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which side is guilty in the west and Islamic Republic conflict ?

Islamic republic of Iran is WRONG!
Because it wants to wipe off the nation such as Israel from the map - why?
first of all, indeed ahamdinejad said that. but it appears your source didn't wanted to tell the you the rest of his speech, he added by a democratic plan, in an free election for people who are originally from this land, Muslim, Jewish and Christians.

you should answer what's wrong with this plan ?
cause US will loose his self created poppet?!
blah blah blah...

it's going on...

don't try my brothers they can't understand...

they dont want to undrestand,thats what their are told to do...to deny anything that is not said by US media and agree with what they say without question...

such a bad lifestyle...
For me a terrorist is someone who kills innocent people(from either side).
Why not fight against soldiers and try to kill them?
Never heard that Hamas killed soldiers in a fight,only civilians.
first of all, iran is world's biggest victim of terrorism, 70k of Iranian civilian have been killed by Mujahadeen-e-Khalq terrorism group since 1979 and Iranian revolution. this group has been supported by US and other western counties, this support continues to this very moment which their headers walk in white house freely and put a speech in EU parliament against iran. even some of these countries have removed this group from terrorism black list. Jundullah which was active in south east of iran is another example that their header "rigi" were arrested in 2010 and he admitted his support from NATO. there are some other group in west of iran that i don't remember their names and they obviously receive help from outside. so put aside this innocent act.

and about Palestine, while among Palestinian groups, Hamas has lowest number of suicide missions you liked to mentioned them. you ask why they don't kill soldiers ? i ask you how could they? when they have no weapon to fight, Palestine is under extreme sanctions by israel regime and his neighborhood dictators, they don't have power ,industry,agronomy, ....
Israel is occupying more of their land everyday, destroying their farms and fundamental economy structure, arresting their fishermans. do you know why Palestinian revolution is called "entefase (revolution of stone)" ? cause they don't have any other weapon to use.
so the question is, should they do nothing and let Israel kill more of them or try to stop them with everything they have, even if it's to use blind bombs, it's a desperate act of defense to protect their own children against fully armed enemy.
you think during 8days or 22days wars, israel was fighting with enemy soldiers? no, they were bombarding cities with their long rang weapons.
This is called government terrorism.
if your humanity allows that, you can stay silent and keep your close relationship with israel, but Islam and so iran wont.
Hello Iran,
Its just my experience most Iranians I have randomly come across when asked where they are from usually have two reactions.
1) They say "why?" then over the course of the conversation when they realise I am not an idiot they say Iran.
2) "Persian"
Oh and they will mostly kick religion out the door. I have an Iranian brother from another mother, but that's another story.
For gods sake :) you guys gave us Shiraz the best damn grape(wine) on this planet, I for one will remain ever grateful.
In conclusion I see a massive difference between the people of the great nation of Iran and its government.
The odd nuclear bomb is not going to give you any glory or power. Just see the Soviet Union or Pakistan for that matter.
That being said the sanctions are just a phase in history, I am sure you guys will ride it out. After-all Iran was not born yesterday :)
Hello Iran,
Its just my experience most Iranians I have randomly come across when asked where they are from usually have two reactions.
1) They say "why?" then over the course of the conversation when they realise I am not an idiot they say Iran.
2) "Persian"
Oh and they will mostly kick religion out the door. I have an Iranian brother from another mother, but that's another story.
For gods sake :) you guys gave us Shiraz the best damn grape(wine) on this planet, I for one will remain ever grateful.
In conclusion I see a massive difference between the people of the great nation of Iran and its government.
The odd nuclear bomb is not going to give you any glory or power. Just see the Soviet Union or Pakistan for that matter.
That being said the sanctions are just a phase in history, I am sure you guys will ride it out. After-all Iran was not born yesterday :)
massive difference? in what? 98% of iranian are muslim and we put our top religion leader as our top supreme leader, our president and parliment and those who choose our supreme leader are chosen directly in most free election in the world, which in previous election, one candidate even had complete western countries support.
I don't know about iranian you see in your country, but for most people in iran, religion is everything, it's our life plan.

and our supreme leader has clearly stated that iran will never produce any nuclear weapon, and according to our religion and law if we see any sin (including lie) from our supreme leader, he will loose his position automatically.
west doesn't insist of nuclear bomb, they insist on not having nuclear power, preventing us to get tempted to build bomb! this is unacceptable too cause in 20 years when we ran out of oil, the glory or power you referring to, wont exist.
massive difference? in what? 98% of iranian are muslim and we put our top religion leader as our top supreme leader, our president and parliment and those who choose our supreme leader are chosen directly in most free election in the world, which in previous election, one candidate even had complete western countries support.
I don't know about iranian you see in your country, but for most people in iran, religion is everything, it's our life plan.

and our supreme leader has clearly stated that iran will never produce any nuclear weapon, and according to our religion and law if we see any sin (including lie) from our supreme leader, he will loose his position automatically.
west doesn't insist of nuclear bomb, they insist on not having nuclear power, preventing us to get tempted to build bomb! this is unacceptable too cause in 20 years when we ran out of oil, the glory or power you referring to, wont exist.

Point noted my friend, I will not bring religion up in any conversation with yourself. Thanks for your clear statement.
first of all, iran is world's biggest victim of terrorism, 70k of Iranian civilian have been killed by Mujahadeen-e-Khalq terrorism group since 1979 and Iranian revolution. this group has been supported by US and other western counties, this support continues to this very moment which their headers walk in white house freely and put a speech in EU parliament against iran. even some of these countries have removed this group from terrorism black list. Jundullah which was active in south east of iran is another example that their header "rigi" were arrested in 2010 and he admitted his support from NATO. there are some other group in west of iran that i don't remember their names and they obviously receive help from outside. so put aside this innocent act.

and about Palestine, while among Palestinian groups, Hamas has lowest number of suicide missions you liked to mentioned them. you ask why they don't kill soldiers ? i ask you how could they? when they have no weapon to fight, Palestine is under extreme sanctions by israel regime and his neighborhood dictators, they don't have power ,industry,agronomy, ....
Israel is occupying more of their land everyday, destroying their farms and fundamental economy structure, arresting their fishermans. do you know why Palestinian revolution is called "entefase (revolution of stone)" ? cause they don't have any other weapon to use.
so the question is, should they do nothing and let Israel kill more of them or try to stop them with everything they have, even if it's to use blind bombs, it's a desperate act of defense to protect their own children against fully armed enemy.
you think during 8days or 22days wars, israel was fighting with enemy soldiers? no, they were bombarding cities with their long rang weapons.
This is called government terrorism.
if your humanity allows that, you can stay silent and keep your close relationship with israel, but Islam and so iran wont.
You answerd your own quetion,why try it that way if you dont have weapons for what(palestinians)?
First allowe them the give you a state,patience is hard but if no patience you get this.
Camp david accords was a good chance and who did what there?
Palestinians will never get a country like this,they want to whipe out Israel.
Tell me would you allowe them to have a country of their own if they threathen to whipe you out?
In any way they will lose,if they had a own country and Hamas would try something to Israel,they would be whiped out and many innocent people would die in that event.
The best way is to live and let live.
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