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When did you first decide you hated Israel and why?

No One can Talk for Others.Generalizations fail

What generalisation?? I specifically mentioned that its my opinion based upon my knowing of many muslims I came across from all walks of life? So whats wrong in putting forth what I have seen?

I guess Its not worth taking the pain to explain my "unscholarly" POV from now on. :tdown:
I am 100% sure that relation between jews and Muslims would be normalized if Palestine is formed -
As the article quoted above notes, Arafat was offered a state with everything he asked for but that wasn't enough because he was unwilling to give up hatred. If that is to change, don't you think these Arabs are going to need a few nudges from outside? Hamas brooks no dissent, and the P.A. is not much better; only a few words in favor of Israel and ** POOF! ** you're a collaborator and subject to summary execution without trial.

And not just in Palestine. One acquaintance of mine who has done extensive business in Pakistan tells me that seven or eight years ago some Pakistanis told him that expressing pro-Israel sentiment in public was unthinkable because "they feared they would be dead twenty minutes later."

British enslaved South Asia , and other regions for 100 years
it was brutal , racist and degretory but after freedom was granted
thru humane means and justice was done (apart form Kashmir)
The Israelis aren't retreating 6,000 miles, but only a few thousand yards. After India was divided both Hindus and Muslims committed terrible crimes against the minorities in their communities. While I don't see the Israelis doing this, the very fact that many Arabs trumpet the strategy of treating with Israel first so they have a free hand to arm themselves and wipe out the Jews later makes Israelis very, very, wary.

With in 7-10 years after new state is form I see the two countries having sports and cultural ties if they simply move ahead and end their issues
Oddly enough, there isn't any need for a state for that to happen; some Arabs want to do so at once.I recall a TV interview of a would-be Palestinian suicide bomber 8-9 years ago. He vowed to hit any Israeli target - except a football match. Because while Arab was his nationality, soccer was his religion.
The very fact it was deleted is the reason why the thread was necessary: Pakistanis will accept nasty statistics (viz a viz Israel) when they won't accept subjective generalizations (viz a viz pakistan) they find distasteful.

In all certainity, very true.
Arafat was offered a state with everything he asked for but that wasn't enough because he was unwilling to give up hatred

Arafat was not offered everything, this is not true. Israel wanted to keep east jeruslem which is arab/muslim area to be part of israel, they wanted to keep on building the settlemetns and didnt want to dismantle the existing settlements despeite the fact that these settlements are considered illegal according to the UN, EU and the US, but sadly the israelis dont give a damn about international laws, they also denied the reentry of palestinian refugees back to palestine, how can they have a state with these imposible conditions.

You talk about the others having terrorits, but you forget that you also got fanatics like Netanyahoo and Liberman and extremests and terrrorists like the illegal settlers.
Everybody hates Israel...except for American Politicians

Since the December 27 Israeli bombardment of Gaza began and people have seen with their own eyes the carnage and bloodletting even Israel friends are falling out of love with the Zionist state.

From Australia and New Zealand to Asia to Africa and from Europe and America, normal people are rising up against Israel's naked aggression towards the defenseless civilians of Gaza. Except for American politicians humanity are horror-struck. London has seen some of the fiercest opposition to the Israeli genocide and crimes against humanity.

Few days back Venezuelan President Hugo Chaves has expelled the Israeli Ambassador from his country. Turkey, a staunch ally of Israel is also very disappointed so is the UN, the creator of the Zionist State.

Not to be left behind, thinking Jews are also worried. To them what the Zionist state is doing is mindless and counter-productive.Click here for the Neturei Karta official website..Israeli consulates occupied in protests against Gaza incursion :: The Hook

Today on its 16th day of shelling and bloodletthing with hundreds of civilians dead, the truth can no longer be hidden from ordinary eyes.
There is a genuine uprising against Israeli inequity the world can no longer watch or keep quiet. Over 1,000 New Zealanders stage demonstration against Israel _English_Xinhua

Concerned voices are also rising against the use of white phosphorous cluster bombs on Gaza, weapons that are prohibited by international law. Gaza victims' burns increase concern over phosphorus - Times Online Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Israel 'using white phosphorus'

Everybody hates Israel...except for American Politicians (article) by Safi Abdi on AuthorsDen
@solomon2: If you wanted to know if we hate your country or poeple, then you got your answer, i think we should stop it in here as there are other threads as well which we are already discussing this issue.

Please spare the indoctrinated from your so called "everybody".

I do agree with you, we shouldnt say everybody, as in this world you still can find some people who turn a blind eye agaisnt the atrorcities of israeli gov just because of some political issues. but trust me alot of people nowdays knows the face of israeli politicians and goverents.
I do agree with you, we shouldnt say everybody, as in this world you still can find some people who turn a blind eye agaisnt the atrorcities of israeli gov just because of some political issues. but trust me alot of people nowdays knows the face of israeli politicians and goverents.

And he say they are not indoctrinated. :angel:
Arafat was not offered everything, this is not true. Israel wanted to keep east jeruslem which is arab/muslim area to be part of israel, they wanted to keep on building the settlemetns and didnt want to dismantle the existing settlements -
Perhaps you want to inform yourself a bit and report your findings back to us: link

@solomon2: If you wanted to know if we hate your country or poeple, then you got your answer-
Not "if" but when and why. I didn't ask for a survey of those who did or did not hate Israel.
i must confess, Camp David was a pretty decent deal. It's a shame the problem couldnt be solved then.

Jerusalem is, however, the capital of Falasteen and always will be
Jerusalem is, however, the capital of Falasteen and always will be
The Arabs only say that nowadays to obscure the fact that Jerusalem is the undisputed spiritual and historical center of Jews. Unless Jerusalem is an object of conflict to non-Jews - as it was during the crusades and is today - it fades away in political importance.

Nevertheless, the Israeli government offered Arafat sovereignty over the all the holy places except the Jewish ones. Arafat rejected that, meaning that in any settlement Jews would only be able to pray at the mercy of Muslims who could stone them from above at any time without prosecution or retribution. Hardly a recipe for peace, yes?
You wish!!! :lol:


The Arabs only say that nowadays to obscure the fact that Jerusalem is the undisputed spiritual and historical center of Jews

just the jews? :rolleyes:

Nevertheless, the Israeli government offered Arafat sovereignty over the all the holy places except the Jewish ones. Arafat rejected that, meaning that in any settlement Jews would only be able to pray at the mercy of Muslims who could stone them from above at any time without prosecution or retribution. Hardly a recipe for peace, yes?

and for the 1,000,000,001 time, ''jew'' is not a nationality.

I have been to Jersulam (1997). Jews and Muslims were working in the same souks, no major tensions. There are times when tourists and/or even local Arabs are not allowed (by IDF of course) to enter the grounds of Al Aqsa (which created major tensions)

Muslims would not ''stone them from above'' --- you are just doing a fine job of exposing your bigotry.

you fail to convince, sir, you fail to convince

and its hilarious to see all these hindustany fanboys wagging their tails ten feet behind people like you, i call the ''apologists''

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