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What will happen in Turkey at the end of 2023?

Well civil war or some sort of coup. Something along those lines probably.

Not saying that turkey is the next Syria .

However clearly, the turks are being drawn up along pro western and pro russian factions .

So even if they dont become the next syria. Atleast there will be coups and counter coups..

pro russian faction ? only small useless parties such as Communist Party , Turkish Worker Party , etc
only 1% of Turkish population

over 80% Turkish People is so patriotic and so hate USA,Russia,Europe

stop dreaming ..... The US lost proxies in Turkey

no morre coup in Turkey .......... Turkish People wont allow to The US to make coup in Turkey
pro russian faction ? only small useless parties such as Communist Party , Turkish Worker Party , etc
only 1% of Turkish population

over 80% Turkish People is so patriotic and so hate USA,Russia,Europe

stop dreaming ..... The US lost proxies in Turkey

no morre coup in Turkey .......... Turkish People wont allow to The US to make coup in Turkey
Just saying i hope you are correct.

Nato stands more to lose after 2023 than Russia.

As a matter of fact russia is happy the way things are..
Just saying i hope you are correct.

Nato stands more to lose after 2023 than Russia.

As a matter of fact russia is happy the way things are..

TURKS led by ERDOGAN have their own agenda to become global power again

since 2013 , USA-İsrael used their proxies FETO , PKK/YPG , HDP , CHP to destroy ERDOGAN and to stop the Turks ....... but they failed
I know the Yanks and the anti Shia takfiris will try to crucify me for this, but Iran like Pakistan is a lot more stable than outsiders think. For all the problems the Armed Forces and police have never had a coup from within, a sure sign of stability.

I think the uniqueness of Syria playes a super important role that would not be likely to replicate in our countries unless the same structure applies.

Minority over Majority rule. Alawite dominated Government ,and Alawite dominated upper military command played a big role. I think we can both agree that individual civilians or organized civilian rebels and military defeat a nation army with the kind of weaponry that exists today. What we saw in Syria was mass upon mass defections from soldiers who were mostly Sunni and felt displaced by the system with sectarianism rampant thought the region at the time. The FSA was full of defected soldiers in which case the remaining soldiers in the SAA would have to compete with a near peer infantry adversary.

Pakistan and Iran simply do not have these kinds of structural issues. The only differences that can be replicated with either country is along political lines but usually those with a certain type of politics (antigovernmental) are not even in the army in the first place due to disloyalty.

A Myanmar situation seems to be the more likely case with most countries, a coup is always possible in any country, but as a result you might end up with a low or high level insurgency but not civil war.
You will never be a global power only the USA and China will be for the next few centuries.
Frankly, if either country put sanctions on any other country. It'll cripple it like they have done with Iran.

If China cuts you off, there goes your biggest trading partner...
If US cuts you off, their goes your access to international banking (SWIFT).
Now, you are basically North Korea.

Everyone is too scared to cooperate on anything with Iran for fear of the US, and same will be for China. That's the real truth.
I think the uniqueness of Syria playes a super important role that would not be likely to replicate in our countries unless the same structure applies.

Minority over Majority rule. Alawite dominated Government ,and Alawite dominated upper military command played a big role. I think we can both agree that individual civilians or organized civilian rebels and military defeat a nation army with the kind of weaponry that exists today. What we saw in Syria was mass upon mass defections from soldiers who were mostly Sunni and felt displaced by the system with sectarianism rampant thought the region at the time. The FSA was full of defected soldiers in which case the remaining soldiers in the SAA would have to compete with a near peer infantry adversary.

Pakistan and Iran simply do not have these kinds of structural issues. The only differences that can be replicated with either country is along political lines but usually those with a certain type of politics (antigovernmental) are not even in the army in the first place due to disloyalty.

A Myanmar situation seems to be the more likely case with most countries, a coup is always possible in any country, but as a result you might end up with a low or high level insurgency but not civil war.

Frankly, if either country put sanctions on any other country. It'll cripple it like they have done with Iran.

Everyone is too scared to cooperate on anything with Iran for fear of the US, and same will be for China. That's the real truth.

True, but even to this day the Syrian Arab Army is still dominated by Sunni Muslims, and the state would have collapsed if a majority of Sunni had defected to the other side.

I think Syrian nationalism won out, like one of my superiors once said, "he may be a fcking bastard, but he is OUR fcking bastard".
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True, but even to this day the Syrian Arab Army is still dominated by Sunni Muslims, and the state would have collapsed if a majority of Sunni had defected to the other side.

I think Syrian nationalism won out, like one of my superiors once said, "he may be a fcking bustard, but he is OUR fcking bastard".

100% agree
You will never be a global power only the USA and China will be for the next few centuries.

you dont know even what about global power

UK and France are global power
USA is super power
and China is upcoming super power

Turkey now a regional power
Turkey will be global power again when over 700 Turkish military projects enter service in the next 15 years
also Turkey has 1.200+ technology projects and will have 7th biggest GDP PPP in the world in the next 15 years

also Turkey has great soft power and influence from Balkans to Central Asia , from Libya to Somalia
from Caucasia to İndonesia/Maleysia , from Arabian Peninsula to Afghanistan/Pakistan

also Turkish military bases in İraq,Syria,Qatar,Somalia,Albania,Azerbaijan,Libya and many more in the next 15 years

and of course trillions dollars of energy reserves ( gas/oil/thorium/boron)

TURKS always had global power empires in the last 2500 years

-- Great Hunnic Empire
-- Turkic Kaganate
-- Great Seljuk Empire
-- Ottoman Empire

we Turks only laugh on useless Arabs who are nothing except being American-İsraeli puppets
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you dont know even what about global power

UK and France are global power
USA is super power
and China is upcoming super power

Turkey now a regional power
Turkey will be global power again when over 700 Turkish military projects enter service in the next 15 years
also Turkey has 1.200+ technology projects and will have 7th biggest GDP PPP in the world in the next 15 years

also Turkey has great soft power and influence from Balkans to Central Asia , from Libya to Somalia
from Caucasia to İndonesia/Maleysia , from Arabian Peninsula to Afghanistan/Pakistan

also Turkish military bases in İraq,Syria,Qatar,Somalia,Albania,Azerbaijan,Libya and many more in the next 15 years

and of course trillions dollars of energy reserves ( gas/oil/thorium/boron)

TURKS always had global power empires in the last 2500 years

-- Great Hunnic Empire
-- Turkic Kaganate
-- Great Seljuk Empire
-- Ottoman Empire

we Turks only laugh on useless Arabs who are nothing except being American-İsraeli puppets

why not Turks-Arabs together to become global power ?
but keep being American-İsraeli puppets and attacking muslim Turks
Don't make me laugh delusional Almanci noob.
Don't make me laugh delusional Almanci noob.

We dont care about useless puppet Arabs and their capulcu CHP-FETO friends

İf ATATURK or ERDOGAN ruled Turkey between 1923 and 2020 , Turkey easly would be global power which is similar to France and The UK

still Turkey will be global power again ..... thanks to great leader ERDOGAN

since 2013 USA-İsrael and their puppets/terrorists MBZ,MBS,HAFTAR,FETO,PKK/YPG,HDP,CHP are atacking ERDOGAN to stop Turkey ...but they failed
ERDOGAN will rule Turkey until june 2028 and we will continue to kick all enemies/traitors in İraq,Syria,Qatar,Somalia,,Azerbaijan,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

go and lick your MASTER American-İsraeli butt ..you pathetic useless Arab
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Who said that? Where is it written?
Under what law?

Turkey has always charged commercial ships crossing bosphorus under Montreux Convention of 1936 .so what's new here ?
Infact they plan to raise the charges to persuade ships to take a new canal route.

Also Turkey can dig its oil.. who can stop turkey from tapping its natural resources.

And taking over holy sites???? I cant believe people believe this crap.
If it was charging ships then it wouldnt need a new Canal mate
ERDOGAN+BAHCELI will rule Turkey until june 2028

Erdogan needs to step down, he has become irrational. Better give the AKP leadership to some one else or he will drown AKP power further.
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