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Which is the number one food exporting country in the world?

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In terms of total calorie content, India is the second most productive food country in the world. When measured by the total value of agricultural production instead, India drops to fourth place and produces less than half of China's total output.

India has another problem: Many of its citizens are too poor to purchase the food it produces. There have been major strides in the 21st century as the Indian economy emerges, but many experts worry that the Indian population is growing even faster. At 1.2 billion people with a very high birth rate, India is expected to eclipse China as the world's largest population.

Farm productivity in India is also far lower than in China, the U.S. or Brazil. In 2010, analyst and author Somini Sengupta outlined three steps to boost Indian food efficiency: reduce food staple spoilage, improve infrastructure and reduce restrictions on producers.


Read more: The 4 Countries That Produce the Most Food | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/article...countries-produce-most-food.asp#ixzz4sZKGfM8r
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Possible he is, no way of confirming anything about anybody on an anonymous board like this but I have a strong suspicion that he's just a angry leftist, a Kejriwal bhakt.. a bigger kejri bhakt than any Modi supporter here :D

Dude nobody of leftist or Kajri Bhakts are india hater.

But this @ashok321 is a class apart. He is pathological lungi masquerading as Indian.
It is the most randomest of questions/quiz.. sure, I have no clue, and ZERO shame in accepting that.

Far cry from your previous twist with the following gem?

'food' is too generic a term, there's all sorts of food products, meats, fruit, nuts, processed stuff etc

Why you change your statement drastically from one post to another to save your pride?
Go google it..... Don't expect others to spoon feed you like a kid.
Dude nobody of leftist or Kajri Bhakts are india hater.

But this @ashok321 is a class apart. He is pathological lungi masquerading as Indian.
His kejri/AAP bhakti, quoting shela rashid and other lefties/commies..

pretty common for commies the world over to hate their own country, spl now that his nightmare of a nationalist govt. at the centre has come true. :D

I'd say 75% chance he's an angry Indian leftist.. we'll never know.

the guy says he speaks gujrati, so post some text (non copy-pastable, like a newspaper headline or something) and have him translate it maybe ?

Far cry from your previous twist with the following gem?

'food' is too generic a term, there's all sorts of food products, meats, fruit, nuts, processed stuff etc

Why you change your statement drastically from one post to another to save your pride?
'food' is too generic a term when you throw it in a random quiz like that, I'm standing by that.

"save my pride" wut o_O lol this is getting ridiculous, like 2nd standard or KG behaviour...
His kejri/AAP bhakti, quoting shela rashid and other lefties/commies..

pretty common for commies the world over to hate their own country, spl now that his nightmare of a nationalist govt. at the centre has come true. :D

I'd say 75% chance he's an angry Indian leftist.. we'll never know.

the guy says he speaks gujrati, so post some text (non copy-pastable, like a newspaper headline or something) and have him translate it maybe ?

'food' is too generic a term when you throw it in a random quiz like that, I'm standing by that.

"save my pride" wut o_O lol this is getting ridiculous, like 2nd standard or KG behaviour...

Are weapons generic too?
Why we do have a clear cut answer for who is the number one exporter of weapons?
google 'strawman' and 'whataboutery'.


You have no straight forward answer for a simple question.
This shows you are a pony brain.

Why you did not issue such strawman issue to begin with?

You did give some (following) explanation, however unworthy:

'food' is too generic a term, there's all sorts of food products, meats, fruit, nuts, processed stuff etc

So why you have to change your tune on your successive posts?

I know you are cornered, if not kicked to the curb.

You have no straight forward answer for a simple question.
This shows you are a pony brain.

Why you did not issue such strawman issue to begin with?

You did give some (following) explanation, however unworthy:

'food' is too generic a term, there's all sorts of food products, meats, fruit, nuts, processed stuff etc

So why you have to change your tune on your successive posts?

I know you are cornered, if not kicked to the curb.
"kicked to the curb" "cornered" "pony brain" "pride hurt"


here is how I tried to engage you..

Must you be needlessly confrontational every single post ? Can people not disagree politically but still engage with each other without falling into a rage ?

you are a complete retard, like 110% confirmed retard.
"kicked to the curb" "cornered" "pony brain" "pride hurt"


here is how I tried to engage you..

you are a complete retard, like 110% confirmed retard.

Here is how you accepted your defeat which I did not accept though:

sure, I have no clue, and ZERO shame in accepting that.

Instead of every Indian trying to bash this ashok321, portraying him as a false flagger and responding to his posts which only increases his credibility, just stop responding to him and put these morons like ashok321, singaporeguy and darklordforever on your ignore lists.

All of them are false flagging Pakistanis or lungis ashamed of their nationality who will react and flame bait anything related to anti-India and will create threads regarding the same
Here is how you accepted your defeat which I did not accept though:

sure, I have no clue, and ZERO shame in accepting that.

yes, you have utterly humiliated me. :D
Instead of every Indian trying to bash this ashok321, portraying him as a false flagger and responding to his posts which only increases his credibility, just stop responding to him and put these morons like ashok321, singaporeguy and darklordforever on your ignore lists.

All of them are false flagging Pakistanis or lungis ashamed of their nationality who will react and flame bait anything related to anti-India and will create threads regarding the same

Are you Indian?
Can you translate this language that PM Modi speaks/
વરસાદી વાતાવરણમાં મોદી-શિન્ઝોનો ખુલ્લી જીપમાં રોડ-શો

I can.
And more, how many South Indians speak Rashtrabhasha Hindi?
This way they are not Indians?

Lol at your stupido logic.
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