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My dinner for tonight..eating wholemeal bread instaed of chipati ..don't know why but when eat chipati then gain weight

My dinner for tonight..eating wholemeal bread instaed of chipati ..don't know why but when eat chipati then gain weight

i think there are more calories in a bread compared to a chapati/roti...but you are right its hard to lose weight when eating rotis everyday.

I just had 1 roti with daal and sabz mirch...1 cup of tea.
i think there are more calories in a bread compared to a chapati/roti...but you are right its hard to lose weight when eating rotis everyday.

I just had 1 roti with daal and sabz mirch...1 cup of tea.
Its not white bread but wholemeal ..don't know how much calories are there in one roti compare to 4 wholemeal bread but I have noticed loss in weight when replaced roti with wholemeal bread....It was difficult to gave up roti completely because eating it since childhood ..used to eat 4 roti daily and come down to 1 and now got rid ot it completely and probably eat only once a week

simple formula of weight loss...gave up roti, sugar, oily stuffs
Its not white bread but wholemeal ..don't know how much calories are there in one roti compare to 4 wholemeal bread but I have noticed loss in weight when replaced roti with wholemeal bread....It was difficult to gave up roti completely because eating it since childhood ..used to eat 4 roti daily and come down to 1 and now got rid ot it completely and probably eat only once a week

simple formula of weight loss...gave up roti, sugar, oily stuffs
i read somewhere long time ago that there are around 50+ calories in a roti and 100/150 in parathas, if that is true then a slice of bread mostly has more calories than a roti.
I am pretty young and i gave up sugar, fried foods and other junk/fast food. Sugarless tea used to taste awful but now i can't imagine adding sugar to my tea lol.
i read somewhere long time ago that there are around 50+ calories in a roti and 100/150 in parathas, if that is true then a slice of bread mostly has more calories than a roti.
I am pretty young and i gave up sugar, fried foods and other junk/fast food. Sugarless tea used to taste awful but now i can't imagine adding sugar to my tea lol.

Its good habit to give up sugar, fry foods, bakery stuffs etc as early as possible because they add nothing to our health but make it worse in later stages....We Pakistani prefer tasty food over healthy foods and have no habit of eating boils meat/lentils/vegetables ..even the way we cook and fry vegetables kill all their nutritional value
I had tahri with baghara raita and deep fried fishbits. :yes4:
Pics or it didnt happen

My eating is as follows:

Coffee = Coffee with Brown Sugar and Full Fat Milk (5 cups a day)

Drinks = Coca Cola Original (3 x 2 litre bottles a week )

Food at home = Pizza with peppers, onions, chicken, beef, tomato, chilli and sweetcorn + Garlic bread with Cheese + Chips (4 times a week same meal)

Breakfast = Cornflakes or Weetabix with full fat milk + White bread toast x 2

Luxuries = Amber Leaf Tobacco

The rest is social eating out at restaurants. Water intake is very low, less than 1 litre a week. Blood sugar is perfect, body weight is stable, I do not catch colds or flu’s when others have it. I am healthier than most people my age and I have had this exact diet for more than 4 years. My hair is strong and nails are strong and my skin is clear without blemishes or spots and all is well.

Sorry cant upload a photo as not eating right now

The key to staying healthy = dont drink the water
Post pics, and I avoid soda in general
How does brown sugar taste in coffee? Does it differ from the taste of white sugar

I am trying to eat 1 meal a day.
No that's not the way to go around things, eat but exercise with it. Lifting helps alot


This morning.

Turkish breakfast. Peynir, pide, olive oil, honey, Pakistani apple jam. Made at home before leaving.


Starbucks coffee (macchiato) from drive thru.
Starbucks doesn't taste nice to me, I stay with Tim's

My dinner for tonight..eating wholemeal bread instaed of chipati ..don't know why but when eat chipati then gain weight

I tried doing that, but then I had to eat like half a loaf of bread cause our food it's more of a stew. :cheesy:

i think there are more calories in a bread compared to a chapati/roti...but you are right its hard to lose weight when eating rotis everyday.

I just had 1 roti with daal and sabz mirch...1 cup of tea.
Depends on how it's made, honestly I gave up on the calculations, I'm focusing on eating right (not eating excessively) and going for a workout. Also reducing sugar and oil/heavy fats

Its not white bread but wholemeal ..don't know how much calories are there in one roti compare to 4 wholemeal bread but I have noticed loss in weight when replaced roti with wholemeal bread....It was difficult to gave up roti completely because eating it since childhood ..used to eat 4 roti daily and come down to 1 and now got rid ot it completely and probably eat only once a week

simple formula of weight loss...gave up roti, sugar, oily stuffs
I believe whole wheat has more calories

i read somewhere long time ago that there are around 50+ calories in a roti and 100/150 in parathas, if that is true then a slice of bread mostly has more calories than a roti.
I am pretty young and i gave up sugar, fried foods and other junk/fast food. Sugarless tea used to taste awful but now i can't imagine adding sugar to my tea lol.
Again it all depends on how it's made, roti I make would have a different calorie level then the roti the other guy makes. You have to measure your ingredients and weigh them inorder to have a number of calories in a single roti
Post picture of what you guys eat, day to day. From breakfast to any snacks you might enjoy. I'm interested to know what people around the world eat, at home. Not street food or anything, just what you might eat regularly.
Post pictures and a small discription.
Everyone is encouraged to take part.

In morning, I start with squeezing juice of an orange and lemon, some black salt added, and some apple apple cider vinegar as the first thing in the morning.
This is followed by some milk tea, a couple of fried free range organic eggs, 2 - 3 Protein (Low Carb) fried bread (like normal chapatti), and some Grass Fed Cows Butter on top (Kerrygold salted).
(Good fats and vitamin K is important)

Then my lunch is around 3 PM, and its usually the same Protein Bred, and either some organ of lambs (liver, heart, kidney which are loaded with so many vitamins and minerals) mixed up with Non GMO Shimenji Mushrooms (For Copper and other minerals). I cook and keep these in the fridge during the weekend, while for the rest of days i might buy something from outside.

That's my last meal of the day.

During weekend, I also add a mixture of an avocado, bananas, pomegranate, chia seeds and some milk poured in for mixing. (Load of vitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids, and Potassium).

I also try to include Sea Food more often.

And I don't consume anything sugary, carby, rice, processed, or chicken (Hormones, GMO, biotics, and sexual desire inducing hormones)
I cook everything in Extra Virgin Olive Oil (First Cold Pressed) Or Coconut Oil. (The only two oils with positive effects and no risk).

I consume only fresh milk from grass fed cows, which in this country is only coming from Marmum brand.

And as is clear, I'm a part time nutritionist for my own sake and make sure my body consumes everything it needs to function at its best in the whole weak.
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