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Where is Naheed Khan?


Sep 28, 2006
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Right hand of BB till the last moment is no where to be seen and no one especially media wants to raise the question :)
where ever she is, im glad she's not around anymore....she was a nuisance..a very very rude person and was liked by no one....

so lets be happy she's out of the scene...or does anyone want her to be prime minister? :P
i agree with all her "characteristics" but still she is out of scene all of a sudden, makes me wonder what she knows or doesn't know :/
She was a close ally of Benazir, she was her closest friend. I have a feeling she has been threatened by Mr.10%. She knows whats reality.
Zardari ignores messages of Naheed Khan, Safdar Abbasi

By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD:ÊClose associates of late Benazir Bhutto, Dr Safdar Abbasi and Naheed Khan, had sent a secret message to the Zardari House to contradict a report in The News about a shocking perception that they, along with Amin Fahim, were responsible for her assassination. But there has been no response after almost a week.

The couple had sent the messageÊlast Sunday but the Zardari House was yet to issue a contradiction of the report as demanded by Dr Safdar Abbasi and Naheed Khan.

When contacted by The News, the Information Secretary of the PPP, Sherry Rehman, said she had no idea about the message or something like that.

However, unlike Naheed and Abbasi, Amin Fahim did not send any message to the Zardari House. He, however, gave his own reaction to The News to incorporate it in the main story. MAF was of the view that this was totally ridiculous to think that any one of them sitting besides Benazir was responsible for her martyrdom.

MAF said they were risking their lives by traveling with Benazir, knowing well that she was the target of suicide bombings.

MAF had pointed out that he used to sit on one side of Benazir and Naheed Khan on the other, so that they should be hit first and not Benazir Bhutto.ÊÊ

It is believed that this wild and laughable allegation, which was to be made public by a PPP senator at some point in the near future, was aimed at defusing the desperate campaign of MAF to become the prime minister.

However, the leakage of this plan is said to have killed it as no one in the ranks of the party was ready to believe the involvement of the three top lieutenants of Benazir Bhutto in her assassination.

Earlier, soon after the publication of the shocking story, Dr Safdar Abbasi, the spouse of Naheed Khan, had sent a message to Asif Ali Zardari that the PPP should contradict a report published in The News last week that there was a strong perception in the camp of Zardari that Naheed Khan, Amin Fahim and Safdar Abbasi were responsible for the killing of Benazir Bhutto.

Safdar had conveyed through the messenger that if the contradiction was not issued, then he would use his right to defend himself in the media.

The news of the alleged implication of Naheed and Dr Safdar had come as a big shock not only for the spouse but also for the rest of the party leaders.ÊSources close to Dr Safdar Abbasi confirmed to The News that he was shocked to read the story attributed to some sources in the ranks of the PPP close to Asif Zardari.

He was not ready to believe that such kind of perception could take roots within the party. This disbelief is said to have convinced him to send a message to the Zardari House.

Zardari ignores messages of Naheed Khan, Safdar Abbasi

I believe that Amin fahim underestimated Zardari and punjabi ppp mafia---Babar Awan Jehangir Badar, Ahmad Mukhtar---etc.

Amin being the gentleman that he is does not have the killer instincts Zardari.

Naheed Khan knew everything between Benazir and anyone else---plus she also knew what happened at the Benazir's residence all the time.

Both these people are in a unique position.
I also wonder what happened to Naheed Khan.... though most people never liked her.... but she was the right hand and the most sincere to Benazir.... she was the one wo kept weeping at BB residence.

I wouldn't be surprised if she and Amin fahim are victimized by the 'UN tribunal' probe that is being demanded by PPP over BB assasination.

All BB close confidants are being ignored and side-lined.... new comers like Sherry rehman and jail rotters like Rehman malik, PM Yusuf gillani, and old deserters of BB like Farhat-ullah babar are being awarded!

All these characters are responsible for killing BB. Asif himself claimed that his "jail-mates" were responsible for excellent security of Benazir.... when that bomb went off the security advisor "Rehman Malik" was no where near! The usual car/jeep companion of Benzair, Sherry rehman was NOT sitting in the jeep. Later, Shery emerged with a support around her neck and sitting in wheel chair.... why did she sit in wheel chair when she was no even inside that jeep of BB? Nothig happened to Amin fahim nor Naheed...sitting inside with her.

Simple, Zardari had her killed with help of ex-FIA chief Rehman Malik (who organised some suicide bomber with help of local extremists).... and now he's the one rewarded in the initial KABEENA of govt. Rehman malik was also in jail with Zardari for several years. They planned her death.
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