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What's the evidence?

But, still why those two people have miraculously disappear from the village with the same names as claimed by the terrorist. And according to a Villager his mother has cried after looking his photograph on TV. She was there in the village on that dreaded day, but miraculously disappeared once the whereabouts of the captured terrorists came out in the media.

Some questions still remain unanswered

Why plain cloths official were there in that poor village?

Why the Mayor of Faridkot announce on the mike to the villagers to not talk to the outsiders, why now?.

Why was that American journalist and Pakistani crew got roughed up?.

Unless I get these answers I have every reason to believe that the captured terrorist is a Pakistani.

You're assuming all these things happened that the mother cried, Noor and Amir disappeared from the village, whoever they are. You don't even know the real name of the terrorist, you're relying on the word of one villager, who might have his own reasons for talking to the media. For all you know there could be a Noor and Amir Kissjinder in another village with a son called Ajmal. This doesn't prove anything.

If this was all true, ISI would not leave half of his family in the village, and everyone free to chat to whom they like. They aren't amateurs that one nerdy reporter can do a better investigative job than them.
You're assuming all these things happened that the mother cried, Noor and Amir disappeared from the village, whoever they are. You don't even know the real name of the terrorist, you're relying on the word of one villager, who might have his own reasons for talking to the media.

If this was all true, ISI would not leave half of his family in the village, and everyone free to chat to whom they like. They aren't amateurs that one nerdy reporter can do a better investigative job than them.

Are you implying that ISI is involved in the covering up of the trail. GoI never said GoP is involved, but it said some Pakistani-elements are involved. So, why should ISI get involved in this.

But, still why would a Journalist cook up a story, that too from a media agency in a completely different country. Even BBC Urdu has found that the dreaded capture terrorist belongs to this village. There are at least two media outlets claiming that terrorist belongs to this village.
Are you implying that ISI is involved in the covering up of the trail. GoI never said GoP is involved, but it said some Pakistani-elements are involved. So, why should ISI get involved in this.

But, still why would a Journalist cook up a story, that too from a media agency in a completely different country. Even BBC Urdu has found that the dreaded capture terrorist belongs to this village. There are at least two media outlets claiming that terrorist belongs to this village.

Read it again. There's a villager claiming all these things, and one journalist, Saeed Shah. This is not highly credible. Here, I'll give you one reason. The villager's goat milking business suddenly shot through the roof because he found lots of people wanting to buy his product while they were staying over. In anticipation of more customers, he decides to advertize his area to the world in order to get more reporters over. Plausible, and there's a hundred more explanations.

But I'm sure Pakistan will investigate this, and we'll hear how credible this is. In the meantime, just wait.
Read it again. There's a villager claiming all these things, and one journalist, Saeed Shah. This is not highly credible. Here, I'll give you one reason. The villager's goat milking business suddenly shot through the roof because he found lots of people wanting to buy his product while they were staying over. In anticipation of more customers, he decides to advertize his area to the world in order to get more reporters over. Plausible, and there's a hundred more explanations.

But I'm sure Pakistan will investigate this, and we'll hear how credible this is. In the meantime, just wait.

Not only Saeed Shah, but BBC Urdu reporter Ali Salman, also came to same conclusion. How journalist from two different media outlets come to same conclusion despite their independent investigation.

Unless there is a report which refutes this premise, I have every reason to believe that he is a Pakistani.

PS: You still didn't answer the specific questions in my previous posts.
Not interested daredevil, It's weak circumstantial evidence that is no proof.

And both journalists would have been working together on this. They wouldn't launch separate enquiries if all this was true, without ISI having a clue what they're doing.

Go discuss it with someone else. You must have a computer on your toilet seat.
Not interested daredevil, It's weak circumstantial evidence that is no proof.

Not as weak as your 'Kalava theory'

And both journalists would have been working together on this. They wouldn't launch separate enquiries if all this was true, without ISI having a clue what they're doing.

You are saying this as if you are a party to their investigation.

Go discuss it with someone else. You must have a computer on your toilet seat.

My laptop is on my lap, where it should be ideally. But, still no body is able to refute this theory, which makes me have my last word.
As far as I'm concerned, barring any goat-milking theories, this is as much proof as one can get.

Pakistani officials will obviously do their best to cover-up, but we must thank Mr. Saeed Shah and the BBC reporter for their efforts to bring out the truth.

The only question was: Will Pakistan now take action as promised, or simply refuse to accept the facts. I think we have already got the answer.

So now what? What can we do? We can't bomb the terror camps because they have nukes.
What we can do (and probably will end up doing) is undertake covert ops to eliminate these guys. I wonder if the Mossad would be willing to give some pointers to our babus in this regard. I'm quite optimistic that they will be more than happy to do so.
Pakistani officials will obviously do their best to cover-up, but we must thank Mr. Saeed Shah and the BBC reporter for their efforts to bring out the truth.

The desparation to clutch to a straw can't get more evident than this...:lol:

So now what? What can we do? We can't bomb the terror camps because they have nukes.
What we can do (and probably will end up doing) is undertake covert ops to eliminate these guys. I wonder if the Mossad would be willing to give some pointers to our babus in this regard. I'm quite optimistic that they will be more than happy to do so.

Try that alongwith your Zionist masters and see where it takes you. With each step that India takes in this mire towards aligning itself with these crusaders, it will invite and attract more and more of the mumbai repeat telecast from Jehadis around the world and India may have to sacrifice a lot in the process of relieving pressure of WOT away from its masters in af-tan..... does that ring a bell?????? I am sure not, it didn't occur to the imbecile Bush whom you intend copying.... i don't think you can fare better..... :tsk:

Oh, by the way, dont put out your ignorant loud thinking on the forum because it only makes you look more stupid..... why?????? because if 10 terrorists allegedly trained by retired ISI operatives could take entire mumbai and your whole "special forces" hostage for 3 days, then one can only wonder, what can they do when there is openly declared covert war...... :cheers:


6 Dec 2008

India avoids lashing out at Pakistan and its own Muslims after the Mumbai attacks.

Most people probably expected the Nov. 26 terrorist attacks on Mumbai to lead to another showdown between India and Pakistan. After all, the last time Islamic militants carried out such a major attack, on Delhi in 2001, the Indian government massed troops on the Pakistani border. Now as then, evidence suggests that the militants were trained and equipped by groups operating in Pakistan. And to dampen the flames, Washington has so far done little more than suggest that Islamabad cooperate with the Indian investigation and crack down on suspects.

Last week, when U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited the region, thousands of Indians did take to the streets of Mumbai, Delhi and other cities to protest. Yet while there were a few scattered chants of "Death to Pakistan," the marchers, who carried roses, candles and posters, directed most of the ire not at India's perennial enemy, the terrorists, or the ruling Congress party. Their anger was reserved for India's politicians in general. The protesters' slogan: "Enough is enough."

The marchers had plenty to be mad about. According to the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database, India has suffered more than 4,000 terrorist attacks since 1970, with an average of about one killing per day. But India's leaders have taken little action to protect the population, even while ensuring themselves heavy security. The government also appeared clueless in the face of the Mumbai attacks and took hours to respond.

Yet there's been remarkably little jingoism in the overall reaction. India's leaders, its media and its population—even the far right—have largely rejected the kind of anti-Pakistan and anti-Muslim rhetoric the terrorists must have hoped for. This forbearance won't last forever, especially if Pakistan fails to cooperate with India's demand for a crackdown on militants. But for the time being, India is surprising many Western observers—and even some Indian ones—by maintaining a resolute calm and refusing to rattle its saber.

Despite comparisons in the Indian media, the nation's reaction so far to "26/11" has differed profoundly from America's response to 9/11, Spain's to 3/11 or London's to 7/7. Indians have neither rallied round their leader and demanded he pull up the drawbridges, as Americans did to George W. Bush, nor rushed to throw out a bungling government, as the Spanish did to José María Aznar after he misled voters about the involvement of Basque separatists.

There have been no clashes between Indian Hindus and Muslims. Nor has there been a swing to embrace Hindu nationalism. Indeed, opposition politicians who have sought to capitalize on the mayhem have been roundly punished for it. For example, Narendra Modi, the BJP chief minister of Gujarat, rushed to Mumbai after the attacks to lionize the slain head of Maharashtra's Anti-Terrorism Squad. But Mumbai denizens greeted Modi with boos and accused him of political opportunism.

The official response, meanwhile, has been studiously measured. India's home minister and both the chief minister of Maharashtra and his deputy have resigned. A review of India's intelligence system has begun and New Delhi has called on Pakistan to extradite 20 suspects. Pranab Mukherjee, India's foreign minister, has sent mixed messages in recent speeches, first ruling out military action against Pakistan and then, during Rice's visit, reversing tack and warning that India will use "all the means at [its] disposal." But overall, the government's behavior has been anything but warlike.
Not as weak as your 'Kalava theory'

The Kalava theory is quite strong actually because we can see it with our own two eyes. It's not circumstantial.

The evidence from a villager that he's seen the terrorist there is nothing more than circumstantial - weak at that, because we're using Chinese whispers. For example, I can claim I saw Sylvester Stallone riding a monkey down Hollywood Boulevard today. That is simply a Chinese whisper. Why should anyone trust me?

The ID thing also proves absolutely nothing, except a Noor and Amir lived in the village at some point. I doubt they'd even have the name of their child down since he would not have been eligible to vote. It's all very weak, but wait and see.
The Kalava theory is quite strong actually because we can see it with our own two eyes. It's not circumstantial.

The evidence from a villager that he's seen the terrorist there is nothing more than circumstantial - weak at that, because we're using Chinese whispers. For example, I can claim I saw Sylvester Stallone riding a monkey down Hollywood Boulevard today. That is simply a Chinese whisper. Why should anyone trust me?

The ID thing also proves absolutely nothing, except a Noor and Amir lived in the village at some point. I doubt they'd even have the name of their child down since he would not have been eligible to vote. It's all very weak, but wait and see.

Check out this report:

Pakistani officials confirmed to Mullen that at least the captured terrorist was Pakistani based on the above mentioned investigations, information he is reported to have shared with India after he left Pakistan.


This is quoted by AM.

Convinced now! Kuchh aur pesh kiya jaye!
The Kalava theory is quite strong actually because we can see it with our own two eyes. It's not circumstantial.

The person who was weraing Kalava happend to have a mouth, and guess what, he is speaking and that led us to Faridkot, and again guess what, it turns out to be true, not by one media outlet but by two respected media outlets.

The evidence from a villager that he's seen the terrorist there is nothing more than circumstantial - weak at that, because we're using Chinese whispers. For example, I can claim I saw Sylvester Stallone riding a monkey down Hollywood Boulevard today. That is simply a Chinese whisper. Why should anyone trust me?

Well, then don't read news papers from tomorrow if you don't believe in what these news paper guys write. They have earned credibility by reporting fearlessly and in an unbiased manner. All these chinese whispers are just a hog wash.

The ID thing also proves absolutely nothing, except a Noor and Amir lived in the village at some point. I doubt they'd even have the name of their child down since he would not have been eligible to vote. It's all very weak, but wait and see.

The ID things actually proves a lot. And coincidentally or miraculously, the names on them matches with that on the voter list IDs as that of the parents of the Terrorist. It is still pretty strong, unless another media outlet comes out with facts that can debunk this report.
DareDevil, the NDTV programme "The making of a terrorist" presented so much other details of this terrorist and all the others. How and where he was brought up and educated, all the names of the 10 terrorists, the way they were divided in teams, how they were given the telephone numbers of the TV stations that were to be contacted and what was to be told to them, his uncles in Lahore, his education in Lahore after 4th standard, his contact with LET, the trainings he took there in great detail.

Coupled with the reports from Pakistan that Pakistani officials have confirmed to Mullen that he is a Pakistani and they are co-operating in the investigations, the case is open and shut now.
DareDevil, the NDTV programme "The making of a terrorist" presented so much other details of this terrorist and all the others. How and where he was brought up and educated, all the names of the 10 terrorists, the way they were divided in teams, how they were given the telephone numbers of the TV stations that were to be contacted and what was to be told to them, his uncles in Lahore, his education in Lahore after 4th standard, his contact with LET, the trainings he took there in great detail.

Coupled with the reports from Pakistan that Pakistani officials have confirmed to Mullen that he is a Pakistani and they are co-operating in the investigations, the case is open and shut now.

Actually, I have catch that program at the very fag end, so missed on those finer details. But, hopefully catch it on NDTV videos section. At least from print media it is clear about his background. If I get that program, probably I will post it here.

I was just responding to the posters here to get them out of their conspiracy webs which they have weaved around and got trapped. I hope they realise it soon.

Thanks for the info.
Actually, I have catch that program at the very fag end, so missed on those finer details. But, hopefully catch it on NDTV videos section. At least from print media it is clear about his background. If I get that program, probably I will post it here.

I was just responding to the posters here to get them out of their conspiracy webs which they have weaved around and got trapped. I hope they realise it soon.

Thanks for the info.

Don't hold your breath for that. ;)
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