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Where is the outrage for this?

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1. Its not India
2. Yemen is a Muslim country. Obviously, a propaganda.
3. They do far worse in pakistan.
Mosleh Al Azzani, the director of Criminal Investigation:

“When I heard the rumours, I called the girl’s father. He came with his daughter and denied the marriage and death of his daughter.

Ahmad Al Qurishi, the head of SEYAJ Organisation for Childhood Protection, an independent NGO that advocates children’s rights:

Al Qurishi said that his organisation conducted its own investigation into the issue by sending some activists to the area.” The preliminary results show that the story was untrue.”

Wedding night death of girl, 8, denied in Yemen | GulfNews.com
They denied this, also the 11 years old girl who appeard on MEMRI TV was fake, they denied it. Why do people like to spread lies?

Hindu Indians think they are the next super power after China and they will eat all Muslims alive, this is just the beginning, wait for what's coming. And they are biggest supporters and allies of Zionists and Israel.
These type of news should be posted for India only.....:pissed:

Hindu Indians think they are the next super power after China and they will eat all Muslims alive, this is just the beginning, wait for what's coming. And they are biggest supporters and allies of Zionists and Israel.

What is the beginning.. we are waiting for this beginning for long time...:laughcry:
Hindu Indians think they are the next super power after China and they will eat all Muslims alive, this is just the beginning, wait for what's coming. And they are biggest supporters and allies of Zionists and Israel.

They run their mouths on fake news while female infanticide is commonly wide in india and they seem to be happy with it. They never cease to amaze me...:disagree:
They run their mouths on fake news while female infanticide is commonly wide in india and they seem to be happy with it. They never cease to amaze me...:disagree:

Could you provide proof for that?

Infanticide is non-existence in India.
Could you provide proof for that?

Infanticide id non-existence in India.

Female foeticide in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Female foeticide in India
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Female foeticide is the act of aborting a foetus because it is female. This is a major social problem in India and has cultural connections with the dowry system that is ingrained in Indian culture, despite the fact that it has been prohibited by law since 1961. See Dowry law in India. In India a strong preference for sons over daughters exists, unlike in Western cultures. People realise smaller family sizes with relatively greater number of sons through the use of medical technologies. Pregnancies are planned by resorting to 'differential contraception' — contraception is used based on the number of surviving sons irrespective of family size. Following conception, foetal sex is determined by prenatal diagnostic techniques after which female foetuses are aborted.[1] Foetal sex determination and sex-selective abortion by medical professionals has grown into a INR1,000 crore industry (US$244 million). Social discrimination against women and a preference for sons have been promoted. Since 1991, 80% of districts in India have recorded an increasingly masculine sex ratio with the state of Punjab having the most masculine sex ratio.[2] According to the decennial Indian census, the sex ratio in the 0-6 age group in India went from 104.0 males per 100 females in 1981, to 105.8 in 1991, to 107.8 in 2001, to 109.4 in 2011. The ratio is significantly higher in certain states such as Punjab and Haryana (126.1 and 122.0, as of 2001).[3]

It is estimated that more than 10 million female foetuses have been illegally aborted in India. Researchers for the Lancet journal based in Canada and India stated that 500,000 girls were being lost annually through sex-selective abortions.[4]

Pre-natal sex-determination was banned in India in 1994, under the Pre-conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act. The act aims to prevent sex-selective abortion, which, according to the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, "has its roots in India’s long history of strong patriarchal influence in all spheres of life."[5]
It is most prominent in Gujarat and the North Indian states, which according to census data have an alarmingly low ratio of female children. Certain castes regularly practiced female infanticide and later female foeticide. The castes with a much lower proportion of female children to male children included lewa patidars and the rajputs in Gujarat; jats, rajputs, khutris and royal brahmins in undivided Punjab, rajputs and gujars in the Uttar Pradesh.[6]
Could you provide proof for that?

Infanticide is non-existence in India.

:what: are sure its non-existent in India??

this is from last year

India loses 3 million girls in infanticide

in an alarming trend, girl child numbers in India have shown a sharper decline than the male children in the decade beginning 2001, leading to a skewed child sex ratio.

On the eve of the International Day of the Girl Child, government on Tuesday said that while the decade saw an overall drop in share of children to total population, nearly three million girls, one million more than boys, are “missing” in 2011 compared to 2001 and there are now 48 fewer girls per 1,000 boys than there were in 1981.

“During 2001- 2011, the share of children to total population has declined and the decline was sharper for female children than male children in the age group 0—6 years,” said the study “Children in India 2012- A Statistical Appraisal” conducted by the Central Statistical Organisation.

“Though, the overall sex ratio of the country is showing a trend of improvement, the child sex ratio is showing a declining trend, which is a matter of concern,” the study said

According to the report, female child population in the age group of 0-6 years was 78.83 million in 2001 which declined to 75.84 million in 2011.

The population of girl child was 15.88 per cent of the total female population of 496.5 million in 2001, which declined to 12.9 per cent of total number of 586.47 million women in 2011.

Similarly the male children population has also declined from 85.01 million in 2001 to 82.95 per cent in 2011. During the period, 1991-2011, the child sex ratio declined from 945 to 914, whereas the overall sex ratio showed an improvement from 927 to 940.

“Though the child sex ratio in rural India is 919 which is 17 points higher than that of urban India, the decline in Child Sex Ratio (0—6 years) during 2001—2011 in rural areas is more than three times as compared to the drop in urban India which is a matter of grave concern,” it added.
India loses 3 million girls in infanticide - The Hindu

Again stupid Kalu miah Empties his bowels on thread.

Learn difference between Infanticide and foeticide.

Infanticide is non-existent in India. We have problem with Foeticide for which there is PCPNDT Law.

Infanticide is unheard in India for past 30 years.
Indians acting like their country is a safe haven for women..

And there is the other delusional Indian called @Anonymous who thinks infanticide is non existent in India... When India is the hub of it... Ahh... Education.
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Again stupid Kalu miah Empties his bowels on thread.

Learn difference between Infanticide and foeticide.

Infanticide is non-existent in India. We have problem with Foeticide for which there is PCPNDT Law.

Infanticide is unheard in India for past 30 years.

Both the practices are alive there so your saying that its unheard of in India for last 30 years is a bit exaggerated.

killing females in womb or after birth both are there rather in few other countries too.
unfortunate, and barbaric
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