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While Indians look up to China, the Chinese look down on India

LOL, the data for slaves are not compiled by Chinese. :omghaha:

Culturally, corruption and scams are more widespread in India. A staggering 30% of your lawmakers have pending criminal lawsuits against them :rofl:

considering you are the country that has to walk lock step with what the CCP tells you, act like they want you, read what they deem for you...who would be the slaves then?
The real slaves? The one country that has 1/3 of the world's poverty. :rofl:

CCP sure did a better job in uplifting the lives of chinese, hence, they have our trust. The result speaks for itself.
comprehension has never been you guys strong suite.

I never claimed to not being an Indian- I'm an Indian in blood, race and heritage. But again I don't expect you to comprehend what that means vs. what is my country is or my loyalty as a citizen lies - well given the seditious nature of you lot in the US, I guess we can understand why.

Now- the article shows average people in India do not care about china- which I agree, hence I was asking how come the header? ( not to you , but as a discussion point).

and since the other claim on header is that Chinese look down on India , as in not concerned as a strategy . I quoted my article showing differently.

Actually, the article shows that average people in India has an opinion about China. Where as most China do not noticed India.

Your article shows that a professor care about India. That is it.
I've always looked down on Indians as an uncivilised species.

They do the most vile and disgusting things of any race. Indians and Africans are in the lower end of the human evolutionary cycle than other races.

The Indians rape like animals, pour acid on women if they refuse sex, adults defecate WORSE than animals, the most corrupt mammals on earth, dump rubbish on the streets, touch women's private parts while walking on the streets, arrogant, they smell like curry and their women's genitals apparently smell like dead fish because of their curry munching habits, they have an IQ of only 82, they are religious radicals that worship cows and other imaginary things, etc.

I have yet to see an Indian that I would like. They are all pretty disgusting to me. I wouldn't go to India if they paid me $1 trillion.

We have problems in our country but nothing, I mean nothing, comes close to the staggering problems India has. India is pretty much a failed state and even worse they are a failed society.

This is why when people say India might rival China, I laugh because they don't realise the sick and twisted behaviour of Indians and their uncivilised nature. They are incredibly dumb too.

Sorry to be so harsh but we have to be honest here and say what we really think instead of sugar coating it.

Yes, most Chinese look down upon Indians. Why? Because India is a defeated nation in our eyes!

Nope. We are not interested in eating live raw monkey brain, eggs cooked in urine, dog meat, cockroaches, and baby meat soup.

No, it's not true. Nobody eats baby meat soup or cockroaches. You already did a smear campaign about pet owners in china, you have no more credibility left. Look, I too can dig up some crap about india and start smearing Indians, but we have higher ethical standard.

Smear campaign? What that creature Destro posted above is smear campaign, what I have posted are all facts that I can backed with multiple links, if you want then I can post videos also, but that would be really disgusting to watch. You want proof of which of the items I have mentioned above?

And such nonsense deserves suitable reply. The thread title was also modified; "look down" my foot.
Well, I haven't!! Plz quote me in such threads.

I have seen many Indians criticizing US and Russia, yet to see any Pakistani criticizing Chinese even for valid reasons like hanging chinese flag in mosques, banning ramadan fasting, etc. Do quote me if you find any. :)

And don't go silent, i want to know your opinion on these issues @Hafizzz bhai. :)

Arre, I have not noticed that yet till you pointed out. They have criticized Musharraf, Zardari, Sharif, Kayani, Malala, Taliban, Shia even ISI and their own PDF members also, but never a Chinese member....NO NEVER NA...
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Nice link. perhaps because you altered the header

That is not looking up, it is called being pragmatic. Throughout the article it shows pragmatic and peaceful nature of its citizenry.

On the other hand Indians rather have west looking at them .

HOWEVER by west looking this what was said

Of course, the "American" comes to save the day for India...


another Chinese, Götterdämmerung, using a Chinese retailer Mr wang under the direction of the CCP- to tell the world about the Chinese figures and stats. :P

we all know how honest the various Mr.wang's are in their country about submiiting real economic figures. maybe they are more honest in retail.

Patel, I didn't know that the last name of an individual is an indication of his/her honesty.

It is pretty interesting though, that every single study we've seen here today, shows the Chinese to be taller than the genetically stunted Indians.

Short, ugly, and overly timid, so much so that you have to pretend to be one of my people.

I've always looked down on Indians as an uncivilised species.

They do the most vile and disgusting things of any race. Indians and Africans are in the lower end of the human evolutionary cycle than other races.

The Indians rape like animals, pour acid on women if they refuse sex, adults defecate WORSE than animals, the most corrupt mammals on earth, dump rubbish on the streets, touch women's private parts while walking on the streets, arrogant, they smell like curry and their women's genitals apparently smell like dead fish because of their curry munching habits, they have an IQ of only 82, they are religious radicals that worship cows and other imaginary things, etc.

I have yet to see an Indian that I would like. They are all pretty disgusting to me. I wouldn't go to India if they paid me $1 trillion.

We have problems in our country but nothing, I mean nothing, comes close to the staggering problems India has. India is pretty much a failed state and even worse they are a failed society.

This is why when people say India might rival China, I laugh because they don't realise the sick and twisted behaviour of Indians and their uncivilised nature. They are incredibly dumb too.

Sorry to be so harsh but we have to be honest here and say what we really think instead of sugar coating it.

Yes, most Chinese look down upon Indians. Why? Because India is a defeated nation in our eyes!

Wow, haven't seen such an honest a$$ kicking in a looong time.

Almost spit out my morning coffee onto the keyboard.
comprehension has never been you guys strong suite.

I never claimed to not being an Indian- I'm an Indian in blood, race and heritage. But again I don't expect you to comprehend what that means vs. what is my country is or my loyalty as a citizen lies - well given the seditious nature of you lot in the US, I guess we can understand why.

Now- the article shows average people in India do not care about china- which I agree, hence I was asking how come the header? ( not to you , but as a discussion point).

and since the other claim on header is that Chinese look down on India , as in not concerned as a strategy . I quoted my article showing differently.

Hahahaha!! So much for "heritage does not matter you barnyard animal".

Go back home, you belong with YOUR kin.

After @Götterdämmerung @fast @by78 we have another false flag Chinese @American_Millenium who btw can't even spell the word millennium correctly :lol:

Yea because every American is a false-flagging troll, unless they consider Indians to be their brethren (a minority under 1%, easily).

Hey Apu, change that location flag, false flagger.
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Arre, I have not noticed that yet till you pointed out. They have criticized Musharraf, Zardari, Sharif, Kayani, Malala, Taliban, Shia even ISI and their own PDF members also, but never a Chinese member....NO NEVER NA...

Matter of survival!! :) Just see, he stopped replying when I asked him about his opinion on acts like hanging chinese flag inside mosques, banning ramadan fasting, etc. He won't reply or will give a diplomatic answer. :)
Hahahaha!! So much for "heritage does not matter you barnyard animal".

Go back home, you belong with YOUR kin.

Yea because every American is a false-flagging troll, unless they consider Indians to be their brethren (a minority under 1%, easily).

Hey Apu, change that location flag, false flagger.

Stop it dude. We know what you are. A mandarin dumbfuck !
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