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Which Indian King/Historical event is most under appreciated in Indian History?

Lmao that was not written by a "leftist sickular" of India. It was written by an Anglo, probably a Christian and a few other Anglo Christians have also written about this subject.
lol.. left, right secular all concept originated in west only.. not in india...
Does not make it unreliable, they do their research and if anyone should have a bias against Muslims it is the Christians since we have fought the most holy wars against one another.

You didn't get it, leftist in Western countries do biased towards Christianity, same way they are blamed for biased towards Hinduism in India. You grew in America and don't know these things. :girl_wacko:
You didn't get it, leftist in Western countries do biased towards Christianity, same way they are blamed for biased towards Hinduism in India. You grew in America and don't know these things. :girl_wacko:

I do get it but these "leftists" are writing about Islam in other countries not their own so calling them dishonest without fact checking is just because you already have a preconceived belief on the subject nothing else.
There you go, embarrassing every Indian again, INDIC . Well done.

I have talked to folks from Europe and America and I am just telling their views towards Left wingers having a selective bias towards the religion of the majority. Although I am not a Christian, their views seemed quite familiar to majority community in India complaining similar things, that was indeed a Deja Vu.

I do get it but these "leftists" are writing about Islam in other countries not their own so calling them dishonest without fact checking is just because you already have a preconceived belief on the subject nothing else.

I believe you aren't being honest. Moreover, European Christians are one of the least religious people in the world.
@SarthakGanguly idk who told you all Sufis are peaceful? No Muslim has ever said or if they did it is a misconception, there are lots of Sufi orders and most are peace loving which is why the perception is that all are but there are also militant orders. There is even a current militant order at war with Somali wahabbis in Somalia today that is allied with the government of Somalia. Not to mention probably the most famous militant Sufi order in Islamic history was the Safaviya order of Iran which is the order that converted all of Iran to shia by the end of a sword.
If the Iconoclast of Kashmir allowed a militant order to settle in Kashmir that is just bad luck but that does little to explain the current insurgency since it did not pick up until the introduction of Wahabbism and Salafism in the valley. Even your own fellow pundits have admitted that before that in the past the largely Sufi Muslims of Kashmir lived in peace with both the Hindus and the Buddhists. Not to mention India/ Pakistan/ Bangladesh have probably the most Sufi orders in the whole world that have lasted till this day, where is Hamadani's order today? Does it even exist in Kashmir? I don't think so.
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How did that map show the borders of J&K? did they have the phony expanded boundary including Aksai Chin or was it the older, more authentic version?
Unfortunately the one including the Aksai Chin area as well! :) Will post a pic soon.

idk who told you all Sufis are peaceful? No Muslim has ever said or if they did it is a misconception, there are lots of Sufi orders and most are peace loving which is why the perception is that all are but there are also militant orders.
You are correct. There are all types of orders - peaceful and otherwise. The association with Sufi music perhaps gives people ideas about the mythical Sufi (or any other) monolith. :)
I believe you aren't being honest. Moreover, European Christians are one of the least religious people in the world.

How am I not being honest? Their belief or lack there of has no bearing on their works. If it did it would not be in favor of Muslims.
Even your own fellow pundits have admitted that before that in the past the largely Sufi Muslims of Kashmir lived in peace with both the Hindus and the Buddhists.
Totally agree. :agree: This is a recent phenomenon, especially from the early 80s (coincidentally around the time of the Afghan War!)

He states that the lasting conversions were made in the Northwest (present day Pakistan) and along the coasts by missionaries who came from other Muslim lands.
Very true.

So I can safely conclude that you deliberately pull our legs in such discussions. :P Also your statement regarding the backward and rigid caste system that we had is also correct. Now things are changing fast, thankfully. :)

Not to mention probably the most famous militant Sufi order in Islamic history was probably the Safaviya order of Iran which is the order that converted all of Iran to shia by the end of a sword.
Never read about this. Ancient Persia interested me, but not much beyond Age of Empires Games :(
Totally agree. :agree: This is a recent phenomenon, especially from the early 80s (coincidentally around the time of the Afghan War!)

Very true.

So I can safely conclude that you deliberately pull our legs in such discussions. :P Also your statement regarding the backward and rigid caste system that we had is also correct. Now things are changing fast, thankfully. :)

Never read about this. Ancient Persia interested me, but not much beyond Age of Empires Games :(

The Afghan War only sent Wahabis into Kashmir it has little to do with Kashmiris becoming Wahabbis, that has more to do with certain NGOs.

When do I pull your leg?

Unfortunately it is not, just a few days ago I read about dalits becoming Muslim and then being threatened back into Hinduism. Fear tactics will do little if you really want to check "foreign" religions.

The Safavid empire is named after that order, not many people know Ismail I was originally the leader of that order before he became Emperor of Persia.

There you go, embarrassing every Indian again, INDIC . Well done.

This indic is a habitual liar, he should just quit while he is ahead. :D
The history of great Indian rulers of the past like Harsha Vardhana, Raja Bhoj, Raja Chola, Rajendra Chola, Baji Rao, Amoghavarsha, Mihir Bhoj, Shivaji Maharaj, Krishnadevaraya and Madhavrao Peshwa should be taught in Indian schools.
Does not make it unreliable, they do their research and if anyone should have a bias against Muslims it is the Christians since we have fought the most holy wars against one another.
its not abt christian and muslims.... leftists , rightist , secularist concepts emerged not due to christian-muslim friction.... but due to internal struggle in christianity.....
unreliablity of a thought depends on the person on receiving end.. if u are happy with it... go ahead .. if not u will not accept it.... + history is thing of past seen through present lenses.... no person will ever be sure, even with all scientific achievements, on what exactly happened.... unless we make a time machine...

There you go, embarrassing every Indian again, INDIC . Well done.
i dont know hw u came to that conclusion.... jst because u hv difference of opinion i guess...

okay sir let me ask u one thing...
which political party hv u supported from last 15 year... in ur state...
You didn't get it, leftist in Western countries do biased towards Christianity, same way they are blamed for biased towards Hinduism in India. You grew in America and don't know these things.

I request you to go through the book King Mamba has mentioned. The author, in the India section writes that much of the missionary zeal of the Indian Muslims were directed towards counteracting the anti-Islamic tendencies of the instructions given by Christian missionaries and the Arya Samaj. And also in his book, T W Arnold, in no way had discredited the effect of force in the process of proselytization of Indian Muslims; contrary to Eaton's brilliant work in the Rise of Islam in Bengal frontier-1204-1760, Arnold has given considerable credit to the Sword theory and State patronage theory when he tells us about forcible conversion during the reign of Jalal Al Din Muhammad Shah, a convert himself.

Just for other examples, Arnold did not miss the opportunity to mention about the conversion of the Rajahs of Kharagpur who in order to save their estate had to embrace Islam after being defeated by Akbar's generals; The enforcement of law by Murshid Quli Khan (Son of a Brahmin) which stated that any land lord or official who would fail to pay revenue had to convert to Islam along with his entire family. But this is certainly not the all; In the outskirts of Hinduism, as Arnold describes pre-Islam Bengal, Islamic preachers were accepted with open heart by the aborigines and the lower castes where the natives were loosely adhered to their faith. Unlike North India, where Islam met with a consolidated belief system, coming out fresh with its victorious resurgence from the dominance of Buddhism, Bengal gave them an unexplored piece of land and this was the main reason why most vast scale conversion took place here than any other part of the sub continent.

After reading the book (at least the India section), you will definitely realize that the author has tried his best to keep a balance between all the theories that Eaton, later has summed up in his four basic mode of reasoning; Sword thesis, proximity of Muslim State, Political patronage and Social liberation theory. Arnold has quite systematically covered all these areas giving equal importance to all the reasoning enriched with historical data. Refuting his book as leftist/ secular or biased towards Muslims without giving it a read is definitely not very wise.
The history of the Western Chalukya Empire and particularly the history of Vikramadiya VI is barely known in
India. He was the most powerful ruler of 12th century India. He successfully led military campaigns into Bengal and Bihar.
The Western Chalukya Empire produced some of the greatest scholars in South Asian history like the social reformer Basava,
the great mathematician Bhaskara II and Vijnaneshwara who wrote one of the greatest texts on law and many more
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