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Which Country Drinks the Most Alcohol?

Edison Chen

Aug 21, 2013
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Belarus is completely sh1t-faced drunk. LOL, I only drink around 3 liters a year at most.
Huh, I thought China would consume more, but I guess the higher latitude of Europe really did affect things.
Never been to Belarus, but I have been to Moldova. They take vodka to a whole new level. They seemed to handle it really well as well.
South Korea is a bizarre one, they love the Soju, drinking midweek seems to be the norm. It was strange seeing businessmen dressed in suits passed out on benches at 6am on a wednesday morning.
Never been to Belarus, but I have been to Moldova. They take vodka to a whole new level. They seemed to handle it really well as well.
South Korea is a bizarre one, they love the Soju, drinking midweek seems to be the norm. It was strange seeing businessmen dressed in suits passed out on benches at 6am on a wednesday morning.

I think a lot of that has to do with stress and pressure. East Asia in general is quite fast paced and that create a lot of mental pressure.
Alcohol in moderation is quite healthy for people.

While that is technically true, the self-discipline required to remain in moderation doesn't come easily. It is way easier to go from "moderate drinking" to "rampant drunk". Personally, I believe that it is way easier just don't drink alcohol at all than try to remain moderation.
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