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When a white “terrorist” is awarded a privilege 1.8 billion Muslims are denied

When a white “terrorist” is awarded a privilege 1.8 billion Muslims are denied
By Usman Ali Virk Published: November 11, 2017

When the attacker is white, he's labelled "unstable" to sidetrack from calling the shooter what he truly is – a terrorist. PHOTO: FOUL EXPRESS/MUSLIM SHOW

If the world can largely agree on one thing, it is the need to defeat terrorism. However, the frequency of unity seen when condemning terror does not echo beyond that, for every state of the world is employing its own methods (or lack thereof) of tackling this daunting, multi-faceted predicament, and hence achieving varying degrees of success.

The first and probably most pivotal step in the fight against terrorism is to clearly define what constitutes as terror and who is actually a terrorist. Failure to reach a singular consensus on this starting point will invariably lead to utter confusion amongst the public, something that would further embolden the extremists, and provide a vacuum to take advantage of. Similarly, nothing hurts a nation’s fight against terrorism more than selective hypocrisy when deciding whom to label a terrorist and whom to call a lone-wolf.

Take Pakistan, for example. Initially, after 9/11, we were failing miserably in the war against terror, a war we had imported from Afghanistan. The main reason, amongst others, was that our society was divided about the very problem it was trying to confront. The fault lines were drawn, with a substantive chunk of the population sincerely believing that fighting them should be the very last resort, and instead we would be better off seeking dialogue and negotiation with the terrorists, in order to reach an amicable consensus and coexist peacefully with them.

The other drawback in Pakistan’s approach was that our people were confused between misguided notions of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ terrorists. Unfortunately, all the main players in this fight – the politicians, the military, the media, as well as the theologians – were to blame for muddling the waters and creating this bipolarity in the minds of the citizens. The lack of strong leadership and a confused and scared populace both led to a loud, evasive silence, which ultimately fanned the flames for this plague to spread all over the country. Had we unequivocally and unanimously spoken out against this from day one, we would possibly have been successful in nipping it in the bud.

Nevertheless, there is no point in crying over spilled milk, though woefully, what was spilled was the blood of thousands of innocent Pakistani men, women and children.

The moment we, as a nation, categorically decided to treat all terrorists as the same – irrespective of their backgrounds, motivations or justifications – we won the psychological fight. The clouds of guilt and confusion felt earlier were now replaced with a clear understanding of what was to be done moving forward. Granted, even now we are not entirely safe, but we are the only nation in the world that has successfully destroyed the network of the terrorists from our soil.

The United States initiated this war on terror, but from day one, its policies against terrorism have reeked of hypocrisy. First, the US refused to accept its share of the blame for this universal conundrum, and betrayed the world, and its own people, by pointing fingers elsewhere. During the cold war, the US, along with Ziaul Haq, had deliberately inculcated the youth of Afghanistan and Pakistan with the doctrine of jihad and created the ‘mujahideen’, calling them saviours against communism. America trained them, equipped them with weapons and financed them, and then once the war was over, they left the region without even looking back to see the mess they had created. The foundation for the Taliban was thus laid by the US.

In the same vein, when the US, along with its western allies, invaded Iraq on the pretext of destroying weapons of mass destruction, it ultimately set the foundation for the creation of the Islamic State (IS). How can one sovereign state invade another without good reason, and then simply say sorry and act as if nothing happened? Could the US be so naive as to think that there would be no consequences for its illegal and unlawful actions? The IS was the “gift” from America to the world – a consequence of the Iraq war.

“How can you have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism?” – Howard Zinn

Another indicator of America’s double standards is revealed in how it deals with domestic terrorism. The events of the last few months alone suffice to prove this point. It seems that whenever a ‘Muslim’ commits an act of terror, certain segments in America immediately jump on the bandwagon of Islamophobia and start blaming all the followers of Islam, equating Islam with terrorism and Muslims with being terrorists. It is unfortunate that despite being the leader of the free world, the US president is the first to act in this extremely hypocritical and vile manner.

Hypocritical, because when the attacker turns out to be white, which has happened quite often as of late, the reaction of that same group of people is completely the opposite. Now they start calling for “thoughts and prayers”, and the need to stick together and be united. They urge others who try to highlight their hypocrisy to stop “politicising” the incident and take the time to “heal”. Where is this wonderful advice when the act of terror is not committed by a white man? Why is it that in those cases their thoughts and prayers turn into Muslim bans?

In the last month, there have been two incidents that have highlighted these double standards. In New York, when an Uzbek man ploughed his car onto pedestrians, Trump was quick to denounce it as terrorism, and his right-wing, racist supporters soon followed suit with tirades against Islam. However, on November 5th, when a white man carried out a shooting in a church, killing at least 26 people and causing the largest mass shooting in Texas’s history, not once did Trump use the word “terrorist” or “terrorism” when denouncing the man’s actions. He has called the culprit mentally unstable and other fancy innuendos to side-track from calling the shooter what he truly is – a terrorist who killed innocent people in a place of worship!

This similar criminal and immoral fumbling of the US president was also witnessed when the deadliest shooting ever in America was deemed to be horrible enough to be labelled a terrorist attack. The whole world was shocked and disgusted at America’s leadership and what is very clearly a discriminatory and racist perspective on something as black and white as terrorism.

If America is indeed serious in its efforts to fight terror, it should take heed from Pakistan’s example and realise that a nation divided cannot win an ideological war of this magnitude. And to achieve this unison amongst its people, America has to shun its hypocritical approach towards terrorism, both internationally and nationally. Only then may it actually win the war on terror it has dragged us all into.
This garbage propaganda has been debunked many times
Americans are the real TERRORISTS

Americans have killed more innocents than all foreign terrorist groups combined.

Americans nuked Japan, attacked & killed million innocents Muslims in Iraq,Syria,Yemen, dishevlled Afghanistan, created deadly mujahideens to fight their proxy wars with USSR, when Al Qaeda, Taliban backfired, they labelled them as threats for humanity, killed millions of native Indians. These folks are nuts.
They are the real terrorists of the world and the root of all terrorism. They first create and support terrorists and when they go out of control, pose as though they the saviors of humanity from 'terrorists'. Terrorists who?
LOL.... call yourselves terrorists first, before labeling others as such.

The US killed maybe 50,000 Iraqis, with the majority beeing combatants.
American drones have killed hundreds in Yemen in attacks targeting terrorists.
Meanwhile Muslims have killed 4-500,000 in Syria,
while the killed by the US in airstrikes numbers in the thousands,
with targets mostly reported in by Muslims.

The US helped the Afghanis to throw out the Soviets, and left.
What the Afghanis did afterwards is really their responsibility.

Just another despicable case when Muslims are blaming others for the crimes of Muslims.
There is no ID card that states a person is combatant or just who happened to have a home or appartment in region bombs went off

Not every one is rich enough like Trump to move to their Island resort when war breaks out in their country

When a bomb is dropped from air , there is almost 0% chance that anyone can be sure the place where bomb is dropped inlcuded civilians or combatants

During war time even average civilians pick up small arms and that is the norm of ground reality in a war hit area.

The main argument , I think really is that

a) If mental illness is prevalent in one case of murder/ killing or act of irrational behavior then the same logic should be applied to another case who happens to be none white

It is really about political correctness sure one decided to act violently that however does not means the 99% would agree to those ways of resolving violence or crime or mental illness.

It matters not what they scream or not

b) The issue of dropping bombs illegally on Civilian population is act of terror becasue you can't really know who is sleeping in the building or neighbourhood

The bigger problem I think really is , a one sided view by press to brand large segment of population with a certain view. That view may not be accurate. Also usage of excessive force such as one used in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria or Libya has only spread the choas instead of containining the problem.

I view all acts of Terror with same view , Las Vegas shooting or church shooting or mosque bomb blast , or random man driving over people as same act of irrational actions , and all can be called as act of violence or terror. Don't need to sugar coat one or other to make it seem more civil then the other act.
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Another one of those Thread.

People here don't even know US label more Non-Muslim as terrorist than Muslim in the last 17 years.

Problem is, most Non-Muslim Terrorist are Domestic Cell, which people outside US are seldom heard of, but their threat is equally if not more real than Muslim Extremist.

The reason you think US tend to label Muslim as terrorist because most of Youse are Muslim, and you probably never heard of individual like Daniel McGowan, Josephine Overaker, Larry Steven McQuilliams or Domestic Terrorist group such as Earth Liberation Fronts, Phineas Priesthood. Mean you probably missed out at least half the FBI labelled Terrorist Attack in the US. Why would you know? You are not living in the US.

In Fact, US domestic terrorism group Sovereign Citizen was polled by US Law Enforcement as Number 1 Threat in the US in 2014 and 2015. But I bet you dollar to donut not one of you have heard of this group before and people who were associated with this group.


LOL! I already tried to explain in another thread that the only terrorist executed in the US was Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh (who's partner Terry Nichols was a Sovereign Citizen). It just fell on deaf ears...and all this happened AFTER the 1st World Trade Center bombing.

All the "Muslim terrorists" got jail time. I guess they weren't privileged.
LOL! I already tried to explain in another thread that the only terrorist executed in the US was Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh (who's partner Terry Nichols was a Sovereign Citizen). It just fell on deaf ears...and all this happened AFTER the 1st World Trade Center bombing.

All the "Muslim terrorists" got jail time. I guess they weren't privileged.

If I remember correctly, Federal Court only ever executed 3 people since 1940s, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who spied for Soviet Union, which are Jewish, and Tim McVeigh for Oklahoma Bombing, which is Christian.

Of the 9 people who is currently in Federal Death Row, only 1 is Muslim. Which is the guy who do the Boston bombing, well you can argue Muslim usually kill themselves with their Terrorist Attack, but then there are quite a few who were involved in unsuccessful attack which was incarcerated instead of putting to death, and the funny thing with Life Imprisonment in Federal Level is, they don't have LWOP, which mean you only have to serve 70% of your sentence and you will be let go. Another thing is, the President can Parole you if you are in Federal Life Sentence but no one have the power to parole you if you are in LWOP state sentence.
I don't accept the blame, I find it ludicrous and very telling of someone's intelligence to blame the actions of a few individuals on 1.8 billion (and growing) people.
So what happens to your limbs of the same body,one hurt is hurting all logic
So what happens to your limbs of the same body,one hurt is hurting all logic

Let's say you have a friend. He gets hurt. You feel for him, he's your friend. You consider him family.

Does that make you responsible for anything he may have done? Not at all, even though you feel a connection with him.

Same principle applies.
There is no ID card that states a person is combatant or just who happened to have a home or appartment in region bombs went off

Not every one is rich enough like Trump to move to their Island resort when war breaks out in their country

When a bomb is dropped from air , there is almost 0% chance that anyone can be sure the place where bomb is dropped inlcuded civilians or combatants

During war time even average civilians pick up small arms and that is the norm of ground reality in a war hit area.

The main argument , I think really is that

a) If mental illness is prevalent in one case of murder/ killing or act of irrational behavior then the same logic should be applied to another case who happens to be none white

It is really about political correctness sure one decided to act violently that however does not means the 99% would agree to those ways of resolving violence or crime or mental illness.

It matters not what they scream or not

b) The issue of dropping bombs illegally on Civilian population is act of terror becasue you can't really know who is sleeping in the building or neighbourhood

Your problem is that You do not have a clue what is a crime and what is not.
A crime in war is something that violates one or more treaties that the country
Committing the act in question has agreed to abide with.

If the is a ban on cluster bombs, is only valid for those people signing the treaty
banning cluster bombs.

There is no treaty banning killing civilians, so there is not automatically a crime,
when civilians are killed in war.

There is a part of the Geneva Convention which bans attacks on purely civilian targets.
There is another part which bans attacks which are not proportional to the possible gains
of an attack.

In order to claim that killing civilians is a crime, You have to show that
the target has no military value, or that the military value is so low
that an attack would be unproportional.

The judgement is based on the information available to the attacker, not facts
that only can be known after the attack.

When attacking a civilian building containing a sniper, you have no possibility to estimate
civilian casualties, only the military value.
Killing hundreds of civilians taking cover in a building infested by snipers is therefore no crime.

The way International Law works, it is expected that defenders protect the civilians on their side by separating the combatants from the civilians.
When they do not, civilians die, and the blame is all on the defender.

Civilians may take up arms in a war, but if they do not follow the Geneva Conventions,
clearly marking themselves as combatants, and choosing a leader,they are committing war crimes, and can legally be punished.
You may try to justify it as "fighting a war on terror" or "liberating an oppressed country" or whatever, but that's not actually the case. Americans painted the middle east as savage terrorists to justify the war against Islamic awakening [ Caliphate] over there and then to the entire world later. Just as Americans painted the native americans as savages when they first came there so people couldn't feel guilty about the genocides, and they painted south american tribes as savages, so they can do the same. Maybe America isn't the problem, it's white christian supremacy.

Are you sure it isn’t more of one Muslim supremacy feeling their supremacy is better than their neighbor’s Muslim supremacy? Shifting the blame to some people on the other side of the planet because one neighbor put a gun to another’s and happily pulled the trigger with joyful and proud exclamations to God isn’t telling the root cause.

BTW you don’t think that is savagery...brother against brother each killing each other with exultations to God?
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You may try to justify it as "fighting a war on terror" or "liberating an oppressed country" or whatever, but that's not actually the case. Americans painted the middle east as savage terrorists to justify the war against Islamic awakening [ Caliphate] over there and then to the entire world later. Just as Americans painted the native americans as savages when they first came there so people couldn't feel guilty about the genocides, and they painted south american tribes as savages, so they can do the same. Maybe America isn't the problem, it's white christian supremacy.

When Muslims are burning Muslim POWs alive, it is a white christian supremacy problem?
Only in the eyes of a bigot...
there are 10 Nullifiers of Islam

The Eighth Nullifier

Backing or supporting the polytheists and aiding them against the Muslims. And the evidence of this is the Saying of Allah, the Most High:

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliyaa’ to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliyaa’, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust) { Soorah Al-Maidah 5:51 }


Helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is a very important issue now days since there is a great mix of the Muslims and the kuffar (infidels). This action constitutes apostasy.

Shaykh Bin Bazz (W) in his Fatawa, said:

“The Muslim scholars have agreed that whomsoever aided (supported) the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims and helped them in any way, then he is a kaffir (infidel) just as they are.

The meaning of helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is to be their aid against the Muslim by joining them and defending them by every mean (words, writing articles, physical protection, etc).Helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims can be done by protecting them, defending them, loving their ‘Aqeedah (false faith), imitating them (in their religion, customs, etc.). Also helping them against the Muslims even though the person dislikes their faith, is considered as kufr (infidelity). The outcome of helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is, weakening the Religion of Islam, the rising of the kufr (infidelity) and leading the false faith of the kuffar (infidels) to overpower the Islamic ‘Aqeedah (creed).

there are 10 Nullifiers of Islam

The Eighth Nullifier

Backing or supporting the polytheists and aiding them against the Muslims. And the evidence of this is the Saying of Allah, the Most High:

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliyaa’ to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliyaa’, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust) { Soorah Al-Maidah 5:51 }


Helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is a very important issue now days since there is a great mix of the Muslims and the kuffar (infidels). This action constitutes apostasy.

Shaykh Bin Bazz (W) in his Fatawa, said:

“The Muslim scholars have agreed that whomsoever aided (supported) the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims and helped them in any way, then he is a kaffir (infidel) just as they are.

The meaning of helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is to be their aid against the Muslim by joining them and defending them by every mean (words, writing articles, physical protection, etc).Helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims can be done by protecting them, defending them, loving their ‘Aqeedah (false faith), imitating them (in their religion, customs, etc.). Also helping them against the Muslims even though the person dislikes their faith, is considered as kufr (infidelity). The outcome of helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is, weakening the Religion of Islam, the rising of the kufr (infidelity) and leading the false faith of the kuffar (infidels) to overpower the Islamic ‘Aqeedah (creed).

Your friends in IS certainly do not appreciate that Muslims and non-Muslims are killing them off
through joint actions.
The world will be a better place once they finished them off.
there are 10 Nullifiers of Islam

The Eighth Nullifier

Backing or supporting the polytheists and aiding them against the Muslims. And the evidence of this is the Saying of Allah, the Most High:

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliyaa’ to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliyaa’, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust) { Soorah Al-Maidah 5:51 }


Helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is a very important issue now days since there is a great mix of the Muslims and the kuffar (infidels). This action constitutes apostasy.

Shaykh Bin Bazz (W) in his Fatawa, said:

“The Muslim scholars have agreed that whomsoever aided (supported) the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims and helped them in any way, then he is a kaffir (infidel) just as they are.

The meaning of helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is to be their aid against the Muslim by joining them and defending them by every mean (words, writing articles, physical protection, etc).Helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims can be done by protecting them, defending them, loving their ‘Aqeedah (false faith), imitating them (in their religion, customs, etc.). Also helping them against the Muslims even though the person dislikes their faith, is considered as kufr (infidelity). The outcome of helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is, weakening the Religion of Islam, the rising of the kufr (infidelity) and leading the false faith of the kuffar (infidels) to overpower the Islamic ‘Aqeedah (creed).

there are 10 Nullifiers of Islam

The Eighth Nullifier

Backing or supporting the polytheists and aiding them against the Muslims. And the evidence of this is the Saying of Allah, the Most High:

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliyaa’ to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliyaa’, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust) { Soorah Al-Maidah 5:51 }


Helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is a very important issue now days since there is a great mix of the Muslims and the kuffar (infidels). This action constitutes apostasy.

Shaykh Bin Bazz (W) in his Fatawa, said:

“The Muslim scholars have agreed that whomsoever aided (supported) the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims and helped them in any way, then he is a kaffir (infidel) just as they are.

The meaning of helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is to be their aid against the Muslim by joining them and defending them by every mean (words, writing articles, physical protection, etc).Helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims can be done by protecting them, defending them, loving their ‘Aqeedah (false faith), imitating them (in their religion, customs, etc.). Also helping them against the Muslims even though the person dislikes their faith, is considered as kufr (infidelity). The outcome of helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is, weakening the Religion of Islam, the rising of the kufr (infidelity) and leading the false faith of the kuffar (infidels) to overpower the Islamic ‘Aqeedah (creed).

Dude in case you haven’t figured it out yet most of the fighting and killing in the wars in the Middle East these days are Muslims against Muslims. That guy keeping his head down because he is being shot at isn’t thinking of blaming some nutty Christian on the other side of the planet..he’s directly blaming the nutty Muslim in front of him who is shooting at him. If you think that nutty Christian on the other side of the planet has some voodoo magic spell that is making sane people get up and decide to shoot other people then think again.
you don't get what I ve been posted above about the 10 Nullifiers of Islam
The Nullifiers of Islam number 8 is Helping the infidels like jews or christian against the Muslims This action constitutes apostasy.

If Muslim helping or supporting the Infidels like jews or christians against the other Muslims
by joining them and defending them by every mean (words, writing articles, physical protection, etc), Islam considers them as apostate aka infidel aka not Muslims anymore that's why ISIS kill them
because they are consider as apostate

So every ISIS member who picks up any item of war manufactured outside of a Muslim country (even army boots) is an apostate. Since the infidels manufactured them and thus are indirectly helping ISIS in their fight against other Muslims.

Your lame excuse is worthless.
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The US killed maybe 50,000 Iraqis, with the majority beeing combatants.
American drones have killed hundreds in Yemen in attacks targeting terrorists.
Meanwhile Muslims have killed 4-500,000 in Syria,
while the killed by the US in airstrikes numbers in the thousands,
with targets mostly reported in by Muslims.

Iraq death estimates are higher

100s of thousands according to some estimates, million+ according to others. A sizable percentage of those are estimated to be civilians. And for those that were not, it should not be forgotten that this was an unprovoked, unjust war of aggression whose justification, as shaky as it was, were based on a complete and utter lie. The combatants, were fighting against a foreign invader, which makes it defense.
Furthermore, this happened after a decade long crippling sanctions which all but brought the country to its knees making this aggression all the more despicable.
So whose responsibility is that?

As a result of crippling sanctions in the 90s , half a million children were estimated to have died in Iraq. This article is dated 4 march , 2000:
So whose responsibility is that?

It is the horrors and misery brought there by U.S. and its allies over the years that resulted in monsters such as ISIS to emerge in that region.Not to mention that its the U.S and its allies seem to be supporting ISIS , using it as a proxy to fight against Asad's Syria ,just like they supported the 'rebels' in Libya to topple Muammar Gaddafi.
Iraq death estimates are higher

100s of thousands according to some estimates, million+ according to others. A sizable percentage of those are estimated to be civilians. And for those that were not, it should not be forgotten that this was an unprovoked, unjust war of aggression whose justification, as shaky as it was, were based on a complete and utter lie. The combatants, were fighting against a foreign invader, which makes it defense.
Furthermore, this happened after a decade long crippling sanctions which all but brought the country to its knees making this aggression all the more despicable.
So whose responsibility is that?

As a result of crippling sanctions in the 90s , half a million children were estimated to have died in Iraq. This article is dated 4 march , 2000:
So whose responsibility is that?

It is the horrors and misery brought there by U.S. and its allies over the years that resulted in monsters such as ISIS to emerge in that region.Not to mention that its the U.S and its allies seem to be supporting ISIS , using it as a proxy to fight against Asad's Syria ,just like they supported the 'rebels' in Libya to topple Muammar Gaddafi.

Most of the killings in Iraq since 2001 are Muslims killing other Muslims.
We were speaking of the claim that the US have killed millions of Muslims,
and there is no source supporting that statement.
The usual sources support around 50,000 killed by the coalition.

It was not an unprovoked war.
This started by Saddam Hussein invading Quwait.
After he was defeated, Iraqi forces were continously trying to down coalition aircraft
patroling the no-fly zone.
He attempted to assassinate George H.W. Bush, and he did not cooperate with inspectors.
There are several just reasons for war, but people keep focusing on WMDs,
conveniently forgetting other causes.

The sanctions are a result of Saddams Policies, and they are his responsibility, noone else.
Would they have died if he had resigned in favour of an elected government?

The "monsters" of ISIS already existed before the invasion, they were then called the Iraqi government.k
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