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What would you like as a winner for the Indian MRCA competition

What would you like as a winner for the Indian MRCA competition

  • Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    Votes: 17 14.0%
  • Dassault Rafale

    Votes: 48 39.7%
  • Eurofighter Typhoon

    Votes: 34 28.1%
  • Lockheed Martin F-16IN Super Viper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mikoyan MiG-35

    Votes: 11 9.1%
  • Saab Gripen NG

    Votes: 11 9.1%

  • Total voters
No its diversity , that air-force believes in .
Migs +JAGs / Mirage was in last decade

Su+MRCA will be in future.

Mig35 is exceptional - Given its new AESA radar the 900mm one , it will outperform whatever others throw in .

But the thing is IAF wants Western now to have diversity and avoid reliability on one nation only.

My fav is Gripen-NG . I have supported it rt thru MMRCA inception .
F18 is the second one - If naval angle is included.
US isnt offering you older blocks ? F16 52C/D right now is the main fighter in two of the most deadliest airforces in the world ?

Anyways this thread is about MRCA, i asked a question in good taste and some of your mates stooped pretty quickly to cheap shots.

Here's a fact though, F16 is one of the world's most successful multirole fighters of all times..But your right you guys cant induct since we have it, it would make no sense

Hey Creder.. The pic of 303 was just a joke..

And you are right.. I agree that Viper is a pretty potent plane.. I think it is a bit of a mistake on LM's part to not rename the block 60 onwards as a new platform as people now associate F 16 with a planr of 1980's (name sticks even if virtually every thing is new) and the fact that PAF would have a significantly higher expertise on this plane and would factor their learnings in their AF doctrine..

Hence for India this wont make too much of a sense despite its capabilities...
My fav is Gripen-NG . I have supported it rt thru MMRCA inception .
F18 is the second one - If naval angle is included.

Yeah, That's pretty much my choice too though I would want them in a combination. Since they both share the same engine (GE F414) which is also one of the contenders to power the LCA, this combination in my opinion would be the best choice and would probably reduce engine cost due to the sheer nos. which would be on order..
Hey Creder.. The pic of 303 was just a joke..

And you are right.. I agree that Viper is a pretty potent plane.. I think it is a bit of a mistake on LM's part to not rename the block 60 onwards as a new platform as people now associate F 16 with a planr of 1980's (name sticks even if virtually every thing is new) and the fact that PAF would have a significantly higher expertise on this plane and would factor their learnings in their AF doctrine..

Hence for India this wont make too much of a sense despite its capabilities...

what are the chances of this being a politically motivated decsion with nothing to do with how the fighter actually performs ?

I think all choices are good, i mean these fighters are literally the best out there right now and you guys are lucky to have the kinda dough to spend on these babies.

If it doesnt get too political then maybe it'll be a tough one between Hornet and Rafale, but its bound to get political and especially the way things are forget about hornet and viper, i dont think the India govt is too happy with US right now and moreover they wouldnt wanna piss of the russians

so bottle downs to Mig vs Rafale ( Eurofighter not so much because even with the kinda cash you guys have, EF is just too pricy especially if its supposed to be a supplement for Tejas, which might i add has already a humungous bill to its name)
but since indian always wanted mirage - so closest to those fighter is Rafale. its a good fighter with some tot , and more over it has a good naval version thats where it scores about - euro fighter.
Rafale will also take least time to get inducted since - not too many order are placed. also its almost ready to use fighter - not much development left. and it is still being inducted in french force. so it will be there with indian for next 30-35 yrs.

F-A 18 SUPER hornet , is a good option if they allow growler. I think fa/18 ef super hornet takes it all if it comes with growler and proposed aesa. with more powerful engine.
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For me it is Gripen NG, however if not then may be rafale.

IMO F 16 IN SUPER VIPER got buried and lost its deposit in this poll:devil::devil:
Guys looks like Rafale actually might win so just for every one's sake

Its spelled | R A F A L E |
I did buddy.....
for the simple reason it combines all (true multirole,no strings attached,excellent ToT,Kaveri-Snecma,Political advantage,commonality with Mirage - so less logistical change,No sanctions..etc etc..)
Rafale Wins The MMRCA Competition On LiveFist!
In a poll conducted here on LiveFist, the French would probably be pleased to know that readers of this blog thought that the Rafale should be chosen in India's $12-billion medium multirole combat aircraft (MMRCA) competition. In almost 1,000 votes polled over two days, the Rafale was on top with 28 per cent (278 votes)! What definitely won't warm the cockles of the folks at Lockheed-Martin is that the company's F-16IN Super Viper was trounced, coming in last with a measly 3 per cent of votes polled (38 votes). The Russian MiG-35 enjoys a great a deal of love, obviously, despite being heckled about quite a bit. The Fulcrum-F took 225 votes, that's a nice chunky 23 per cent of the total votes polled. Sweden's Gripen disappointed with a 12 per cent performance (120 votes), though it was still miles above its bête noire in the competition, the F-16. Not surprisingly, readers placed the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Boeing F/A-18 virtually neck-t0-neck with 16 (166 votes) and 15 per cent (151 votes) of the total votes polled respectively.

LiveFist - The Best of Indian Defence: Rafale Wins The MMRCA Competition On LiveFist!

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