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Which country will the USA invade next?

The Seychelle Islands

OK OK, not a country, but it’s still my guess nonetheless.
Show's starting considering we had a close one with the Chinese ambassador in Quetta yesterday.
Once USA MIC is free of the shackles of Afghanistan it's gonna put it's full weight on countering China. Bonus points for figuring out that Pakistan is part of the equation on the opposite sides of US interests.
After the exit from Afghanistan on Sept 11 2021 which country do you think the US would be more likely to invade next?

North korea
Any South American country
Any african country?
I think they will spend at least a couple of decades sorting their own house first. During this time they will be at China's throats at every forum and with every means possible.
iran, russia china depending on which one is sleeping. rigt now there is big action happening in ukraine.
Cuba of course. The Castros are out as of a few days ago.

Russia - What? No reason to.
Iran? - Sure if nuclear weapons suddenly start mysteriously exploding in ME capitals.
Syria? - I thought we were already there.
Pakistan? - What? No reason to.
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