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Which country is the biggest to global peace? By Gallup


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I came across an old but interesting survey conducted by Gallup Institute. People of respected countries were asked about, which country is the biggest threat to global peace. Based on their answers, this figure is depicted.

Romanians considered Iran as a threat ironically. Indians said Pakistan, Afghans also. I can't understand why Afghan would Choose Pakistan lol.

The most important point of figure is that more than half of the world population says that USA is the biggest threat to world peace and stability. Conslusion is, majority pointed their finger at USA. Even Germans say USA is a threat.

What do you think?
the Spanish think the US is the biggest threat to peace?

I can't understand why Afghan would Choose Pakistan lol.

Afghans blame us for letting the US into Afghanistan in the first place, which is kind of true. also many Afghans think Pakistan funds Taliban, so those Afghans that are anti-Taliban will blame Pakistan.
More important to ask is why Pakistani's chose USA when the India pointed to Pakistan as the threat. It comes news to me that all those nukes Pakistan has that 700,000 man army is for defence of the country from America.

It's a love and hate relationship
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I came across an old but interesting survey conducted by Gallup Institute. People of respected countries were asked about, which country is the biggest threat to global peace. Based on their answers, this figure is depicted.

Romanians considered Iran as a threat ironically. Indians said Pakistan, Afghans also. I can't understand why Afghan would Choose Pakistan lol.

The most important point of figure is that more than half of the world population says that USA is the biggest threat to world peace and stability. Conslusion is, majority pointed their finger at USA. Even Germans say USA is a threat.

What do you think?

LOL at Canada...The Asian Rim is jittery about China
View attachment 716181

I came across an old but interesting survey conducted by Gallup Institute. People of respected countries were asked about, which country is the biggest threat to global peace. Based on their answers, this figure is depicted.

Romanians considered Iran as a threat ironically. Indians said Pakistan, Afghans also. I can't understand why Afghan would Choose Pakistan lol.

The most important point of figure is that more than half of the world population says that USA is the biggest threat to world peace and stability. Conslusion is, majority pointed their finger at USA. Even Germans say USA is a threat.

What do you think?

Not surprised at Afghans and Indians though. Their hate for Pakistan runs very deep.

It is funny though , I have never seen an iranian bombing a western target. Why so much hate ?
I think our overseas friends may have forgotten that it was the US who dragged us into a war of terror which resulted in the taliban controlling FATA and 100,000 Pakistanis being killed. In those days I seriously thought the country would collapse like Syria.

India is a clown, they just make noise. They have done no real damage to us.

East Pakistan was our own fault for neglecting and abusing them, creating an environment which allowed India to invade. Had Bengalis been on our side in 1971, Indians would've faced massive casualties in trying to occupy the province, while Pakistani troops would be sitting in East Punjab as planned.
View attachment 716181

I came across an old but interesting survey conducted by Gallup Institute. People of respected countries were asked about, which country is the biggest threat to global peace. Based on their answers, this figure is depicted.

Romanians considered Iran as a threat ironically. Indians said Pakistan, Afghans also. I can't understand why Afghan would Choose Pakistan lol.

The most important point of figure is that more than half of the world population says that USA is the biggest threat to world peace and stability. Conslusion is, majority pointed their finger at USA. Even Germans say USA is a threat.

What do you think?

Our eastern neighbour and it's illegitimate child regime on our western border both are obsessed with Pakistan.
One is molested by China and other one raped by occupation forces yet we are their nightmare :D
I think our overseas friends may have forgotten that it was the US who dragged us into a war of terror which resulted in the taliban controlling FATA and 100,000 Pakistanis being killed. In those days I seriously thought the country would collapse like Syria.

India is a clown, they just make noise. They have done no real damage to us.

India doesn't pose an existential threat , like the US does with its military might.

Overseas Pakistani are coconuts basically . They are so detached from ground realities that its almost funny,
I have never seen an iranian bombing a western target. Why so much hate ?

Iran blames the US for reinstalling the Shah and supporting the Gulf states which are opposing Iran, and supporting Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war. but of course Iran isnt stupid enough to bomb the US because they can invade and conquer Iran.
More important to ask is why Pakistani's chose USA when the India pointed to Pakistan as the threat. It comes news to me that all those nukes Pakistan has that 700,000 man army is for defence of the country from America.

Most Pakistanis are too infatuated with Bollywood, I think. Pakistan is like a headless chicken running around without any clear direction.
India doesn't pose an existential threat
Please remind me Prithvi, Agni nuke missiles are pointing to where? Mars? And who is killing our boys on the LOC every wek? Americans? You think we are detached from reality. Last summer on my visit to our ancestral village a young man of 19 years old was seen off by us. He was heading back to his unit on the LOC. He was not going to face American bullets.##

And tell me what was Swift Retort all about? Was that guy Albert ir Abinandandan who got shot down.
Please remind me Prithvi, Agni nuke missiles are pointing to where? Mars? And who is killing our boys on the LOC every wek? Americans? You think we are detached from reality. Last summer on my visit to our ancestral village a young man of 19 years old was seen off by us. He was heading back to his unit on the LOC. He was not going to face American bullets.##

And tell me what was Swift Retort all about? Was that guy Albert ir Abinandandan who got shot down.

Correct on all counts but we are also countering them with bullets and different weapons.. Can the same be said with regard to US ?
"Superpower" is always a threat to everyone who is not under their rule. So, USA getting the majority vote is nothing surprising. Indians choosing Pak is not surprising either. Afghans too. Neither is India getting no votes. China should have gotten some vote but may be the "superpower" suppressed that too.
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