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Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

Brother in a country as diverse as Pakistan, you can not have everyone thinking the same way.

There are many Pakistani Muslims who follow the teachings of the Quran, Hadith, Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), pray 5 times, fast every day on Ramadan, make pilgrimage to Hajj in Mecca, and help the poor. Allah bless them and I'm sure they will be rewarded on Day of Judgement.

However, you can not force anyone to follow this blessed way of life.

In most Pakistani schools, colleges, and universities Islamic studies is required. So we are teaching our kids Islam. When they turn adults, its up to them how determined they are to follow the teachings of Islam, but you can't force anyone.

And no one is stopping anyone in Pakistan to practice his/her Religion the way they want to, so I dont know where the problem is.

Dear Omar... The problem is that we take Islam as a religion and not an ideology... Try to see how a personal Islam fits into the following scenario... This is just one example... You simply cannot answer it from a personal Islam perspective...

In Pakistan of Today... Riba is being enforced upon me and you and we have paid upto 13 dollars for each dollar we have loaned...

In Pakistan of Islam... Those who deal in Riba give them a declaration of being at war with God and his messenger...

Please for God sake try to understand this point... Islam is a lot more than praying five times a day and fasting in Ramadhan...

From the way these discussions are going... I m sadly concluding that the secularist element here is not interested in any discussion... They are bringing up issues like Sectarianism, Consenses in Shariah, Quaid e Azam etc again and again without actually dealing with the answers that are being given to them... To brothers on my side of discussion I say let them be and dont waste too much time with them... Keep posting on the forum on different issues but dont get too involved in it... This forum is run by someone who is obviously a secularist and thus you see such a strong secularist presence on this forum... It is definitely not a representation of what the people of Pakistan want... So dont be too bothered... Put your arguments forward and leave it at that...
assalam alaikum

Don't put all the blaim on mullahs why don't u acknowledge that our political elite also failed to provide an alternative. After all those masses rallied behind qaid and not mullah for the independence drive ask ur self why?

Well, like I said, I've read the Quran, but as per my understanding perhaps if the Prophet were alive today he would have done to 99% of the mosques in Pakistan what he did to the Masjid-e-Zarrar. Most of them are associated with sects and hence encouraging firqawariat, others are outright dens of fitna parasti, yet others are allowing people (i.e. the qaabiz mullahs) to transform religion into a source of income and still others are instruments of an illegitimate qabza on government property.

And Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) will come across fellow Muslims in Pakistan (who drink, do clubbing, have Boy friends Girl Friends, gambling, least bothered about Islam and its laws) he will greet them with pleasure and walk home?

Net-net, religion is personal. It cannot be forced down the throat of a collective of 180 million people. If ever a majority of Pakistanis can agree on a particular version of the Sharia and choose to vote that in as the constitution of Pakistan, well and good. Until then, the energy wasted in these lamentations is better used cleaning up your street, volunteering at a local school, helping fund a scholarship for a low-income child or simply trying to excel at whatever you do for the sake of the country.
Sir I will be grateful if you next time provide any evidence without your own absurd interpretation with secularists views.

The Holy Quran:
"Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining Al-Ma'ruf (the good) and forbidding Al-Munkar (the evil). And it is they who are successful." (3:104)

Prophet [sallallahu alayhe wa sallam (SAWS)] said: "If people see Munkar (something forbidden) without attempting to stop it, all of them are liable to an immediate punishment from Allah." (Bukhari)

Are you actually trying to say Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) came to this earth for "personal" practice and was least bothered about spreading the laws of Islam?

Muslims are obligated to invite the people along to the right path and prevent people fall to the wrong path. This obligation named "Amar bil Ma'ruf nahi wal Munkar".

Amongst the greatest obligations are amr-bil-Ma’roof (ordering for acknowledged virtues) and nahi anil munkar (forbidding from sin). Allah (SWT) says: “And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good, order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful ones” (Ale Imran: 104).

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: “How will it be for you when your women will commit sins and your youth will transgress and you will not order for acknowledged virtues nor forbid from sin? It was said to him: “Will that happen O messenger of Allah?” Then he (S.A.W.) said: Yes. Then he said: “How will it be for you when you order for sins and forbid from acknowledged virtues?” Then it was said to him: “O messenger of Allah(S.A.W.)! Will that happen?” Then he said: “Yes and worse than that how will it be for you when you perceive acknowledged virtue as sin and perceive sin as acknowledged virtue?”

Indeed it has also reached from them (the ahlulbayt) – may peace be upon them – “Surely it is through ordering for acknowledged virtues that responsibilities stand ground, ideologies are safeguarded, earnings become permissible, oppression resisted, the earth inhabited, oppressed met with justice against oppressor and the people do not receive any good when they do not order for the acknowledged virtues nor forbid from sin nor co-operate in doing good. Hence, when they do not do that blessings withdraw, some of them over-power others and there is no aide for them in the earth nor in the sky.”

Ordering for wajib actions and forbidding from haram is at times wajib e Aini and at times Wajib e Kifai. Abm/Nam is Wajib e Aini by means of expressive actions (not manhandling) or words. Through these, ones discomfort towards the action is expressed. In such case if one person performs Abm/Nam then others are not absolved from it. Ameer-ul-Momineen (A.S.) said: “The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) ordered us that we should meet the sinful with sullen faces” – as quoted by Ayatullah Sistani in Masael-ul-Muntakhabah. But if the situation is such that Abm/Nam is possible only through physical compelling like hitting and detaining then it is only Wajib e Kifai - In such case if one person does it then others are absolved from it but if no one does it then everyone turns out to be sinners and all are deserving of punishment.

If the acknowledged virtue is recommended then ordering for it is also recommended. Hence, such an ordering is worthy of reward and if someone does not do this then there is no sin on him or punishment. Similar is the case with preventing from Makrooh. But with Abm/Nam for Mustahab or Makrooh, the person addressed should not be put to any trouble or disrespect. It is necessary to be brief in this up to such an extent that it does not cause the person addressed any kind of difficulty and he does not withdraw away from religion.
Classic example of an Indian troll. Rather than commenting on the post constructively, the troller goes ahead with some cheap comment, that too in Hindi.

Let's see how long you last?

WoW so now asking a question is trolling?

Your response proved me right. You don't have an answer to my question do you?
Don't put all the blaim on mullahs
I agree with Tariq.

For everyones information a survey was carried out in which people in Pakistan were asked: "On which date of which Islamic month do we celebrate Eid-ul-Fitar?"

Surprisingly more than 90% of the people could not answer it or said at the end of Ramazan. . :what:

Without these Mullahas and Molvis we cant even celebrate our Eid. . .
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There are many more Muslims in India than in Pakistan. And India was the home of what is now Paksitan, it's origination point if you will.

I knew Jinnah's younger sister (thanks to Ahmad for correcting my previous mistatement describing Ms. Jinnah as the daughter, faulty memory, as she was much younger), Fatimah in Karachi during my tour of duty with the US Embassy there. She was a good Muslim, as was Mr. Jinnah, but they did not advocate a theocratic nation but a nation within which ALL faiths would practice freely and openly their differing systems, but Islam would of course be the majority religion, that was a given.

The creation of Pakistan, remember, was largely by Lord Mountbatten, not by a religiously divine guidance system.

Sir for non-Muslim a Muslim is who does not practice islam and pretends to be western and a bad muslim is who practice islam.
And please dont associate actions of few bad muslims i.e terrorists with Islam.

PS. I am sure we would love to hear your story one day. Was it in the 50s? :cheers:
I agree with Tariq.

For everyones information a survey was carried out in which people in Pakistan were asked: "On which date of which Islamic month do we celebrate Eid-ul-Fitar?"

Surprisingly more than 90% of the people could not answer it or said at the end of Ramazan. . :what:

Without these Mullahas and Molvis we cant even celebrate our Eid. . .

NEW YEAR (Christian) Christmas Valentines day Halloween etc is more important to fellow Pakistanis.
WoW so now asking a question is trolling?

Your response proved me right. You don't have an answer to my question do you?

You are meant to converse here in English (rule here), it's an international forum and many cannot understand what you wrote.

What was your question anyway because I could not understand anything from your esteemed post.

Make yourself familiar with rules here and learn to ask things properly.

All it seems to me is that you are not looking for an answer but a chance to derail the thread.
You are meant to converse here in English (rule here), it's an international forum and many cannot understand what you wrote.

What was your question anyway because I could not understand anything from your esteemed post.

Make yourself familiar with rules here and learn to ask things properly.

All it seems to me is that you are not looking for an answer but a chance to derail the thread.

Ahaaa so that's it. Language barrier. Apologies.

Anyways, here's the literal translation of what I typed:

How much will it be instead of 3%? 5%? 7%?

Even by 7% I'm giving you an error margin of 133%.


7% of 18million (your current population) is 1.26 million and you (your countrymen) are saying that there are 20 million Christians alone in Pakistan?
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