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Where And How Pakistan Is Storing Nuclear Weapons According To US Scientists

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Satellite images same images they gave about Weapon of Mass Destructions in Iraq.Idiots.Wealay loog!!
Our Nuclear Weapons are launched from Mobile TEL's, they are never kept at the same place.

(From what the public knows) We don't use Silo's.
Oh yes Just the way they sniffed Iraqis WMD
Well Americans do know that disarming us will lead to self immolation for Americans and chaos for the region?
Hell even north korea has ICBM's ,They think we cannot strike Them?
We should not let this threat lightly,After the clinton leaks there was a media report that said "Nuclear suicide bombers",Now the most easiest way to disarm or attack Pakistan is to create a nuclear suicide bomber,And we know the americans are fantastic at false flagging,Besides they don't care they fuc**** Iraq up,and yeah the list of fuc**** up now also includes libya and others
People are stupid but trumps victory might have just saved the world given what Hillary and Barock did to Middle east.
Thumb rule in dealing with the americans is that, dont get too close or they will eat you up and spit out the bones.
This applies more if you got oil:)

,you me and the whole world know that US knows they is no WMD in IRAQ,They want to occupy IRAQ in pretext of that.
But i wonder why the same can't be said for OBL oh wait because it involves pakistan
But i wonder why the same can't be said for OBL oh wait because it involves pakistan
Sir,you may be rite but since it happen in Pakistan,Abbotabad very next to your military garrison.may be thats y,
However benefit of doubt should be given.
Americans are very capable of finding hidden stuff. Just look at how they sniffed out OBL:smokin:
Yaa they very clever, they did find obl but failed to find 9/11 terrorists


,you me and the whole world know that US knows they is no WMD in IRAQ,They want to occupy IRAQ in pretext of that.
Lol and that whole world also know obl was a fake man created by CIA to use evil purpose, we don't have any problem because they killed there own man..
Wow, US really doesn't even have a clue about our weapons, let alone the storages. If they couldn't find out that Pakistan was digging at Chaghi test site in 80's then forget about anything now.
The last time USA produced such maps, they were for WMD's .... we all know how accurate they were
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