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Which group would win a possible WW3 Part 2. The sinews of War


May 3, 2019
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United States
United States
which group would win. this is part three of 4 parts.

rules no nukes, both sides population support the war. Leadership is equal. how these groups would support their war machines.

Group B is the Attacking force to begin the war.

Group B
1,582,131,504 Population
$15.858 Trillion GDP
$5.8 Trillion Debt

$1.3 Trillion Foodstuff

1,027 Million Metric Tons Steel production

14,805,650 bbl Oil Production per day
16,724,000 bbl Oil Consumption per day
90,000,000,000 bbl Proven Oil Reserves

29.6 million Car/Truck production
44,000,000 Metric Tons Shipbuilding

$4.1 Trillion Cash Reserve
$10.7 Trillion Market Value
$14.8 Trillion Total Value

$100.7 Billion Defense industry size
$312.7 Billion Defense Spending

Group A
976,958,638 Population
$47.4 Trillion GDP
$43.7 Trillion Debt

$0.97 Trillion Foodstuff

567.2 Million Metric Tons Steel production

22,467,815 bbl Oil Production per day
42,988,000 bbl Oil Consumption per day
200,000,000,000 bbl Proven Oil Reserves

58 million Car/Truck Production
66,000,000 Metric Tons Shipbuilding

$3.9 Trillion Cash Reserve
$50.3 Trillion Market Value
$54.2 Trillion Total Value

$560 Billion Defense industry size
$1,108.4 Billion Defense Spending
which group would win. this is part three of 4 parts.

rules no nukes, both sides population support the war. Leadership is equal. how these groups would support their war machines.

Group B is the Attacking force to begin the war.

Group B
1,582,131,504 Population
$15.858 Trillion GDP
$5.8 Trillion Debt

$1.3 Trillion Foodstuff

1,027 Million Metric Tons Steel production

14,805,650 bbl Oil Production per day
16,724,000 bbl Oil Consumption per day
90,000,000,000 bbl Proven Oil Reserves

29.6 million Car/Truck production
44,000,000 Metric Tons Shipbuilding

$4.1 Trillion Cash Reserve
$10.7 Trillion Market Value
$14.8 Trillion Total Value

$100.7 Billion Defense industry size
$312.7 Billion Defense Spending

Group A
976,958,638 Population
$47.4 Trillion GDP
$43.7 Trillion Debt

$0.97 Trillion Foodstuff

567.2 Million Metric Tons Steel production

22,467,815 bbl Oil Production per day
42,988,000 bbl Oil Consumption per day
200,000,000,000 bbl Proven Oil Reserves

58 million Car/Truck Production
66,000,000 Metric Tons Shipbuilding

$3.9 Trillion Cash Reserve
$50.3 Trillion Market Value
$54.2 Trillion Total Value

$560 Billion Defense industry size
$1,108.4 Billion Defense Spending

You forgot the most important factors, the tactics, geography, morale, and weaponry. Stats arent necassarily the greatest ways to guess outcomes, see:

I don't know, maybe the Titan might be our new home or maybe another solar system. Before human beings have evolved to a level that they can move into a new home; there will no longer be the winner of any new world war. If we're talking about the possibility of a world war in this century: After the nuclear winter over 10th year, the Era of cockroaches will begin to rise, probably. :D

This paradox created the paradigm of today's hybrid wars. We fight, but under the conditions of peace. Representatives collide in the margin of caution left between the great powers. Militants and Toyota Pickups on the field, bureaucrats in the corridors of diplomacy, journalists in front of cameras, and troll armies in social networks.
you forgot to add geography..Geography is a critical component of war

i can't add geography because it would give away who each side is.

and people tend to have a bias toward a name then what the currently bring or don't bring to the table.

I don't know, maybe the Titan might be our new home or maybe another solar system. Before human beings have evolved to a level that they can move into a new home; there will no longer be the winner of any new world war. If we're talking about the possibility of a world war in this century: After the nuclear winter over 10th year, the Era of cockroaches will begin to rise, probably. :D

This paradox created the paradigm of today's hybrid wars. We fight, but under the conditions of peace. Representatives collide in the margin of caution left between the great powers. Militants and Toyota Pickups on the field, bureaucrats in the corridors of diplomacy, journalists in front of cameras, and troll armies in social networks.[/QUOTE

there a no nuke rule. why would the roaches rules or even mad max. conventional warfare only
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