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When you eat at an expensive restaurant, do you think of the poor?

No, i don't think about poor as poor don't think about us.

We work hard to earn and gives govt. huge taxes.

On the other hand poor just make babies and beg in front of govt. or people. Govt. gives our hard earned money to poor who will not benefit because they don't stop or slow down their rate of making more and more babies.

They want reservation, food, laptop, mobile phone, house, cloth everything free of cost and govt. is giving them by using our money.

At the end we have right to eat with our halal rightly earned money. :angel:
tip properly if you are served well.

That's why I love the Australian system, because there's no tipping (except in very expensive restaurants). Instead, the govt. sets the minimum wage high enough ($16/hr) so that the employee is guaranteed a decent income.

A tip is basically the employer's way of saying he is too cheap to pay his employees a proper wage and he expects you, the customer, to make up the difference.

On topic, it depends where you live. There is a social contract where people decide what kind of society they want to live in. Should society provide certain benefits to all people? Does a poor child deserve a minimum level of support, or must she suffer for her parents' mistakes? Do we win more by having a bigger personal bank balance today, or by having a bigger pool of educated, productive people going forward?

That social contract is underwritten by taxes.

In Australia, where there is a massive social welfare system and high taxes, I feel that poor people have a decent support system.

In Pakistan, such a system is non-existent. If people feel their conscience, they should think really hard what kind of political system they are voting for. Do they want to vote for a "business friendly" person (code for "no taxes for the upper classes") or a more social equality-minded candidate?
That's why I love the Australian system, because there's no tipping (except in very expensive restaurants). Instead, the govt. sets the minimum wage high enough ($16/hr) so that the employee is guaranteed a decent income.

A tip is basically the employer's way of saying he is too cheap to pay his employees a proper wage and he expects you, the customer, to make up the difference.

On topic, it depends where you live. There is a social contract where people decide what kind of society they want to live in. Should society provide certain benefits to all people? Does a poor child deserve a minimum level of support, or must she suffer for her parents' mistakes? Do we win more by having a bigger personal bank balance today, or by having a bigger pool of educated, productive people going forward?

That social contract is underwritten by taxes.

In Australia, where there is a massive social welfare system and high taxes, I feel that poor people have a decent support system.

In Pakistan, such a system is non-existent. If people feel their conscience, they should think really hard what kind of political system they are voting for. Do they want to vote for a "business friendly" person (code for "no taxes for the upper classes") or a more social equality-minded candidate?
well british think they same (they are just doing their job and paid for it, why should I pay extra) and have this bad rep in USA.
But I think I should be able to reward a guy who does something better than others. Not because he is poor but to differentiate him/her from rest.
I dont tip if I am not treated properly, just because its the norm in that establishment.
define expensive... what is expensive for you may not be same for others...
besides expensive restaurant price out people you dont want to see when eating in restaurant... some will pay extra for that... :sick:

By my own standards eating out is waste, whether its expensive or not but just to answer your question, I am ok for a meal of Rs 500-600 per head and anything above that is expensive.
well british think they same (they are just doing their job and paid for it, why should I pay extra) and have this bad rep in USA.
But I think I should be able to reward a guy who does something better than others. Not because he is poor but to differentiate him/her from rest.
I dont tip if I am not treated properly, just because its the norm in that establishment.

That's a proper tip -- an extra reward for a job well done.

But in the US, the tip is factored into the pay, so wait staff get paid less than minimum wage, with the expectation that the tip will cover the difference.

In Australia, the price includes taxes and there's no tip, so what you see is what you pay. In the US, you have to mentally add taxes and tip onto the listed price.
No, i don't think about poor as poor don't think about us.

We work hard to earn and gives govt. huge taxes.

On the other hand poor just make babies and beg in front of govt. or people. Govt. gives our hard earned money to poor who will not benefit because they don't stop or slow down their rate of making more and more babies.

They want reservation, food, laptop, mobile phone, house, cloth everything free of cost and govt. is giving them by using our money.

At the end we have right to eat with our halal rightly earned money. :angel:
bit harsh, dont you think.
bit harsh, dont you think.

But, its a fact what's say??

Its disgusting to see people getting everything and still cribbing. My driver is a so called poor who have 2 voter ID and ration cards in delhi and UP. He gets all the govt. benefits in both states. He even have 3 Jhuggis (slums) and have got a EWS govt flat in return of a jhuggi - jhopri. That flat cost Rs. 20 lacs in Delhi.

And still he is poor.
But, its a fact what's say??

Its disgusting to see people getting everything and still cribbing. My driver is a so called poor who have 2 voter ID and ration cards in delhi and UP. He gets all the govt. benefits in both states. He even have 3 Jhuggis (slums) and have got a EWS govt flat in return of a jhuggi - jhopri. That flat cost Rs. 20 lacs in Delhi.

And still he is poor.
well you live in delhi but rest of India has real poverty, especially rural India (not talking about punjab/haryana). People dont sleep under flyovers just for cold air.
well you live in delhi but rest of India has real poverty, especially rural India (not talking about punjab/haryana). People dont sleep under flyovers just for cold air.

Points taken but they are here for greed (read more opportunities) in rural India there is job and food but they will remain living by digging well on daily basis. They want comfort and move to the next level.

I don't deny that something is wrong in it, my point is that why make so much babies that you can't feed and make India's progress and removal of poverty so hard. It will be good for them after all.
I think its much better to feed/ donate poor peoples because it gives satisfaction and happiness that you cant get from anything else.. Whatever we eat whether it is zinger burger or tea with bread both gives energy and turn to same thing. Kindness is the best beauty in humanity....
I think its much better to feed/ donate poor peoples because it gives satisfaction and happiness that you cant get from anything else.. Whatever we eat whether it is zinger burger or tea with bread both gives energy and turn to same thing. Kindness is the best beauty in humanity....
you can do both.... and dont make poor dependent on you by giving handouts, you might feel good but you are making it worse.

Points taken but they are here for greed (read more opportunities) in rural India there is job and food but they will remain living by digging well on daily basis. They want comfort and move to the next level.

I don't deny that something is wrong in it, my point is that why make so much babies that you can't feed and make India's progress and removal of poverty so hard. It will be good for them after all.
man, you are completly cut off from reality.. and living in a bubble of NCR, west UP and punjab.
Everybody is greedy not only poor, but blaming poor for poverty is like blaming sick for sickness, its very very difficult to get out of poverty. All these behaviour you said( more babies, irresponsibility) comes automatically with poverty and somebody has to break the cycle.
BTW am not saying everybody has to donate money to poor, paying tax properly (which am sure you do) is quite helpful.
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We shall think of poor even eating at home! and thank 'Allah' after every meal, what ever it is.

I learned this from Arabs, these guys say 'Alhamdulilah' even when they are sick or in trouble!

According to Islamic beliefs, every one has a circle of rights and if your neighbor/society is hungry... you'll pay for it in the end!

Of course, some people's belief is non-Islamic and they are free to not believe.
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