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Whites to Become Minority in USA in 30 Years

Yes. If it comes to armed revolt by gangs of hooligans and general lawlessness as you imply with "who has the guns will rule", the National guard of the state it is happening would step in.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They intensity and severity of the attacks has only increased with the time.

I meant such incidents will go on a rise by the Whites and the Blacks and the Party, who would become more confident with the numbers in their favour. I again say that once the superiority of numbers is lost, chaos would be more prevalent in the American society more than ever before since Whites have always been the Majority since the inception of US.

Sure, sounds legit. You must be the expert.

Before you run off to make conclusions, Jewish population is 1.7%, Hindu is 0.5%.

The can live in exclusively Gated Communities and very well afford them unlike the rest.

Only a Fool would think that a White Minority US would be able to function as it does today.

You seriously under estimate the internal decay and its effects. Check the rise of Muslims in any society in History and the resulting situation.

It would be another civilizational fault!
Yeah and more economic flight from those areas. Hispanic towns are seldom economic powerhouses.

There is not going to be a Baby Boom for the Whites again. They would have to go in Power Sharing with the Blacks and the Party at every level.
List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They intensity and severity of the attacks has only increased with the time.

I meant such incidents will go on a rise by the Whites and the Blacks and the Party, who would become more confident with the numbers in their favour. I again say that once the superiority of numbers is lost, chaos would be more prevalent in the American society more than ever before since Whites have always been the Majority since the inception of US.

The can live in exclusively Gated Communities and very well afford them unlike the rest.

Only a Fool would think that a White Minority US would be able to function as it does today.

You seriously under estimate the internal decay and its effects. Check the rise of Muslims in any society in History and the resulting situation.

It would be another civilizational fault!

So, if I understand correctly, you from India managed to judge that no whites live in gated communities and spun it off further with a statement they cant afford it. You also managed to connect school shootings with rising influence of hispanics? You're quite the detective.

Here's a little bit of math for you:


200 million white people. You are blabbering, also within the projections that your own article suggest it is implied whites will stay a dominant category, not higher in number then rest of the ethnicities combined but higher in number individually.

I personally think you are just another Indian that wishes the demise of the white man. You wouldn't be the first.
So, if I understand correctly, you from India managed to judge that no whites live in gated communities and spun it off further with a statement they cant afford it. You also managed to connect school shootings with rising influence of hispanics? You're quite the detective.

Whites will still remain the No. 1 in absolute numbers. Can all whites afford to live like that?

I did not even touch the Mall Shootings, the Gangsters, Rappers Culture and the general Violent Culture of the US.

Perhaps, you did not ponder over all my points.
If that is the case then it is not a time of chest thumping for the Asians . It is because most of the top minds land up in the US while the so called below par ones remain in Asia .
After being in America slowly and gradually a person adopts their culture and if not everyone then most of them adopt the citizenship of America .
The ones with more guns will rule the streets of America. :lol:

You can't match the Cartels at that!

What a Bull!! The institutions of America are very strong and will remain that way in the times to come and they will do what ever is needed for the security of Americans. A few economic jolts and stupid predictions like one group becoming a minority is not gonna change any thing. America has been a land of opportunities, land of science and tech, land of inventions and it will remain so and the reason for it - the supportive environment. Also even if there are illegal immigrants in the land but still America attracts the best and the illegals are involved in doing menial/low skill jobs but the shots at the highest level are played by best of the best.

Regarding Cartels - The institutions in America are strong enough to take care of any cartels and are capable enough of handling people wielding guns in the streets.

Regarding guns - The govt is working to correct the issue. There is a push for changes to 2nd amendment rights and it will be sorted out in the near term. So stop acting like a jerk!!

Btw, more gun wielding extremists rules the cities in Africa, South Asia, Central Asia, Middle east and many other places of the world and I for see chances of their becoming more extremists in future as their resources go down and then you will see people cutting each others throats for a piece of bread or a loaf of meat. America is resource rich country and resource rich countries like Australia as an ally.

Lastly, even if whites became a minority in future still people who believe in American institutions, American freedom and American way of life will be in majority. Stupid cartels and people with guns on the streets hurting people are handled much better here than any where else in the world today and it will remain the same in future. It is America you are talking about not some law less nation.
Whites will still remain the No. 1 in absolute numbers. Can all whites afford to live like that?

Show me a country where 200 million can afford to live in gated communities.

I did not even touch the Mall Shootings, the Gangsters, Rappers Culture and the general Violent Culture of the US.

Perhaps, you did not ponder over all my points.

I did, it's BS. I'm still stuck on how you managed to connect population data about whites and mall shootings. You can there after explain it in regards to rapper culture and gangsters.
Show me a country where 200 million can afford to live in gated communities.

Hindus and Jews constitute few millions compared to Whites. They can safeguard their interests far better than the Whites on the streets in a chaos. That is my point after all. :lol:

I did, it's BS. I'm still stuck on how you managed to connect population data about whites and mall shootings. You can there after explain it in regards to rapper culture and gangsters.

There is a correlation between decline of White Population (as a % of Total Population) and the increase in such incidents in the future and I have already outlined all the reasons in my previous posts.

A small example:

Hindus and Jews constitute few millions compared to Whites. They can safeguard their interests far better than the Whites on the streets in a chaos. That is my point after all. :lol:

You're a little idiot. You think all Jews and Hindus live in mansions?
Furthermore in regards to Hindu's, aren't they only from the upper castes, therefore coming to the US already well educated and more equipped to succeed? And as such can provide their own children better education that the masses, they be white, brown, yellow, black?

There is a correlation between decline of White Population (as a % of Total Population) and the increase in such incidents in the future and I have already outlined all the reasons in my previous posts.

A small example:


What have you outlined? You put forth the one piece of solid data in your OP, that is the US census report and you have been sucking it dry with conjecture and illusions about how Hindus live like kings. Please.....

Also, what's with this worthless example? In a previous post you talked about school shootings in the US in relation to decline of white population, afaik none of the shooters was a Muslim.

more hard data for you to digest:


Article is from 2012 so my guess is that it's pretty valid even though stats are from 2007/8.

You're a little idiot. You think all Jews and Hindus live in mansions?

Networking is Robust at the Upper Anarchy for both. A Single Digit Million vs. 200 Million. Big Difference!

Furthermore in regards to Hindu's, aren't they only from the upper castes, therefore coming to the US already well educated and more equipped to succeed? And as such can provide their own children better education that the masses, they be white, brown, yellow, black?

I think you should retire from the castes narrative, as you people never understood nor will ever.

A Good part of People who came had nothing to begin with. They built on their own capability.

What have you outlined? You put forth the one piece of solid data in your OP, that is the US census report and you have been sucking it dry with conjecture and illusions about how Hindus live like kings. Please.....

You are deviating from the topic by dragging Hindus. The Ball is in the court of the Whites.

Also, what's with this worthless example? In a previous post you talked about school shootings in the US in relation to decline of white population, afaik none of the shooters was a Muslim.

You need to go again to my posts. Keyword: Frustrated White Minority. The Other Party is already accustomed to that. The Guns have always been there. However, it would come out far more frequently than ever before only when the above projection occurs. The accumulated culture would cause far more harm than what if they would have not been present.
Networking is Robust at the Upper Anarchy for both. A Single Digit Million vs. 200 Million. Big Difference!

Only true for the Jews. Show me any other minority in a disproportionate quantity to the share of population, but the blacks.

I think you should retire from the castes narrative, as you people never understood nor will ever.

Institutionalized repression. That assures that certain members of society are always down in the gutter. Disguised in a theory of reincarnation with the lowest member gladly accepting it as his fate being on the bottom and that it's part of life cycles. What understanding am i missing?

A Good part of People who came had nothing to begin with. They built on their own capability.

Maybe, maybe not. Not dismissing the capability but the "nothing to begin with".

You are deviating from the topic by dragging Hindus. The Ball is in the court of the Whites.

You brought it up with gated communities, not me. I agree on the ball in the court, though projections all show that immigrant natality drops in line with the average. The deviating factor are immigrations.

You need to go again to my posts. Keyword: Frustrated White Minority. The Other Party is already accustomed to that. The Guns have always been there. However, it would come out far more frequently than ever before only when the above projection occurs. The accumulated culture would cause far more harm than what if they would have not been present.

You can in no way prove the school shotings in the US are a result of a disgruntled white population due to immigration.
The ones with more guns will rule the streets of America. :lol:

You can't match the Cartels at that!
How many tanks do the cartels have? I think you vastly under-estimate how well armed we are.
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