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Which Country Drinks the Most Alcohol?

Huh, I thought China would consume more, but I guess the higher latitude of Europe really did affect things.

Have you seen Chinese drinking? They disappoint me. They drink like three beers and they are done, and it's those 3% ones. Some like me can go all night with like 12+ but still come on.

Especially actual non water downed whiskey, they can't handle more than a few drinks, very disappointing.

The Alcohol "Allergic" reaction is killing the industry.


hmmm, depends on which country I'm in 8-)
Huh, I thought China would consume more, but I guess the higher latitude of Europe really did affect things.
A lot of chinese have some defect in the alcohol degenerase enzyme prodution genetically, so they kind of get high with a little alcohol very easily.
A lot of chinese have some defect in the alcohol degenerase enzyme prodution genetically, so they kind of get high with a little alcohol very easily.

Yeah some do have that, out of my close friends I think at least 2 of them have this problem.

Most don't though, which is good for the profits of Tsingtao Brewery, and the makers of Baijiu and Huangjiu products. :D

Baijiu for example can get up to 60% alcohol content, more than most vodkas and whiskeys.
While that is technically true, the self-discipline required to remain in moderation doesn't come easily. It is way easier to go from "moderate drinking" to "rampant drunk". Personally, I believe that it is way easier just don't drink alcohol at all than try to remain moderation.

I don't think it takes much discipline. If for instance you believe a glass of red wine a day is good for you..then just buy a crappy cheapo bad tasting wine. Then you have to force yourself to drink it. Nobody said only the good tasting stuff is good for you.

It isn't hard to find stuff that tastes terrible.
I think a lot of that has to do with stress and pressure. East Asia in general is quite fast paced and that create a lot of mental pressure.
Yep, they get so wound up with the whole formality, hierarchical, Confucian thing. Alcohol allows them to finally express their opinion to their boss without appearing rude.
Duh , I havent seen in Turkey in the list :D ?
Anyway @Neptune , list indicated pure alcohol per capita :D
I guess Chinese people usually drink lower degree alcohol than european, as i have seen in asia, wine and beer is quite popular. While in europe hard drinks like tequilla whisky, vodka is chosen :D
Yep, they get so wound up with the whole formality, hierarchical, Confucian thing. Alcohol allows them to finally express their opinion to their boss without appearing rude.

Erm, that's not the case at all. Being rude is rude and alcohol doesn't excuse anything. In fact, if you know you can't hold your liquor or are excessive talkative, it is generally recommended that you don't drink at all at public occasions.
Erm, that's not the case at all. Being rude is rude and alcohol doesn't excuse anything. In fact, if you know you can't hold your liquor or are excessive talkative, it is generally recommended that you don't drink at all at public occasions.
What? I was only there for a limited time but I still have friends who live there.
Typically at work you wouldn't be able to question those older or in a higher position than you. After work the boss would take his employees for a drink and some of the formalities would be dropped. If these formalities were dropped during work it would indeed be considered rude. That's all I meant.
Not a good idea to drink too much, drink properly is good. I dont like Chinese way of drinking, especially the north Chinese.
For someone who drinks zero liter per year, I can't see why people drink this Poison.
For someone who drinks zero liter per year, I can't see why people drink this Poison.
it feels good .. also good social company when you drink.. for me more than intoxication, the socialization that is possible with alcoholic beverages (in a pub or similar environment) is what seems attractive.
For someone who drinks zero liter per year, I can't see why people drink this Poison.

A little red wine per day is good for health, even better than some medicine.

Not a good idea to drink too much, drink properly is good. I dont like Chinese way of drinking, especially the north Chinese.

No....I think all Chinese are addicted to alcohol, the only difference is the proof. North Chinese prefer liquor with higher proof. That's it.
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