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What's The Best Complement You've Ever Received?

And what's your max now?

RIP your back if you're still not using the belt :P

I have seldom used the belt but the back is just fine now ( I guess being young has its perks),now, one year later, my one rep max according to an online calculator is 93 (typical workout has 4 sets with 6 reps with 79kg ie 80% of 1RM), what I found is proper form is much important than using belts, wraps etc....
you use google and they use bing / yahoo ? :coffee:
Nope,my mind is like a sponge,it soaks up information, I have a good memory, and usually come up with a right answer whenever anyone asks me something:-)
Another compliment when I made my first girl friend.. she was Sikh from India. She said something I cant forget forever. It always bring smile on my face even after 9-10 years since we last met
what was the compliment... give us a hit... something about your body part... :lol:
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