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Who are Sri Lanka’s close allies?

title of the thread is not appropriate. 'Who is sri lanka's probable enemy if there is any ' would be more appropriate. . And we all know the answer... If srilanka is attacked ever, it would be by india.

Why would India ever in their right frame of mind attack a tiny island called Sri Lanka? We've gotta see our reputation as a 'peace loving country' in international community. As some Sri Lankan member said End of Sri Lanka would be end of India.

We're not China who would attack Vietnam. Plus we're not as powerful as them yet so we can challenge US. Wait 10-20 years. :)
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, Afghanistan and China must set up a military alliance.

India is evil. We must fight them.

Deleted User is right. India's end will come!

lol :lol: :D

Of-course I am just joking :lol:
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, Afghanistan and China must set up a military alliance.

India is evil. We must fight them.

Deleted User is right. India's end will come!

lol :lol: :D

Of-course I am just joking :lol:

TDU stop putting ideas into thier heads mate!
Unless Sri Lanka brings to book the murderers who massacred thousands of innocent people of Indian origin, India will not be an ally. You can keep shaking hands with Pakistan and China all you want, it will not do you any good. Pakistan is in no position to help you as it can hardly help itself. China is too far away and is more worried about the goings on in its precious South and East China Sea to be of any assistance to you beyond the occasional statement in the media. So, there you are Mr Lankan Ranger, isn't that the response you were looking for?

BTW, I always thought that Rangers were Americans..... you know, Texas Rangers....US Marshals etc, remember the wild west? Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid?. So they have Special Forces now on those traditions. What is your excuse?
Unless Sri Lanka brings to book the murderers who massacred thousands of innocent people of Indian origin, India will not be an ally. You can keep shaking hands with Pakistan and China all you want, it will not do you any good. Pakistan is in no position to help you as it can hardly help itself. China is too far away and is more worried about the goings on in its precious South and East China Sea to be of any assistance to you beyond the occasional statement in the media. So, there you are Mr Lankan Ranger, isn't that the response you were looking for?

BTW, I always thought that Rangers were Americans..... you know, Texas Rangers....US Marshals etc, remember the wild west? Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid?. So they have Special Forces now on those traditions. What is your excuse?

Exactly. Srilanka can have alliance with any country they like,but do remember that when s*** hits the fan(like the 2004 Tsunami) they will be thousands of miles away while India is less than 100 miles away.SL should keep that in mind when trying anything 'funny' against India

Not necessarily. There is a UK football team named Rangers.

Canada also has Rangers.
Canadian Rangers | Army Life | Canadian Army | National Defence and the Canadian Forces

yes, so you googled. Good, but you will agree that the word 'Rangers' originated in the US wild west in the middle 18th century when the 'West' was being 'reclaimed' from the 'heathen' and 'pagan' indigenous people and Americans with means looking for the opportunity grabbed monstrous pieces of land and established ranges or cattle ranches. The Texas Rangers were among the first organised law keepers in this lawless land. Canadian rangers were nowhere in sight at this point of time.
I think now Sri Lanka's close allies are China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia & Maldives. now our ties growing fast with these countries
yes, so you googled. Good, but you will agree that the word 'Rangers' originated in the US wild west in the middle 18th century when the 'West' was being 'reclaimed' from the 'heathen' and 'pagan' indigenous people and Americans with means looking for the opportunity grabbed monstrous pieces of land and established ranges or cattle ranches. The Texas Rangers were among the first organised law keepers in this lawless land. Canadian rangers were nowhere in sight at this point of time.

Google is my best friend ;)

But yes, you are right about the origins of the Rangers.
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, Afghanistan and China must set up a military alliance.

India is evil. We must fight them.

Deleted User is right. India's end will come!

lol :lol: :D

Of-course I am just joking :lol:

TDU stop putting ideas into thier heads mate!

Ah, things get too serious around here at times. Jokes are good. :)
title of the thread is not appropriate. 'Who is sri lanka's probable enemy if there is any ' would be more appropriate. . And we all know the answer... If srilanka is attacked ever, it would be by india.

this is why he wrote those lines. It is normal by any patriotic citizen to say so. That doesnt mean you have to make fun of this.

no man,india wont attack.There is so much business oppurtunity there right from small restaurers,to tourism to big businesses to products.why would we ever do that.This is what we want to do with pakistan also.

---------- Post added 08-30-2011 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-29-2011 at 11:58 PM ----------

I think now Sri Lanka's close allies are China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia & Maldives. now our ties growing fast with these countries

Dont be naive man,there are no permanenet friends or enemies in international politics.Only interests and oppurtunity,leverage the ebst u can.
Exactly. Srilanka can have alliance with any country they like,but do remember that when s*** hits the fan(like the 2004 Tsunami) they will be thousands of miles away while India is less than 100 miles away.SL should keep that in mind when trying anything 'funny' against India


This is what I said before, India is worrying about the countries we're dealing with. Some countries could be Indian's competitors or enemies but Sri Lanka doesn't have issues with those countries.
This is what I said before, India is worrying about the countries we're dealing with. Some countries could be Indian's competitors or enemies but Sri Lanka doesn't have issues with those countries.

You didnt get his point. He meant in case of Tsunami, your only hope of rescue is India, being closest. Whereas other countries you are fond of are miles away !
This is what I said before, India is worrying about the countries we're dealing with. Some countries could be Indian's competitors or enemies but Sri Lanka doesn't have issues with those countries.

Better to be prepared I think.
Sorry to Say this, I see some comments from our closest neighbours country saying we massacred innocents killed them blah blah,
Honestly, yea honestly you have been watching too much propaganda videos maybe from Channel 4 maybe, those innocent people whom you think are killed by the rebels,
Wonder how many children some monks in temples, muslims while praying, where shot by the rebels.?? My dear neighbour, you have been taken for a ride, Even If India and Sri Lanka are allies, dont forget its this kind of thinking certain Indian politicians have that will bring Chaos between us.

Finally answering the question from what I have known, I would say Pakistan is a major ally, coming 2nd with China, Iran is a major trade partner and at one point even discussing future nuclear plants.

This can also be easily seen from the military hardware the Sri Lankan defence has. Like the artilleries, training, etc from Pakistan and Tanks and certain from PROC

No offence but from what came to light about Indian hardware was the 2D doppler did let us down when the lttes flying tractor tried to bomb us and had technical deficiencies, someone please correct me if Im wrong here.

Finally its not too far when the sh*t hits the fan as recent says that USS F-18s flew over Sri Lankan air space.
Thats when we will see our other real allies.

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