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Which Countries Support China on Hong Kong’s National Security Law?


Nov 4, 2011
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Which Countries Support China on Hong Kong’s National Security Law?
A recent U.N. statement saw 54 countries backing China’s Hong Kong policy, against 39 voicing concern in a rival bloc.
October 09, 2020

On Tuesday, the United Nations was treated to another clash between China’s critics and its supporters. As my colleague Catherine Putz noted, on October 6 “German Ambassador Christoph Heusgen presented a statement to the U.N., within the context of the General Assembly’s Third Committee (on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Issues) on behalf of 39 countries,” criticizing China for “the human rights situation in Xinjiang and the recent developments in Hong Kong.” China had two of its staunchest supporters, Pakistan and Cuba, lined up to refute those remarks immediately afterward, by giving their own lists of countries backing China.

Interestingly, while the German bloc was united in calling themselves “gravely concerned” about both issues, China had to divide its supporters into two groups: countries that explicitly backed its Hong Kong policy and countries that supported its Xinjiang policy. As you would expect, there is a great deal of overlap between those two, but the differences are telling. (Putz gives an overview of the Xinjiang signatories in her analysis, along with a comparison to the 2019 lists of countries expressing concern vs. support.)

For reference, here are the two blocs:

Heusgen listed 39 countries expressing concern about China’s Hong Kong policy: Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Monaco, Nauru, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Palau, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

In response, Pakistan’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Munir Akram, read a statement from a group of 54* countries backing China’s Hong Kong policy: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, China, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon, Grenada, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Madagascar, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Russia, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

调整大小 thediplomat-2020-10-09.png
So countries representing only 12% of the world population Americans excluded actually support the American hoax. Thats all of the famous American "international community" even when Americans try to hold the world hostage at gunpoint.

But there is nothing more hillarious than Japan complaining about human rights violations in China based entirely on fake allegations about ethic repression by a country built on the back of genociding the native American population and enslaving the African continent. 😂

Another funny annedcote is that the motion echoing American allegations against China comes from countries whos government officials have grown up in American reeducation and prison camps and went trought half a century of American state controlled indoctrination instilling absolute loyalty to the American system and America.
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US is losing global support which it took for granted in the past, China is gaining more and more global influence year on year.
That's odd. If you spend 5 minutes on pdf, you get the impression that INDIAN support for HK independence from Beijing is unwavering, staunch and eternal. Yet here we are.

Some clowns in HK even drape themselves in the Indian flag in acknowledgement of this friendship forged from Tata steel.

Is Modi simply afraid to say the word "China" as usual?
The lawlessness and bullying by USA is unbelievable.
All these nations are bullied by Trump via his emissary fatman Pompeo to make it looked as if China is really a threat.
USA threatened to impose tariff on France over the digital taxes.
It is UN versus Trump unilateralism.
Undoubtedly USA is facing an economic crisis. Wall street is completely disconnected from the realities on the mainstreet when 1 in 5 Americans are lining up in food banks for hours to feed theie hungry stomach.
Mass eviction crisis that is worse than the Great Depression and Trump is worried about the Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
I must be quite stupid to buy it.
55 nations that opposed never got reported but only small 39 island states get the limelight. Now Media Tycoon Murdock is investigated in Australia by former PM Kelvin Rudd.
:coffee: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
The people of the world are not stupid.

They really know what USA means with democracy in HK.

Just another democracy like in Syria, Libya and Egypt (before they reversed it and installed a military dictator again).

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