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What will happen if China and India switch their global position?

dude do you understand english....im repeating there is no such thing as "aryans" in the ethnic context and you are again going to the same thing....the aryan-dravidian divide was a myth created by english historians to justify their rule in india as according to them aryans were also foreign to india....subsequent scientific research and anthropological studies including DNA analysis have busted that myth...well whatever...

Well, the Russian historians suggest that Aryans originated from their Kurgan culture located in Southern Russia and Eastern Ukraine.

Whereas English historians and other western historians are more Germanic supremacists.
Nepal is a truly great country, I want to visit the birthplace of the Buddha there one day.
no use in visiting siddharta's birthplace...you have to visit Buddha's birthplace which is in Bodhgaya...

Lumbini is the destination of choice. That's where he was born.

Whether or not he reached enlightenment, or anything "supernatural" like that, doesn't interest me.

To me, he was a great human teacher.

And honestly from the impression of the Indians I get here, I'm not too keen to visit that country.
Well, the Russian historians suggest that Aryans originated from their Kurgan culture located in Southern Russia and Eastern Ukraine.

Whereas English historians and other western historians are more Germanic supremacists.

i cant talk about russians and their ilk.....there is no such thing as aryan dravidian divide in an ethnic context in india....

Lumbini is the destination of choice. That's where he was born.

Whether or not he reached enlightenment, or anything "supernatural" like that, doesn't interest me.

To me, he was a great human teacher.

well whatever......to me he is an avatar of Lord vishnu...
Nepal is a truly great country, I want to visit the birthplace of the Buddha there one day.

You should also visit Bodh Gaya, it's most scared place for Buddhist (Like Macca for Muslim). There are Millions of Japanese, Laos, Cambodian, Korean, Lankan comes everywhere. There are many large temples. In Lumbini (Nepal), you won't find anything. Indeed, That one is Hindu temple today as Siddhartha was Hindu at that time. I have seen that place.
i cant talk about russians and their ilk.....there is no such thing as aryan dravidian divide in an ethnic context in india....

It is quite clear that Russians & Poles are fighting you guys for the Aryan supremacy.

So who is the ultimate Aryan? :what:
It is quite clear that Russians & Poles are fighting you guys for the Aryan supremacy.

So who is the ultimate Aryan? :what:

Germans :P

It is quite clear that Russians & Poles are fighting you guys for the Aryan supremacy.

So who is the ultimate Aryan? :what:

Different people different perception. I read many version.

But Mauryan empire were Aryans most likely. But Aryan is just a word in Indian subcontinent.
I'm not interested in travelling to a country that hates us so much.

yeah please dont come...we hate you so much so that the moment we see the chinese passport we will spread you, smear tandoori chicken masala all over your body and deep fry you.....
Introduction of Buddhism into China

Indian Buddhism was established in the 6th century BC. As inhabitants in the Indian River valley had frequent contacts with people in Yutian of Xinjiang, China, Buddhism was introduced into Yutian via Kashmir in the 1st century BC. Chinese copied Sanskrit lections on their unique writing materials, but without translating the Sanskrit. Actually, before this Indian Buddhists had been to Xianyang, the ancient Chinese capital, however, Indian Buddhism had not chances to spread in China.

As stated above, during the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD), Emperor Mingdi sent 18 people to Darouzhi of India to learn Buddhism, and got the Buddha portraits and sutras, then returned to Luoyang together with Indian Buddhists Kashyapamtanga and Dharmaraksha. They built the White Horse Temple in which were world famous basso-relievos of six horses, but now two of which had been stolen by imperialists and are exhibited in the library of Pennsylvania University, USA. Kashyapamtanga and Dharmaraksha translated five Buddhist sutras, which are still stored in the Pagoda of White Horse Temple. During the reign of Han Emperor Huan Di (158-166), Buddhism was advocated, which made translation of Indian sutras necessary. At that time, famous monks of different countries came to China, cooperated with Chinese monks in Luoyang, and translated Sanskrit lections. From the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) to the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279), translation of sutras became the most important translating career. There were many famous translators such as Youchen and Youqian (form Darouzhi), Anqing and Anxuan (from Parthia), Kangju and Kang Mengxiang (from Kangju), who translated substantive sutras.

During late Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), Chinese scholars began to study Buddhism. During the reign of Han Emperor Xian Di, Confucian scholar Mou Rong wrote On Buddhism Confusions composed of 37 articles, which was the first Buddhism work in China and the prelude of popularization and climax of Buddhism study all over the country during the following Wei, Jin, South and North dynasties (220-581).

The translation and spread of Buddhist sutras brought into the Chinese language many expressions deprived from Buddhism, especially figuration and legendary stories, which produced great influence on literature and history of China. Figuration was first absorbed by high-ranking officials, which was proved by examples found in Cao Cao's and Cao Zhi's poems.

Some classical literature directly quoted legendary stories in sutra. For example, Liezi, which was written between the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, adopted a story in sutra about five princes. After Buddhism was introduced into China, figures of Buddha had across-knee arms and hands, large ears, long hair, as well as white and clean teeth. Feudal superstitious historians modeled feudal emperors' images after these figures and apotheosize emperors. From this, we could find that Buddhist literature had great influences on China's feudal history.

Introduction of Buddhism into China

I'm not interested in travelling to a country that hates us so much.

India is not all that bad. I'm part Chinese and I wasn't treated any differently as foreigner would.

I don't think the normal Indians have anything against Chinese. PDF Indians can be mis-leading :P
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