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Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

Please do read my remarks again. What I mean is-
a. Zardari first made some irresponsible statements about militants occupying more area in Pakistan.
b. After this, he takes those 'peace actions' in Swat.
Naturally, those will be seen in the light of his recent statements which produces a negative impact ON THE REMAINING WORLD.

Zardari has deliberately made that statement. He just wanted to convey the message to the world that he is the man who can save them, just like musharaf. This may be his personal agenda. The situation is bad near border areas of Afghanistan but we are living normal life in other parts of our country. In fact, it's not possible for Talibans to come and occupy Islamabad. Pakistan is not a banana state. It has a well established system. There are some rulers of the world who make people fool and gives wrong impression about Pakitan. India and US are on top of the list.

Peace deal in Swat is a local matter. The people of Swat was demanding Shariah since 90s. It was the choice of people of Swat that's why zardari couldn't resist it. World should not have any objection on this.

No doubt I care about my country. But those feelings should be posted in Indian forum. Right?

yes, you should post them on indian forum. I was just saying, we Pakistanis can look after our country and the world should not interfere in our internal matters. This is our country and we have to decide what is better for us!!
Zardari has deliberately made that statement. He just wanted to convey the message to the world that he is the man who can save them, just like musharaf. This may be his personal agenda. The situation is bad near border areas of Afghanistan but we are living normal life in other parts of our country. In fact, it's not possible for Talibans to come and occupy Islamabad. Pakistan is not a banana state. It has a well established system. There are some rulers of the world who make people fool and gives wrong impression about Pakitan. India and US are on top of the list.

Peace deal in Swat is a local matter. The people of Swat was demanding Shariah since 90s. It was the choice of people of Swat that's why zardari couldn't resist it. World should not have any objection on this.

yes, you should post them on indian forum. I was just saying, we Pakistanis can look after our country and the world should not interfere in our internal matters. This is our country and we have to decide what is better for us!!

we are not concern with what law is where.
What we are concern in terrorist finding sanctuary in Pak.
if next attact in world is traced back to Swat or FATA then what Pak is going to do?
say Swat is not in our control so can not help?
US rightfully fear this that some next attack is been planned in these areas by these people who are fighting there.

Look at sofestication of these attacts that are plained and executed recently.
they can not done by insurgent terrorist but by ones who occupy area and establish there training.
looking at skills it is clear that they are trained in well established training infrastarure which it can be in some hidden reomte corner.
That why LTTE is so well trained in terroiest attacts or any terror groups in these areas.

do not us a favour do not do US a favour do it for your self.
although he is doing dirty politics, but he has taken some bold and +ve steps. i dont think anything bad will happen to pakistan under his gov. and we dont need another election. hope this gov finishes her time period
we are not concern with what law is where.
What we are concern in terrorist finding sanctuary in Pak.
if next attact in world is traced back to Swat or FATA then what Pak is going to do?
say Swat is not in our control so can not help?
US rightfully fear this that some next attack is been planned in these areas by these people who are fighting there.

Look at sofestication of these attacts that are plained and executed recently.
they can not done by insurgent terrorist but by ones who occupy area and establish there training.
looking at skills it is clear that they are trained in well established training infrastarure which it can be in some hidden reomte corner.
That why LTTE is so well trained in terroiest attacts or any terror groups in these areas.

do not us a favour do not do US a favour do it for your self.

There is no training infrastructure present in Pakistan."Terrorists" in Swat and FATA are trained by RAW in India. If anything is planned there, then definitely, india would be the supervisor. India is behind many blasts in different parts of Pakistan. Surbjeet singh is one example of it.

We are also concerned about terrorist organizations like RSS in india. They provoke people against muslims and Pakistan. We also want to punish the culprits of Samjhota Express in which many innocent Pakistanis losted their lives. We are also concernced about the sufferings of Kashmiris. The culprits of Gujrat Massacare should be punished since it's also in the interest of india. The world's largest democratic country should also do such a favor for itself.

Last but not the least, people who still fear that next attack could be on their country, should think about their security infrastructure instead of blaming FATA or Swat or any other part of the world. Their security agencies should be capable enough to stop any future attack. If indian's security agencies are incapable and they couldn't stop the mumbai attack. The big fault is their. How can a small boat cross the boundary? While Indian Navy was unable to see that boat despite the fact, exercises were carried out in those days by indian navy. How can some outsiders conduct attacks without local support?
Suppose if a big attack is carried out in any country, it can only be carried out with local support so every country should first take care of its local support.

World should also consider and take care of the root cause of these acts. For example, India should give Kashmiris their right of self determination so that there would be no reason for any Kashmir based organization to attack india.
Pakistan will learn from Zardari lessons for its future every bad leader isn't a dead end but infact an understanding for the people of what not to vote for.
Mr. Zardari has come into power in sept 2008. It means nearly six months ago. And he has brought many disasters to Pakistan.

He has already screwed the economy, which was well-running before his time.

Wait what??? Inflation was aboust 15-20% in Jan-March 2008, our forex reserves were dying out at the rate of $0.5-0.75 billion per month. Oil prices werent adjusted to reflect global prices. We had a wheat crises, the biggest power shortage in the last 2 decades. Musharraf declared emergency in Nov 2007 with the one reason being "deteriorating economic conditions"

US is dying to snatch nukes from Pakistan and Mr. Zardari is fueling this action with his statements. Cut in aid by US is the immediate effect.

Wont happened kiddo, it's not even worth talking about. Besides, for things like these PA has ultimate say, not Zardari.

His recent actions in Swat are being seen negatively because of his earlier statements.

No they are not, Pakistani awam is f-ing happy about what he has done in Swat, Waziristan, Bajuar etc, how he got Mullah Omar, Baitull-Mehsud etc to put their arms down and become pro-Pakistan is amazing. I like many Pakistani's salute Zardari for handling the situation like he did. Since 2004 it was a genocide in NWFP, everyone wanted it to stop.

Are there any chances that he will step down before the due time??

I don't think so, i don't see why either.

P.S. Don't make assumptions about things you do not know or understand.
There is no training infrastructure present in Pakistan."Terrorists" in Swat and FATA are trained by RAW in India. If anything is planned there, then definitely, india would be the supervisor. India is behind many blasts in different parts of Pakistan. Surbjeet singh is one example of it.

Well, it seems GoP does not know about all this. :lol:

If the terrorism in Swat is fueled by India (as you say), it is obvious that it will not stop by making any 'deal' with local militants. This means GoP has done nothing but provided a sanctuary for terrorists supported by India! And you are supporting the action!!
Wait what??? Inflation was aboust 15-20% in Jan-March 2008, our forex reserves were dying out at the rate of $0.5-0.75 billion per month. Oil prices werent adjusted to reflect global prices. We had a wheat crises, the biggest power shortage in the last 2 decades. Musharraf declared emergency in Nov 2007 with the one reason being "deteriorating economic conditions"

You seem to be one of the anti-Musharraf minority. Well, just have a look at threads on this forum and you'll see 80% Pakistani people think Musharraf era was better.

Wont happened kiddo, it's not even worth talking about. Besides, for things like these PA has ultimate say, not Zardari.

Don't be daydreaming! All USA needs is a reason to show the world. Also, USA has additional angle of view of Pak-China friendship.

It is foolish to assume that USA will do it by force (i.e. military), but it certainly can arm-twist Pakistan using the economic condition. But all they need is a support from rest of the world. A strong and valid reason will do the job!

No they are not, Pakistani awam is f-ing happy about what he has done in Swat, Waziristan, Bajuar etc, how he got Mullah Omar, Baitull-Mehsud etc to put their arms down and become pro-Pakistan is amazing. I like many Pakistani's salute Zardari for handling the situation like he did. Since 2004 it was a genocide in NWFP, everyone wanted it to stop.

Read my remarks on the similar statements.

I don't think so, i don't see why either.

P.S. Don't make assumptions about things you do not know or understand.

These assumptions are not mine alone, as I have said. Many Pakistani members support those because they are logical.
Well, it seems GoP does not know about all this. :lol:

If the terrorism in Swat is fueled by India (as you say), it is obvious that it will not stop by making any 'deal' with local militants. This means GoP has done nothing but provided a sanctuary for terrorists supported by India! And you are supporting the action!!

GOP is fully aware of it. GOP including security agencies has said it several times. Officials have also said, they have many proofs of indian's atrocities. Before talking on any issue, you should be fully aware of all view points.:smokin:

Read my previous post carefully. I've used the word "terrorists" that means i'm talking about a small group of people. Atrocities by india can definitely be stopped when GOP would got full support from local people which may include angry taliban whose only demand is "Shariah". "Terrorist" would definitely be sorted out and then we can finish them. Shariah is the demand of majority of people even people belonging to other religions have also demonstrated for Shariah.

An enemy can only get benefit and do atrocities when there is division amongst a nation. When a nation overcomes its differences and stands together, an enemy can never ever be succeeded to harm it. This is what majority of Pakistanis understand and this is what they want from their rulers.

United Pakistan is india's nightmare. India knows very well, it'll not defeat us when we stand together. That's why it's unable to digest peace in Swat and making hue and cry on it. :lol:
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You seem to be one of the anti-Musharraf minority. Well, just have a look at threads on this forum and you'll see 80% Pakistani people think Musharraf era was better.

anti-Musharraf minority? 78% of Pakistani's hate Musharraf - My claim supported by IRI survey, and Feb 18 elections.

Not only Musharraf era was better for Pakistan but for the world at large. Italy, France, America, the United Kingdom(UK) etc have all gone in recession after PML-Q left office.

The world GDP growth this year is a 60 years low, last time world average GDP growth was so low was in WWII.

Anyways i think your some 13-year old kid, who doesn't know much about anything. This is my last post in this thread.
although he is doing dirty politics, but he has taken some bold and +ve steps. i dont think anything bad will happen to pakistan under his gov. and we dont need another election. hope this gov finishes her time period

What is bad in your opinion then he has hiked interset rates increased taxes in all the wrong places where do you expect Pakistan to go now up or down weather an increase in gas tarrifs or the rise in commodity market Zardari has played his cards all wrong in my opinion almost too wrong suspiciously wrong infact.
anti-Musharraf minority? 78% of Pakistani's hate Musharraf - My claim supported by IRI survey, and Feb 18 elections.

Not only Musharraf era was better for Pakistan but for the world at large. Italy, France, America, the United Kingdom(UK) etc have all gone in recession after PML-Q left office.

The world GDP growth this year is a 60 years low, last time world average GDP growth was so low was in WWII.

Anyways i think your some 13-year old kid, who doesn't know much about anything. This is my last post in this thread.

As I said, my statements are based on the posts I have seen on this forum. As I do not live in Pakistan, there is no chance for me to get first hand information.

Many 'Senior Members', 'Elite Members', 'Think Tanks' and 'Moderators' think like me about the issue. I don't think you call them "13 year old"! Or you don't want to talk on the issue because of my nationality? :tsk:

Hope you will reconsider that 'last-post' thing. :wave:
Zardari has deliberately made that statement. He just wanted to convey the message to the world that he is the man who can save them, just like musharaf. This may be his personal agenda. The situation is bad near border areas of Afghanistan but we are living normal life in other parts of our country. In fact, it's not possible for Talibans to come and occupy Islamabad. Pakistan is not a banana state. It has a well established system. There are some rulers of the world who make people fool and gives wrong impression about Pakitan. India and US are on top of the list.

Personal agenda!!

Declaring the whole nation 'officially' to be in grave danger is in no way a tolerable 'personal agenda'.

Same thing happened with India under Mrs. Indira Gandhi and what followed was "emergency".
Hmmm Zardari has vey Cunning personality ... there is something in his mind which no one know except GOD so lets see whats r his plans!!!!.. But the thing we r looking is that Zardari his hacking Pak's Economy
Hmmm Zardari has vey Cunning personality ... there is something in his mind which no one know except GOD so lets see whats r his plans!!!!.. But the thing we r looking is that Zardari his hacking Pak's Economy

No doubt he will have some personal plans. Every politician has few. But they shouldn't come in the way of country's welfare.

If this is happening, Pak people cannot afford to wait for years. :disagree:

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