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Who are Pakistan's good friends in the Future?

Max The Boss

Jan 29, 2009
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Who are Pakistan's good friends in the Future?

Who are Pakistan’s good friends in the Future? There are plenty of countries Pakistan has business with in economic and defense ties. Pakistan continually promoting friendly relations with Asian countries.

I ranked top 8 countries who I consider Pakistan's good friends in Asia in the future.

China – Fastest growing economic & defense relations with Pakistan.
Sri Lanka - Fastest growing economic & defense relations with Pakistan.
India – For now not sure, may be in the future relations may become normal.
Bangladesh – limited economic & defense relations with Pakistan.
Nepal – limited economic & defense relations with Pakistan.
Maldives – limited economic & defense relations with Pakistan.
Myanmar - Fastest growing economic & defense relations with Pakistan.
Iran - Fastest growing economic relations with Pakistan.

Comments are welcome.
what do u think when Pakistan's economy will be around 1 Trillion??? Be Honest pls
Here's my list of Pakistan's friends (in no particular order):

1. China
2. Sri Lanka
3. Turkey
4. Saudi Arabia
5. Iran
6. USA (even though there's lots of mistrust from most Pakistanis towards USA)
7. European Union
8. U.K.

In the future, Bangladesh might become another good friend of Pakistan. I would say every South Asian country will become a good friend of Pakistan except India, because India doesn't even want to talk about the Kashmir issue.
I think pakistan must emphize more on iran and KSA then USA or eu nation or even turkey. my ranking is

1. China
2. Iran
3. KSA
4. France
5. Malaysia
6. North Korea
7. UK
8. Afghanistan

I don't think we even should care about USA. Their friendship always cost us more then what we expect or spend. We can see many times, like 1971, 84, 99, and so o on.. similarly dealings of Cold War, F16, or War on terror or anything else. & in the end you give them full support and they divert towards india,, History is there, when ever there is a visit of south asia, US representatives stay more in india then pakistan, when it comes to required military they ask india, when it comes to nuclear deal then they even don't consider Pakistan. I don't think USA is capable of having friendship with us.

Also, there is another question to be asked, who is pakistan's friend inside pakistani politics?
I think pakistan must emphize more on iran and KSA then USA or eu nation or even turkey. my ranking is

1. China
2. Iran
3. KSA
4. France
5. Malaysia
6. North Korea
7. UK
8. Afghanistan

Afghanistan? Are you nuts? Afghanistan is the country that's hoisting the leader of the BLA. Afghanistan and India are causing problems for Pakistan and both countries are supporting BLA against Pakistan. Never trust Karzai.
Future friends of Pakistan can be (irrespective of order):

1, China
2, Russia
3, KSA
4, Bangladesh
5, Srilanka
6, Turkey
7, Germany
8, France
You guys have ignored Azerbaijan. I know many Azeris who love Pakistan a lot because of our help in their fight against Armenia. Believe, when an Azeri knows I am a Pakistan they can't help thanking us for our support. I have found here that Turks love Pakistan a lot like no other nation. But Azeris are no less than Turks for their love of Pakistan. And we all know that Azerbaijan is also energy rich country. They have a very goodwill for Pakistan and we should build on this.
Afghanistan? Are you nuts? Afghanistan is the country that's hoisting the leader of the BLA. Afghanistan and India are causing problems for Pakistan and both countries are supporting BLA against Pakistan. Never trust Karzai.

lolzz... i knew somebody (who don't know me) going to point out.. i meant Afghanistan's Taliban, not stupid karzai... they are the key to removal of BLA and TTP from Pakistan. Also, 54% of Afghanistan is still under taliban..

Also agree with The Patriot, we all missed central asia.. who could be very helpful in developing pakistan.
Well i would say Pakistan's friend is just Pakistan and Pakistan alone. You see we Pakistanis need to understand something there is not such thing as being friends, it all comes down to self interests. Those your interests match with become your friends(US,China,Iran etc) and those your interests differ with becomes your enemies(India,Israel). So it all comes down to interest.
I believe there are no permanent friends or foes.
1) China
2) Sri Lanka
3) Turkey
4) KSA
5) UAE
6) Germany
7) France
8) Iran
9) Central Asian Republics
10) Brazil & South Africa
11) Bangladesh, Nipal, Bhutan and Myanmar (did i missed any from that region?)
12) Not to mention about Malaysia

Only these
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Well i would say Pakistan's friend is just Pakistan and Pakistan alone. You see we Pakistanis need to understand something there is not such thing as being friends, it all comes down to self interests. Those your interests match with become your friends(US,China,Iran etc) and those your interests differ with becomes your enemies(India,Israel). So it all comes down to interest.
I believe there are no permanent friends or foes.
I tend to agree with IceCold - There is no such thing as good or bad friend. There is no such thing as even friend.
relations are defined by interests, trade and security and not necessarily in that order though they maybe intertwined.
Srilanka's recent successes against Tamil rebels in which the iconic rebel leader Vellubhai Prabhakaran was exterminated, also marks the end of the insurgency fueled by India and India based Tamils, was due to Pakistan lending its support to SriLanka in the offensive to root out this decades long pestilence
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My list is
7)South Africa
8)Sri lanka
Germans and Yankees are only fare weather friends (french are friends of coffers)
You guys have ignored Azerbaijan. I know many Azeris who love Pakistan a lot because of our help in their fight against Armenia. Believe, when an Azeri knows I am a Pakistan they can't help thanking us for our support. I have found here that Turks love Pakistan a lot like no other nation. But Azeris are no less than Turks for their love of Pakistan. And we all know that Azerbaijan is also energy rich country. They have a very goodwill for Pakistan and we should build on this.

MashAllah bhai excellent post great point.

Not only Azerbaijan, but I personally love Bosnia.

Pakistan/Kashmir must pursue greater relationship with Bosnia, we ought to support their defense capability, open and free trade, tourism between the two countries (Bosnia-Pakistan/Kashmir), establish stronger political, diplomatic, strategic, economic, and military ties with Bosnia.

Bosnia is a very important Muslim country in Europe.
Pakistan's greatest friend and enemy is Pakistan itself. If you are strong you will have more countries willing to forge closer ties with you.
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