess that the fighter was IAF's SU-30mki & also every do know that SU-30MKI is much more powerful & lethal then any IsrAeLi jet.... so my point is that our airforce "IS THE BEST" & "SECOND TO NONE"

The jet was a Mig-29 and not a su-30.Moreover it had not entered Pakistani airspace and it was clarified by zardari himself.
Pakistan has tackled Israel very well before and it understood what we are about.

1967 Arab-Israeli 'Six-Day' War

RJAF and PAF were flying under a joint command. Flt. Lt. Saiful Azam became the only pilot from the Arab side to have shot down 3 IDF/AF aircraft within 72 hours and also the only pilot to have shot down 3 different aircraft types of the IDF/AF. He was, subsequently, decorated by Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Pakistan.[19]

1973 Arab-Israeli 'Yom Kippur' War

During the war 16 PAF pilots volunteered to go to the Middle East in order to support Egypt and Syria but by the time they arrived, Egypt had already been pushed into a ceasefire. Syria remained in a state of war against Israel.

On 23 October 1973, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. M. Hatif on deputation to Egyptian Air Force (EAF) was flying a EAF MiG-21 in a defensive combat air patrol (CAP) over Egypt when he was vectored towards an intruding Israeli Air Force (IDF/AF) F-4 Phantom. In the ensuing dogfight, Flt. Lt. M. Hatif shot down the Israeli Phantom.

Eight PAF pilots started flying out of Syrian Airbases; they formed the A-flight of 67 Squadron at Dumayr Airbase. The Pakistani pilots flew Syrian MiG-21 aircraft conducting CAP missions for the Syrians.

On 26 April 1974, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. Sattar Alvi on deputation to No. 67 Squadron, Syrian Air Force (SAF) was flying a SAF MiG-21FL Fishbed (Serial No. 1863) out of Dumayr Air Base, Syria in a two-ship formation with a fellow PAF pilot and the Flight Leader, Sqn. Ldr. Arif Manzoor. The Ground Controller, also a PAF officer, Sqn. Ldr. Salim Metla, vectored the two PAF pilots to a formation of 2 Israeli Air Force Mirage IIICJs and 2 F-4 Phantoms that had intruded into Syrian airspace over the Golan Heights. In the engagement that took place at 1532 hours, Flt. Lt. Sattar Alvi shot down an Israeli Mirage IIICJ using his MiG-21's R(K)-13 Air-to-Air Missile. The pilot of the downed Israeli Mirage was Capt. M. Lutz of No. 5 Air Wing, who ejected. The remaining Israeli fighters aborted the mission. The 2 IAF Mirage IIICJs were from Hatzor AFB and the 2 IAF F-4 Phantoms were from No. 1 Air Wing, Ramat David AFB, Israel.

Flt. Lt. A. Sattar Alvi became the first Pakistani pilot, during the Yom Kippur War, to shoot down an Israeli Mirage in air combat.He was honored by the Syrian government. Other aerial encounters involved Israeli F-4 Phantoms; Pakistan Air Force did not lose a single pilot or aircraft during this war.

And read this great story here. Israel wanted to strike pakistan nuclear sites but got cold feet when Pakistan said it would respond in the most brutal manner.

Through indirect channels, Pakistan had also conveyed the message to Israel, if Kahuta was attacked, Pakistan would lay waste to Dimona, Israel’s nuclear reactor in the Negev Desert.

Wings Over Chagai - A Story of Israel's Threat to Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal - Grande Strategy
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