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Which Book are you reading

To kill a mockingbird by harper Lee
After completion, check out the movie too. It won Gregory Peck oscar like she won pulitzer. To kill a mockingbird 1962.
And she's gonna launch her 2nd novel till mid-2015, sequel to To kill a mockingbird.
i have been meaning to get to it.... how is it?
Way of the Kings from the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson

Just read gone with and the wind the time traveler's wife.

Ignored GWW for so many years thinking it was a pathetic love story. Turns out it's awesome.
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@RAMPAGE Of course mate! Gone with the wind is more about the Civil War & consequences than its love story thread.
A historical novel you might say, in the War & Peace line /spirit.

Good day all, Tay.
im reading Vital lies and simple truth. its about the truth we ignore deceiving ourselves.
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