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whats wrong in this picture

Cannot see anything wrong with flying in a UN Chartered aircraft .
Don't wont to sound rude but i didn't think they were women until your post. Also the uniform is as ugly as the old Sindh rangers uniform

Probably an occupational hazard. Plus they all have their hair tied up. The uniform though is a typical example of shabby police forces in the subcontinent.
Amazingly all the men in this picture are overweight. It's not only BSF with dal rooti shortage.

. . . .

Well the air blue is a mystery, buts its private thus they can do anything they want. Pak Army also uses chartered flights for deploying its UN forces. Askari Aviation and payment is made by UN: http://www.askariaviation.com/Default.aspx

But for me the amazing thing is the smartness of the contingent. All ladies are thin and smartly looking, no fatty aunty and that is one good accomplishment.
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