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Which great power treats the best its muslim citizens?

Which great powers treats the best its muslim citizens?

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There’s 6.7M Native Americans in the US. That probably more than in 1492.
By 1900 the indigenous population in the Americas declined by more than 80%, and by as much as 98% in some areas. The effects of diseases such as smallpox, measles and cholera during the first century of colonialism contributed greatly to the death toll, while violence, displacement and warfare by colonizers against the Indians contributed to the death toll in subsequent centuries. As detailed in American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present, "It is also apparent that the shared history of the hemisphere is one framed by the dual tragedies of genocide and slavery, both of which are part of the legacy of the European invasions of the past 500 years. Indigenous people north and south were displaced, died of disease, and were killed by Europeans through slavery, rape, and war. In 1491, about 145 million people lived in the western hemisphere. By 1691, the population of indigenous Americans had declined by 90-95 percent, or by around 130 million people."

When will you give the land back to its first owners?
When will you give the land back to its first owners?

Again idiots thinking the US is the entire Western Hemisphere.

Yes there were probably 100 million Native Americans in the Western Hemisphere but the vast majority lived near the equator...which is in South America...not North America.

Near the equator they could grow food year ‘round supporting a tremendous population. Much of the US is in the snow belt and requires much more careful planning. There wasn’t 100M Native Americans here.

As for giving their land back...maybe we can use China’s excuse:
“Native Americans are living MUCH better now in modern homes on Indian Reservations instead of the old days when their lives were harsh and they had trouble putting food on the table due to no technology. They should be thankful to us for ‘straightening them out’!”
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As for giving their land back...maybe we can use China’s excuse:
“Native Americans are living MUCH better now in modern homes on Indian Reservations instead of the old days when their lives were harsh and they had trouble putting food on the table due to no technology. They should be thankful to us for ‘straightening them out’!”
We don't kill off the natives and now they are still the majority of those lands, can't say that about America. speaking of cultural genocide, if you go to Xinjiang and Tibet, local cultures still dominate, how much native Indian culture can be found in their ancestral lands in US?

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