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When America Becomes No. 2 ...

The Americans are a declining power,sooner rather than later their military supremacy over PRC will be gone,thanks to their sluggish economy.We Indians should get over our irrational adoration of USA and chart our own course.
The Americans are a declining power,sooner rather than later their military supremacy over PRC will be gone,thanks to their sluggish economy.We Indians should get over our irrational adoration of USA and chart our own course.

Russians are still ahead of China even with a smaller economy, so overtaking America's GDP won't make them a superpower. China still look towards smaller economy Russia for their technological need to copy their weapons.
We will overtake the Yankees in economic power but we are behind them in financial power, technological power and military power.

Even Russia is ahead of us in technology and military power.
Russians are still ahead of China even with a smaller economy, so overtaking America's GDP won't make them a superpower. China still look towards smaller economy Russia for their technological need to copy their weapons.
Yes a lot of countries are ahead of PRC in terms of military or technological power,but global power is a lot about perception too,in future when the chinese have half a dozen carriers and their technological,economic and military capability is increasing who will the rest of the world give weightage to ?A large part of these multi billion defense products is about power projection than actual combat,and the chinese are masters in psychological warfare,case in point being their supposed carrier killer ballistic missiles or even closer home the general fear in the Indian mindset about china after the 62 whooping we got.
Yes a lot of countries are ahead of PRC in terms of military or technological power,but global power is a lot about perception too,in future when the chinese have half a dozen carriers and their technological,economic and military capability is increasing who will the rest of the world give weightage to ?A large part of these multi billion defense products is about power projection than actual combat,and the chinese are masters in psychological warfare,case in point being their supposed carrier killer ballistic missiles or even closer home the general fear in the Indian mindset about china after the 62 whooping we got.

But Chinese aren't going to be a superpower with their copied weapons. Even presently, they are no match even to Russia when it comes to global presence.
But Chinese aren't going to be a superpower with their copied weapons. Even presently, they are no match even to Russia when it comes to global presence.

Its not just about the quality of weaponry,its about the perception and power it projects on the nations of the world.Quantity has a quality of its own.In future if the chinese have 6 carriers with 2 on constant deployment and wartime upsurge of one more carrier,it sure projects a lot more power than they do now presently.2 carriers is enough to match the USN deployment in pacific and china seas as the americans seem to be interested in cutting their 10 carrier fleet to 8 to pay for expensive procurements.That means they can have 3 carriers deployed normally at most with upsurge capacity of of one or two if they are really desperate.Out of these 3 at least one will be deployed in the eastern board and who is to say the chinese will not suddenly decide to have 8 or 10 or 12 carriers in future with their expanding economy and cheap manufacturing capability?These new additions will allow the PRC to project power worldwide,especially among the lesser advanced nations of the world,say phillipines.Will these smaller nations be able to say no or resist even considering that PRC weaponry is poor copy pastes ?Would they be willing to go against a carrier force to find out how good chinese carriers are ?even with copy paste weapons the chinese change the power balance enough to make the rest of the world reconsider their options in the US vs PRC scenario,as I have presented above that matching the USN even numerically will drastically alter how the rest of the world perceives china and its power.
The truth is that the transition is underway....the process has already begun .
and the outcome of this transition is inevitable ....

The sooner US realizes this better it will be for her .

Unfortunately lot of americans are still in denial .

This process off course is not on off incident ...it will continue over next few decades .

however I personally believe ..Us will maintain its lead ....

Rather than America becoming no 2 ....it is more like China becoming no. 1

For considerable period of time US and China will be engaged in close battle for supremacy and ultimate Numero Uno position ...

They both will be No1 for quite some time to come ....

only serious issue with China will be changing demography ....it is said that the demographic dividend for China willstart closing in around 1 decade .

seriously speaking the race is not over yet .

and US can still manage to come on top .

Next 3 decades will be very crucial therefore because of this dramatic change in geopolitics since end of Cold war .

first and foremost thing for US will be to accept the ground reality .

A decade it remained embroiled in Iraq and Afghanistan ...was a decade of phenomenal growth for China .

as US slacked and destroyed its won economy with successive futile wars , China with equal vigor built and expanded its economy .

US has much to be blamed for the current situation .

Overall emergence of multipolar world will put checks and balances on reckless US politics in international domain .

We already saw how Russia and China prevailed over US and allies with regards to Syria .

US still has descent lead over China ....which it can stretch if it works hard and overtime .

Both US and China therefore will be engaged in fierce competition for the No. 1 position ....and both will occupy that position till considerable time ....only time will tell who will ultimately prevail and who will eventually lose .

For time being ...its time for China to cheer and for US to worry and introspect !!!
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The Americans are a declining power,sooner rather than later their military supremacy over PRC will be gone,thanks to their sluggish economy.We Indians should get over our irrational adoration of USA and chart our own course.

Truth is that America has slowed down ...it is not declining !
Although I am quite fierce critic of US hegemony , But I can't but only wonder with utmost awe reagrding the commendable and formidable lead US has forged in field of science and technology .... It's simply amazing .

Frankly speaking US sans its arrogance and imperialism brings amazing values to world order .

The due respects and regards have to be given ....

It is natural for fickle people to worship the victors and shun the losers .

The true connoisseur adore 'qualities' and not 'personalities' .....!!!
Truth is that America has slowed down ...it is not declining !
Although I am quite fierce critic of US hegemony , But I can't but only wonder with utmost awe reagrding the commendable and formidable lead US has forged in field of science and technology .... It's simply amazing .

Frankly speaking US sans its arrogance and imperialism brings amazing values to world order .

The due respects and regards have to be given ....

It is natural for fickle people to worship the victors and shun the losers .

The true connoisseur adore 'qualities' and not 'personalities' .....!!!
Power isn't just about growing oneself,it is also about where one stands in front of competitors i.e, power relative to competitors.It is this measure that is often used to gauge nations and empires.While US economy and tech are only growing,as sluggish as they may be,its competitors are steaming ahead with theirs.This leads to a situation where US is facing decline not because it is shrinking but because its competitors are outpacing it.
Case in point,military sales to Taiwan.Twenty years ago would the US have hesitated if the chinese protested at weapons sales to taiwan ?No.But now we face a situation where the US is unwilling to provide upgrades to weapons sold to Taiwan in face of PRC pressure.Fifteen years down the line,will the US even consider replacing Taiwan's weapons ?Or even stand up for taiwan's independence ?We cant say.Would it have been same in the 90s at the height of its unipolar world order ?Definitely not.Then why as US has only grown during this period?It is because it has declined in comparison,and to be honest this comparative power is what counts.
In terms of PPP India is also not gonaa take a long time to pass America. India is currently 5.7 trillion in PPP somewhere around where China was in 2008. So in next 15 years we could expect India to close in the gap.

In terms of nominial, with the fall of ruppee I don't and out of control politics I don't think India has a chance before 2050.

Best of luck China!!!
When the US becomes no. 2 that is the day world politics will change dramatically......
One thing in which China has already dethroned US is global trade. China is the biggest trading partner of almost if not all important regions of the world that is a very important thing, more so then size of economy in certain ways.
China has 1.5 billion people. It is certainly a global superpower. America has favorable climate and natural resources and can support well over 1 billion people without any problem. Russia is too cold can only support 150 million people. Canada is too cold can only support 40 million people. Australia has too much desert can only support 40 million people. America, China, India will become the three dominant powers in the near future.
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