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Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

Instead of paying the 1.5 billion USD from China, it took 2 billion USD more loan. This is not good for long term.


On side note I have nothing against Pakistan. Hope it come out of present condition sooner.
China is doing stupid mistake to give them money . We pakistanis not trust this gov how could china trust them

Thanks. Instead of constantly bullying BD for working hard to raise its economy, I ask you to watch the link below that says how the Arabian Sea can produce wealth for Pakistan, a $100 billion worth of production per year. Blue economy.

Bangladesh itself also working on the blue economy in the BoB.

I am against destroying natural resources .i am against fishing anywhere be its rivers or sea . I am against huntung too .if i have powers i will declare whole pakistan a national park including our eez. Humans have already babged everything
BD economic performance indices say it is quite ahead of Pakistan and at par or a little ahead of India. But when Japan, Korea, and China invest billions of dollars in the very near future it will propel the country's GDP at a higher rate than now.

I also read about Indian investors from Kolkata investing in BD.

We are waiting for the EPZs to get completed with infrastructures, roads, power, and internet connections to bring in these investments within this or next year.

Economic indices have limitations like all indices, but GDP and GDP per capita are still the most widely used metrics around the world.

BTW, I believe the real misleading GDP calculations aren't from developing countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, or India, it's developed countries, the UK, and the US in particular. A huge (majority) portion of their GDP is simply counted as transactions. It's like you give me $10,000 to give to someone else. Then you take a snapshot of my bank account, which is $10k richer. People often forget how a huge fraction of GDP and export calculations within the UK/US are commercial revenue moved through accounts. It's not my money, and I didn't earn it through work.

For countries like Bangladesh, or even India and Pakistan GDP and Exports calculation are incredibly simple on the other hand. They're services & industry-based economies. Bangladesh export is real export, not some tax evasion bullshit. If we were to rely on conventional metrics, from the IMF, then: (source: https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDPDPC@WEO/PAK/IND)

GDP per capita (nominal) in 2023.

Bangladesh: $2850, India: $2690, Pakistan (???, around $1600)

By 2027:
Bangladesh: $4170, India $3650, Pakistan? (maybe reach Bangladesh value in 2020, if they're lucky, lawl)

Also, note that Bangladesh was the first major South Asian country outside Sri Lanka to exceed the $2500 per capita threshold in 2022. If you look at the map, all the South Asian countries are in Dark Orange, while Bangladesh went to the peach-color territory. I believe IMF's GDP calculations, by large, are quite conservative. Most countries (even the UK, which is currently "celebrating" 0.5% growth, because IMF predicted they'd be in a recession lmao) do slightly better than projected. But Bangladesh did a LOT better than predicted. I remember in 2020 some Pajeet from The Wire was talking about how Bangladesh's GDP overtook India, but how they're expected to regain the lead (though only by a few dollars) by 2023. Didn't happen. The gap between BD and India per capita is growing further apart and is expected to go further apart throughout this decade. And when all the infrastructure and East Asian-style export zones finally become operational, it'll be the case of the BD economy going brrr.
Just out of fun, I looked back at some retrospective posts from 2015/2016 in PDF, when the news about BD exceeding PK economically started to appear. It was a shocker for most Pakistanis, but not shocking to anyone who actually knows anything about economic development. Because Bangladesh started to overtake Pakistan in human development indices: health, vaccination, literacy, and female empowerment, which still causes huge sociopolitical and philosophical firestorms in Pakistan, as evidenced by this very thread.
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Thanks. That was very informative. Would be very grateful if you could give us a few more data points please.

How does BD's per capita GDP (PPP) compare with India?
How does energy and electricity consumption per capita in BD compare with India?
How many bikes does BD sell in a year? and how many India in a month?

Thanks in advance.


Thanks. That was very informative. Would be very grateful if you could give us a few more data points please.

How does BD's per capita GDP (PPP) compare with India?
How does energy and electricity consumption per capita in BD compare with India?
How many bikes does BD sell in a year? and how many India in a month?

Thanks in advance.


BD’s per capita GDP (PPP) $8679 (2023),

India’s per capita GDP (PPP) $8293 (2022)

India will likely ahead by few hundred dollars if the 2023 data is released but Bangladesh will overtake for sure in next 2-3 years.
This is how this very discussion has evolved throughout the years. For fun, I've included the GDP per capita data (IMF) between the two countries:

2008 (BD: $760, Pak: $1120): "Haha Bangla so poor, PAK number 1. There's no way you can ever be richer than us"

2015 (BD: $1.5k, PK: $1.55K): " This article is wrong, written by RAAA, no way Bangla overtake PAK in GDP per capita"

2017 (BD: $1.84, Pak: $1.64): "Don't worry bro, we won war of terror.. i mean ON terraaa. Pakistan has peace now. We will overtake you shortly"

2019: (BD: 2.15K, Pak $1.5K): "hey our PPP per capita is still way better than yours)

2020: (BD: 2.27K, Pak $1.38K): "Covid gonna F*ck you up, with your massive population densities"

2023: (BD $2.85K, Pak $1.6k): "Hasina leads some global conspiracy to manipulate data wherever she pleases. BTW look at our roads, our shopping mall"

The moral of the story is, IMF/World Bank data are all useless unless my country is ahead of you LMFAO

Small minded South Asians
Can you stop referring India's illegal Bangladeshi problem with your illegals issue with Pakistan? These are different issues.

Same issue. Calling your own poor Bengali as Bangladeshi and illegal migrant specially during election wont change reality. NRC shut that myth so far in Assam but still some hot air from West Bengal time to time. For Pakistan as well a segment is denying the Bengalis who settled in west Pakistan or present day Pakistan as Bangladeshi.
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Same issue. Calling your own poor Bengali as Bangladeshi and illegal migrant during election specially during election wont change reality. NRC shut that myth so far in Assam but still some hot air from West Bengal time to time. For Pakistan as well a segment is denying the Bengalis who settled in west Pakistan or present day Pakistan as Bangladeshi.
Let us park this item to separate thread...I am not denying about politicization happened for this issue. But to discount this issue as false is unreal...Just ask anyone from Odisha about this issue, they can give example in real life where people are working in Odisha and they are illegals...And the funny part is that they do not put it under the carpet because our problem is not with BD people staying, living with us, or doing the job here...Because, unlike Pakistani people, our problem is not with their presence in our neighborhood rather getting citizenship and voting rights is strongly objected.
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Thanks. That was very informative. Would be very grateful if you could give us a few more data points please.

How does BD's per capita GDP (PPP) compare with India?
How does energy and electricity consumption per capita in BD compare with India?
How many bikes does BD sell in a year? and how many India in a month?

Thanks in advance.


Per capita vehicle consumption is not a metric for human development, you'll be disappointed to learn.

Bangladesh only started to pull ahead recently. It'll take a few more years for that to manifest into actual prosperity for the average person. Or manifest in the look/feel of the country. I was in Dhaka last year. TBH it feels like a $2.85k per capita economy. Nothing more nothing less. It's not a particularly high number, but it has changed considerably. And it doesn't have the resources of a country the size of India to all pull into a few cities to make them look nice, at the expense of huge wastelands of utter human misery.

Like all developing Asian countries, from China to Singapore, during the early periods of growth, only the rich will get richer. Even Deng Xiaoping said, "let the rich get richer first". The problem with BD is social mobility has gone backward, not forwards. But that's a separate issue. The people who saw a massive rise in their quality of life in the last 10 years are 1) The business tycoon types, and 2)the very poor. And it was the former demographic where most of the development target was aimed at. Village life in Bangladesh used to be full of famine and infant mortality. Now villagers live some of the most comfortable life in BD. In short, Bangladesh spent more money/effort in bridging the urban/rural divide than building fancy housing complexes (for senior military officials), and malls. Bangladesh's growth model is bottom-up, not top-down like in Pakistan and India. It tries to establish a firm foundation first.

Edit, at the risk of hurting the very fragile ego of many South Asian males, there are things India does better than Bangladesh, and there are things Bangladesh does better than India. I'm glad we don't have the same relationship as Ukraine and Russia. At the very least, we learned to live side by side and build on the little things we agree on. At a time when the entire F*cking European continent is sleepwalking closer to nuclear war (because they can't compromise), Asians need to adopt a culture of pragmatism.

Our silly little game of whose the poorest beggar has no significance in the titanic global shifts that are about to come. And it might just favor us,, if we play it right
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Let us park this item to separate thread...I am not denying about politicization happened for this issue. But to discount this issue as false is unreal...Just ask anyone from Odisha about this issue, they can give example in real life where people are in working in Odisha and they are illegals...And the funny part is that they do not put it under the carpet because our problem is not with BD people staying, leaving with us, or do the job here...Because, unlike Pakistan side people, our problem is not with their presence in our neighborhood rather getting citizenship and voting rights is strongly objected.

No Bangladeshis on sane mind will go to Odisha for work. Bangladesh’s living condition is way way better than Odisha.
I don't wanna hurt anyone here but the truth is that Pakistan is failing everywhere. Half of the population which is women is forced to sit home. Out of rest 25% works while rest sit home. We are so lazy as fkk that we want to import every single item at govt expense. Politics is another black hole in Pakistan. The only thing we are champion in is producing babies.

I can go on and on but it's of no use.
Houses between 50 crore and 1.5 billion are not uncommon in Islamabad.

The thing is be it in Islamabad or Lahore the quality of life will be much higher.


Karachi Bahria town is a proper city and you can fit almost all of Dhaka in it. Emaar just came to Karachi and is quiet awesome.

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They have built 8 towers and plan to built 30 plus.

Bahria town Karachi might need a whole seperate thread because its the size of a whole city.

Average Bangladeshi is already richer than an average Pakistani. Go to this Credit-suisse report on Global wealth per adult report 2022, page 20 and 23. Adult Bangladeshis have both more GDP per adult and wealth per adult.

GDP per adult, 2021-

Wealth per adult, 2021-

Pakistan's wealth is heavily concentrated in DHA and Bahria towns. We don't have anything similar like those gated towns. In fact,most of the countries have not. Bangladesh looks more poorer than it should be because most of it's poor lives in the streets of Urban centers. Cities of Bangladesh provides plenty of jobs to the poorest segment of the society as a rickshaw puller, garments workers, street hawkers, vendors etc. Most of the rural poor have migrated to urban centers in Bangladesh in the last 30 years. This rate of migration is much more than India and Pakistan. 30-40 years ago, Bangladesh had much lower urbanization rate than those two countries, but now it has overtaken both of them.
This means, Bangladesh provided much better upward mobilty to it's rural poor than those two countries. This along with poor or non-existant urban planning and inadequate transport infrastructure created chaotic and over crowded situations in major cities in Bangladesh.
They aren't gated, they are open

I don't wanna hurt anyone here but the truth is that Pakistan is failing everywhere. Half of the population which is women is forced to sit home. Out of rest 25% works while rest sit home. We are so lazy as fkk that we want to import every single item at govt expense. Politics is another black hole in Pakistan. The only thing we are champion in is producing babies.

I can go on and on but it's of no use.
This women stuff is a scapegoat and lie.

The women CHOOSE to stay at home, it's just far more efficient when running a family.

The problem is not women at all, it is far more fundamental at the core, quite frankly this women stuff is just random irrelevant cope. You have far bigger issues that need addressing.
We are superior to you, intellectually and bravely. We have won a big war against you and against well-trained PA troops. We fought with Lungi and .303 rifles to defeat you.

You are just no match to us except in physical height.

Our economy has been placed on a higher level by our hardworking people, unlike your Taliban murderous people.

What else do you want to prove? We do not need to prove anything to people who start wars and quarrel that they are unable to win. Better you prove that you are worth nationhood.

LOL sure you don't. You joined PDF and post on threads begging for acknowledgement of your delusions because you don't need to prove anything. Right.

The truth is you're emotionally on fire :flame:

The first line seems to be taken from an action movie script lol
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Rear end on fire. Leave the discussion with them. It's not they don't know, they know. They are creating diversions to feel better about them. The key is their extensive use of anecdotes instead of real data.

Translation: We join Pakistani forums and create discussions with them but get refused the acknowledgement we seek from them, which is why we're here.
After they refuse us, I post some baiting claims out of emotion, because their acceptance and reactions are the reasons i'm on their forum.

As they keep refusing us the false acknowledgement we came for, we'll pretend to "ignore" the same people who's acknowledgement we sought in the first place.:P
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Anyway, I have seen your sh1tposts for a long time using anecdotes. Talking to you is like talking to a goat, thus lowering my own intelligence to your level. Post away anecdotes until your heart is content, who cares. We BDeshis have a job to do and we will continue to do it as we see fit regardless of some nobody ranting.

Translation: Let's create accounts on a Pakistani Forum and start threads to provoke arguments from them and then ask "who cares?" in hopes to divert them from the fact that we join their forums and created these threads, rather than the other way around. We dare not let anyone question why we do this.

After yet still failing to get their acknowledgement, we'll accuse them of "ranting" in order to distract the world from the fact we join their forums and create these threads in hopes of seeking false acknowledgment from them. :P

Blabber away mate. Internet is filled with people saying your country is in the verge of bankruptcy. I hope if you increase the tempo of blabbering it helps improve your economy. Bye.

Translation: After joining a Pakistani forum and failing to get the reaction I hoped to provoke out of them to satisfy my emotions, i'll accuse them of "blabbering." I sought acknowledgement and jealousy from them to satisfy my own emotions and all I got was refusal, so i'll accuse them of having a "tempo" to make it look like they think so much about us rather than the other way around as seen by our failed efforts of joining their forums for their acknowledgement of our false superiority over them. :cry: :P
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