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What will Pakistan look like in 2020 ?

Well i have to wait and see until 2020 InshAllah Pakistan will be on the Map of the World, I Hope for a bigger Pakistan
Pakistan has seen these situations before and has passed these times, whatever problem we are facing will not last longer.... Pakistan will stand tall.
Pakistan has many advantages economically
Our location is our main economic advantage
we are near Iran,Central Asia and the Caspian
all OIL rich areas and the center of all the action
everyone wants to be on our side. USA has to be nice
we are all they have to get access to this region,
we need good leadership to take advantage of this
unlike our present situation where we are constantly bullied.
India needs us for the Iranian pipeline, China needs us for
access to Middle East and USA needs us for everything.
We maybe in turmoil at present but with some stability we
are bound to become an economic powerhouse.

You have over importance your country.

The only conclusion I can make from this post is that you love your country very much and is very patriot.

That is a good thing.
well, you people have been commenting on my comments but i am not sure if you have ever realized how divided pakistanis are. its a reality and no extra exaggeration in it. i am studying at a european university. we have students from all over pakistan, some 30-35 people contingent but you know what happens here; punjabis talking in punjabi and thinking about punjab, sindhis thinking about sindh and talking sindhi, urdu speaking community speaking about their own problems and cursing everyone else and people from NWFP; would you believe that while serving as a volunteer for new comers i heard myself that the guys showing their pakistani identities but saying we are from pukhtoonistan. and we will change these passports as soon as we have gained freedom. how and why do you think you will remain united.

in comparision, on the independence day of india, we had a big indian stall displaying india and its greatness, yes it was so, they had everything to be proud of, united, speaking in english rather then their own regional languages; and on 14th august, well it was nothing to talk about. please think about these things logically and rationally. its not good to think that everything is good. it isn't. it has never been. on our cast and provincial level we may be united but on national level we are miserably divided.

do you know that its just last ramazan's event that once i had to break my fast in the evening, i was late at lab and unfortunately not carrying cash or food, didn't have anything at that time and some of our own guys prepared with everything didn't even bothered to invite me just because they knew that i am not amongst them, rather it was an indian hindu who was sitting just beside me at cafeteria and invited me himself without even any hesitation for fruit he was carrying home which he had bought from a nearby store. how and why do you think we are united. you can never ever change the basic instinct and mentality of one and even at this level when you are educated, have finances, you have got potential to do something good but you are not doing it, it senough to convince me that divided we are definitly gonna fall soon.

ponder over this thing and try to convince people. its in everybody's favor. your comments are welcome.

Interesting experience you narrate. I have studied at two different universities in the US with very large (over a hundred) Pakistani student contingents. I have been to the Pakistani Student Association (PSA) meetings and events, and saw the complete opposite of what you describe. Pakistani students tended to live together in large groups at the two schools, and I saw Muhajir, Punjabi and Pashtun living and eating together in complete harmony (didn't meet any Sindhis). I have yet to come across anyone who has used to the word "Pakhtoonistan" to describe their origin, though there is a drive to rename the NWFP as Pakhtunistan (among other names) to better reflect the ethnic makeup of the province.

While I was at the first university, we often had invitations to large events organized by the larger PSA's in the bigger schools in the State as well as neighboring States. I must say that I feel sorry that you have been stuck with some awful people. But don't base your opinion on an experience with a few dozen people.
By 2020 you might not have this country visible on the map of earth.


FATA is about to annihilate their army. they are losing soldiers on daily basis. baluchs are fighting for independence, sindhis are fighting for independence, pakhtoons are interested in aligning with afghanistan, northern areas have their own liberation front. punjabis will not survive an indian attack in this case hence this country is not going to make it for time to come if things remain so. pakistanis are nationalist but its not on national level rather its based upon who you are and wher are you from. water scarcity will kill this nation if nothing else can do it. india's ambitious projects on the rivers flowing towards pakistan, violating the indus river system treaty, is adding in the gravity of the situation and nobody is bothering to interfere. let them first mend the internal matters of their country and then your questions will be valid.

You are surely a pessimist with very dangerous thoughts.
FATA is about to annihilate their army. they are losing soldiers on daily basis.

You have a Pakistani flag, you are disappointed about the Pakistani students somehow not realizing that you had no money or food to break your fast, so I imagine you are entitled to something greater from them than others since you are Pakistani - yet you cannot even refer to your country's army as "our" Army?

Are you sure you yourself aren't the fellow who was enamored with Pashtunistan?
Blackstone why is it over importance? let me state the facts
Islamic countries look to Pakistan on many issues and being the first/only?
country with nuclear capability makes us that much more important.
China wants better relations for economic/military reasons
India wants better relations for trade/pipeline the samjhouta express
was only stopped temporaily
USA need us for many things :
1) If Iran shuts off Persian Gulf who will USA turn too?
2) for Afghanistan operations who has USA turned too?
3) for anything in Central Asia who will USA turn too?

It is important that some of the mentioned above do more to improve the
economy and life of the common man rather than just taking a military view
of everything.
You not only need to educate people, you need to change the mentality, the way of thinking of the masses.

And how do you change the mentality? By having an education system that encourages free thinking and skepticism. Religious interpretations need to be opened up to skepticism as well, and dissent not stifled under the guise of "Blasphemy". Using that freedom should not be used to incite violence against particular communities or brand them non-Muslim, but to engage in rational, respectful discourse over the pro's and cons of various interpretations.

The problems, rioting etc., that Pakistan has suffered are inherent to many underdeveloped societies.
And how do you change the mentality? By having an education system that encourages free thinking and skepticism. Religious interpretations need to be opened up to skepticism as well, and dissent not stifled under the guise of "Blasphemy". Using that freedom should not be used to incite violence against particular communities or brand them non-Muslim, but to engage in rational, respectful discourse over the pro's and cons of various interpretations.

Education is the way forward, your views of "mentality" almost seem racist. The problems that Pakistan has suffered are inherent to many underdeveloped societies.
Does Pakistan have blashpemy laws?
My apologies if this thread is in the wrong section, didn't know where to post this.

So my question is, what do Pakistanis think Pakistan will look like by the year 2020 ? [honestly]

1. Economically [export based, manufacturing based, services based, agriculture based]
2. Politically [Highly corrupt Democracy like under NS and BB, normal democracy, progressive military government, regressive military government]
3. Demographically [lower population growth, similar population growth as of today, higher population growth]
4. Social development wise [same as today, small increase in literacy, modest increase in literacy, huge increase in literacy]
5. Ideologically [theocratic Islamic state, moderate Islamic state (although i don't know what that means tbh), secular state, utter state of confusion as of today ]

I know the questions and options are a bit vague, so feel free to add your own points or definitions.

Thank You.

Quiet correct predictions.
So no one predicted Pakistan will be taking on super power India in 2020.

Nostradamus fail.

Let's do 2030 now
I think only real difference would be we would be 20 years older. Baqi everything is same like 2007 nothing has changed except population.

Pakistan added territory.

Both land and sea expansions.

Aap panchayt se maloom karwalo. jirge ne to yahi khabar di hai
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