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When land grabbers rule


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When land grabbers rule
By Rina Saeed Khan
Published: January 28, 2014


The writer is an award-winning environmental journalist. She holds an MA in Environment and Development from SOAS in London

While we are all cognisant of the fact that terrorism presents an existential threat to the country, why are we ignoring the multiple threats presented by the land mafia active in all our major cities? In Karachi, the land mafia is involved in drugs, illegal weapons, kidnappings for ransom, bank robberies and many other crimes; it has made the city a living hell for the common citizen.

In Lahore, there is a well-connected land mafia that keeps its eyes on uninhabited plots and buildings in prime areas and moves in with fake ID cards to take possession, leaving the real owners (often living abroad) to then pursue the case in the courts for years.


While Islamabad is a comparatively much safer city than Karachi, it too has a local version of the land mafia whose activities go unchecked. The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has recently admitted that 54,552 kanals of state-owned land are under the possession of land grabbers or have been encroached upon!

The reason that land mafias get away with their illegal activities is because of the patronage of powerful politicians and government officials — it really is as simple as that. The land mafia is a nexus comprising politicians, criminals, property dealers and corrupt government officials. The most glaring example of land grabbing in Islamabad involves the relatives of an influential politician, a prominent parliamentarian, who have helped themselves to a huge chunk of land adjacent to the Korang River in Bani Gala in a place called Morah Noor. They have cut down the trees in the area and are farming the land, and dumping their waste into the river that feeds the nearby Rawal Dam reservoir, which, in turn, supplies Islamabad and Rawalpindi with its ‘clean’ drinking water. Rawal Lake is a source of drinking water for over two million residents of the twin cities, but untreated waste discharged into the lake from these illegal human settlements and livestock pens is a threat to the quality of the water.

Earlier this year, the Pakistan Environment Protection Agency issued a notification for a blanket ban on unapproved new structures in Rawal Lake’s catchment areas. Yet, the building goes on without any controls. “We can see new houses being built; this is very expensive land here, yet these people have come in without any proof of purchase and just started building homes and farming. They are least bothered about the cleanliness of the river bank; they have even somehow got electricity. I mean, how did they get here and where did they get the electricity? The authorities are just not doing anything,” says a neighbour who has built her home across the other side of the river in Bani Gala with her life savings.

In 2011, the Supreme Court, noting that it would not allow the land mafia to grab state land, asked the CDA to retake 20,000 acres of land the CDA says is under illegal occupation (including in Bani Gala). Usually the CDA heads are reluctant to challenge illegal encroachments because of the powerful people hiding behind these land grabbers, so it was hoped that the Supreme Court’s decision would spur them into action. However, the civic agency failed to reclaim most of the encroached land. The CDA even has satellite images of Islamabad that prove encroachments have increased in the federal capital by 70 per cent in the last 10 years. Something needs to be done before Islamabad turns into another Karachi.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 29th, 2014.

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Solomon2 note: Why should anyone pay attention to local land grabbers? The only ones that matter are the Zionists who supposedly committed atrocities and stole land from the Arabs! People are supposed to look at these Jews and curse them and look forward to their extermination, yes? - all the while leaving the criminals at home untouched and unchallenged. It's worked for many people in many countries, why should Pakistanis change now?
one evil doesnt justify the other. so no logic in your note.
one evil doesnt justify the other. so no logic in your note.
In theory yes, in context no. For the Jews didn't steal land or commit atrocities, they are merely repeatedly accused of having done so. Yet by embracing the Jew-as-criminal meme, you're also rejecting the moral principle that truth matters, or that there is a difference between a good person and a bad person. So as a society you're not going to be motivated to right wrongs in your midst if it's no skin off your nose. Hence, society won't deliver justice to the wronged, and prefer to work with the criminal instead.
In theory yes, in context no. For the Jews didn't steal land or commit atrocities, they are merely repeatedly accused of having done so. Yet by embracing the Jew-as-criminal meme, you're also rejecting the moral principle that truth matters, or that there is a difference between a good person and a bad person. So as a society you're not going to be motivated to right wrongs in your midst if it's no skin off your nose. Hence, society won't deliver justice to the wronged, and prefer to work with the criminal instead.

first bold: Zionists.
second: grossly misleading
third: LIE !
My interests donot lie with land grabbers anywhere !
Are you willing, then, to do what your heart tells you: that it is your duty and that of Pakistani society to stand with their victims and seek justice?
January 12, 2015

Land grabbers encroach on school land

Children returning from holidays surprised to find school building missing

In a ruthless bid to occupy state land illegally, the encroachment mafia in this mega city took over a government school, shocking children who reached the school after winter vacation.

Schools all over the country reopened after the extended winter vacations on Monday. The usual 15-day vacations were extended in the aftermath of the Taliban terrorist attack at a school in Peshawar in which 150 people, most of them students, were killed.

Land grabbers in Karachi taking advantage of the extended vacations demolished Akhtar Primary School, and erected their own edifice at the plot. The capture was exposed when children went to attend classes only to find a house instead of their school.

The situation came to light when national television channels reported this drawing the attention of the leadership and the authorities.

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain, who lives in exile in London, called up Sindh governor Ishratul Ibad for immediately taking action against the grabbers and reconstruct the school.

Governor Ibad along with the commissioner Karachi and city administration rushed to the site of the school at the Green Town in Shah Faisal Colony in eastern district of the city.

The government machinery was moved to demolish the construction work of the grabbers under the supervision of the police. Education minister Nisar Ahmad Khoro also took the notice of the situation and asked the police to reclaim the school premises.

Officials at education department said that the land grabbers had also made an attempt to encroach the school but a legal case was filed against them and the grabbers were arrested. However, taking advantage of the longer winter vacations, the land grabbers fulfilled their design.

Encroachment and land grabbing has been one of the key issues in Karachi, which has been financial capital of the country. In a Karachi law and order case, being heard in the apex court of the country, the authorities submitted that thousands of hectares of government land were encroached by the mafia.

Land grabbing issues also entail assassinations in the city, which numbers to hundreds.

Land grabbers encroach on school land | GulfNews.com
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