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White Woman Works as Dishwasher in Hong Kong

Hahaha, stop with your BS man. Its easy to talk BS, you know jack sh!t of what Indians want and your claiming like it is the universal truth haha just makes you look stupid. I dont even have to lie about it. May be the backward people in villages want to become a European and thats cause of the living standards and nothing else. There are many Indians who are fair looking if you dint know.

BTW of your race? haha please cut the crap and how is white race more better? I personally think being an African is better they are stronger than anybody else on this planet.

But since you live in a bubble I do not think I can have any meaningful conversation with you.

Thanks for proving my point, bubba.
I honestly don't understand what's the big deal, many "white" work at labor level, do you know what Swede is famous for? Au Pair
I am non-white, half Asian, half Mexican, yet I had British butler and swede au pair serving our family almost all the time.
To be honest, I am pretty interested on hiring French maid too, ooh la la
exactly, not worth to be a big news. Travel to Germany and see how many poor Whites are homeless and sleep on the streets. Since the European economy went downhill, many Europeans are getting poorer as they used to be. Desperate workers from Eastern and Southern Europe populate construction sites looking for jobs. Even the Germans are considering laws aimed to limit poor immigrants from East Europe.

You got a butler? oh man. By the way as for maid, try to hire a girl from Romania. I had one applied for au-pair taking care of my kids, I tell you she was HOT (unfortunately my wife refused). :p
exactly, not worth to be a big news. Travel to Germany and see how many poor Whites are homeless and sleep on the streets. Since the European economy went downhill, many Europeans are getting poorer as they used to be. Desperate workers from Eastern and Southern Europe populate construction sites looking for jobs. Even the Germans are considering laws aimed to limit poor immigrants from East Europe.

You got a butler? oh man. By the way as for maid, try to hire a girl from Romania. I had one applied for au-pair taking care of my kids, I tell you she was HOT (unfortunately my wife refused). :p

Where I live, they have blonde girl working as a cleaner in the mall, she looks damn fine too

Speaking of Europe, you know the news of "blonde angel" the blonde girl that was raise by the Greek family because the girl's burglarian mother gave her up to her boss, you can snatch a white girl blue eyes for next to nothing in country like Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Chezh and Ukarian. Those people is of another league than the rest of Europe

Yeah, I used to have a butler for our mansion in Hong Kong, and Romanian girl is hot, but I can hardly understand them....
Yeah, I used to have a butler for our mansion in Hong Kong, and Romanian girl is hot, but I can hardly understand them....

You mean those "汁屎"? I heard that they are causing a lot of troubles in Europe. They even burnt down an ancient castle from a country in Balkans.
You mean those "汁屎"? I heard that they are causing a lot of troubles in Europe. They even burnt down an ancient castle from a country in Balkans.

Butler hardly do anything, they work the maid, I think you mean "ah four"
Gypsies are Roma, long lost cousins of the Indians.

In some shows you see them mentioned as Romani people, but that's not the same as Romanian people.
I know, but mostly they are nationals of Romania.
exactly, not worth to be a big news. Travel to Germany and see how many poor Whites are homeless and sleep on the streets. Since the European economy went downhill, many Europeans are getting poorer as they used to be. Desperate workers from Eastern and Southern Europe populate construction sites looking for jobs. Even the Germans are considering laws aimed to limit poor immigrants from East Europe.

You got a butler? oh man. By the way as for maid, try to hire a girl from Romania. I had one applied for au-pair taking care of my kids, I tell you she was HOT (unfortunately my wife refused). :p

Asia is not Europe. If you have many homeless whites on an Asian Street in Asia then that's big News.
Gypsies are Roma, long lost cousins of the Indians.

In some shows you see them mentioned as Romani people, but that's not the same as Romanian people.

Indeed, child kidnappers and rapists and beggars and the like, all of Indian ancestry.

No surprise there. Send them back!
Gypsie were not a native of Romania, as audio pointed out, they were called Romani, I think it mean "the roaming people" in the old language

There are gypsie around the world, not just in Romania

I know, but mostly they are nationals of Romania.
Gypsie were not a native of Romania, as audio pointed out, they were called Romani, I think it mean "the roaming people" in the old language

There are gypsie around the world, not just in Romania

'Native' is a ambiguous term when Humans through out history have been mobile. Gypsies have migrated a 1000 years ago to Europe, they should by now considered 'natives' of Europe. I agree that Gypsies do get involved in stealing, and human trafficking etc..., however, the problem lies with European governments that follow negative policies towards Gypsies that is preventing Gypsies from full integration. A clear case of racism at state level.
however, the problem lies with European governments that follow negative policies towards Gypsies that is preventing Gypsies from full integration. A clear case of racism at state level.


We don't have an absurd enough smily yet to pin it together with this.....
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