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When Jinah Met Muslim brotherhood leadership

Let those who are trying to "secularize" Pakistan, look at this photo and many more of such pictures and reports to understand the true Islamic ideology of the conceptual Pakistan, which was framed to deliver the Muslims of Hindustan from the Hindu plans of ethnic cleansing.

Do you want me to have you registered as a potential terrorist/racist on the Canadian intelligence database?Because once it is done ,then you can be deported or even jailed for racism and encouraging violence against others .Your CV will have a massive black mark and no corporate or business will recruit you.

What are you doing on this jew kafir invented internet? Shouldn't you be with your brothers in Waziristan hiding under a palang from a drone strike?

My dear friend,

Looking at the hateful and imperial genocidal mentality of mainstream islam , you do realise why the kafirs hate islam.May God bless you in your mission to reform islam so that the world be a more peaceful,happy and prosperous place.
Do you want me to have you registered as a potential terrorist/racist on the Canadian intelligence database?Because once it is done ,then you can be deported or even jailed for racism and encouraging violence against others .Your CV will have a massive black mark and no corporate or business will recruit you.

My dear friend,

Looking at the hateful and imperial genocidal mentality of mainstream islam , you do realise why the kafirs hate islam.May God bless you in your mission to reform islam so that the world be a more peaceful,happy and prosperous place.

You do that; Modi might award you a PVC.
First of all most propaganda about yazeed is false many sahabas had done bait of yazeed sir some of them were from Badar I mean those who participated in battle of badar yazeed was neither corrupt nor he used to somethings against Islam Mr but only reason he didn't deserved Khilafat was that he was not a Sahabi and Many Sahabas were alive at that time Mr and main responsible for killing of Imam Hussain is Ibn Ziyad Yazeed strictly prohibited him to attack yazeed and still yazeed children were also married to grand children of Imam Hussain and other family members you have not written shia things but you are influenced by Shia propaganda which unfortunately most Pakistanis are yes in Islam their can be no political parties this is the biggest divider of Muslims This is PPPP Muslim this PML N Muslim and in result they bash each other which is not allowed Mr I give a dam about others I would keep telling the true facts and what is written in Quran and sunnah and what lies are told in the name off history

1. Your attempt to steer the conversation towards Yazeed is noted and deplored. Yazeed is not relevant in our case apart from the person for whose sake Khilafah was turned into kingship. I have no time for the wine-loving Khilafah killer who ordered massacres in Madinah & Karbalah. You'd better stop being a bloody apologist for him. Khilafah was turned into kingship and that is something you can not argue against. End of story & no more Yazeed. my hatred for Yazeed is the result of my love for Rasool-Allah (sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) and not any Shia teachings. Stop bringing up your biases as 'Islam'. Any apologist for Yazeed has ZERO credibility in my view.

2. Your views about political machinery are result of ignorance. Having sympathies for a political party does not reflect upon one's Islam. My mother supports PML-N, and I support PTI, we are both practicing Muslims. I do not need an internet Mullah to tell me that my belief, my Islam is dependent upon my political views. There is a range of opinions on social issues that have reflect upon a person's political views. That has nothing to do with Islamic beliefs and practices. These are matters of personal choice, not doctrine. Two people can have same doctrine, but different outlook on life and social issues. If you can not understand this, then there is no use discussing anything with you.

3. Mature political parties are necessary for a functioning political system. Even China has one. Political parties are vital for managing difference of opinion and harnessing a people's social views into policy. But of course you are entirely ignorant of this aspect, because you were told by an 'elder' or his book that Political parties are Haram and thus this is the extent of your knowledge on this issue.

4. Mature political parties also manage political ambition. Typically, demagogues (the curse of immature political systems) can not rise in mature political parties.

5. You can not tell me ONE thing in Quran and Hadith which I can not address. You think you are the only one who is qualified to speak on this issue? All you have is a hundred years old prejudices wrapped in books that have arrested your intellectual development. Are you capable of disagreeing with your teachers based on a difference of perception? I think not. I have seen the world (and Pakistan) change in my lifetime. But of course opinions held by Mullahs have stayed constant and immutable. The friction between thousand year old opinions and the current world is at the root of a number of our problems. The problem is with blind Taqleed of Mullahs, who by virtue of their unique education have no means of influencing the world and are necessarily reactionary. You my friend are a reactionary Mullah with limited knowledge and even more limited understanding.

6. You have spoken about how political parties are haram, and how I am an advocate of system of Kufr. Do you mind telling us what is your recipe for success? I hope you can enlighten us ignorant masses with your unique ideas of how we can manage to govern ourselves. So, any ideas not tinged with sectariansim?
How has this thread not being closed yet? this is discussing religion. Mods close it.

Close it like you close ahmadi threads.

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