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Which one of these paint jobs are suitable for Iran's A-380's.

First one looks cool, and beastly.

Are they official or something? Is there any chance one of them gets approved?
I don't think they are official it's to early for that.
OH MY GOD, I love the idea behind the first livery.maybe they can make it more blue and that will be awesome.how did you get this design?where did you find this design?

I found all of them here cardatabase.net
second one is better .... red is hot and offensive color , but blue is cool and calm color that represent sky ....
First one with some modification ...the second one is too routine and plain.
It would be a great idea if all 12 A380s would have a different livery at least partially.
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One of the best liveries I have ever seen.

Edit: current livery is very beautiful though, I would like the first paint as special livery.

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First one have the fundamental problem of being red . IranAir logo is dark blue.
First one has the best concept! But I believe they should separate carpet and griffon graphs and choose only one, either:
1. You go with the idea of Persian flying carpet, where the carpet is dominant and stretches over the wings
2. Or you go with flying griffon or simorg that should be more stylish rather than simple and plain as it was on the first image...
The first one is brilliant. Can someone tell us more about the bird like logo, it looks super cool.

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