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What Were You Doing When 9/11 Happened?


Oct 20, 2008
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United States
What were you doing when 9/11 happened?

Everybody old enough remembers the moment of 9/11 and what they were doing at the time of the attacks. Post your story here.

I was in school and I watched the events unfold on TV. The school declared an emergency evacuation. I soon left school and went home, and watched the news coverage.

Keep in mind I live in the US, and I live fairly close to The Nation's Capital, Washington D.C.

So the panic here was quite high and intense.

If you would like to know more just ask me here.
i was in school, and the teacher brought in a tv and showed us live footage.
I was having a football game and when we my parents heard the news they quickly came to pick me up though the game was cancelled as the referee drove off after hearing the news their seemed to be this odd eerie panic in Dubai as if they were going to be attacked next.
lol... I was foruming... on a peaceful dubai forum where we discussed IT related stuff, and our biggest debates were Riva TNT vs Voodoo2 graphics cards. bang, someone posted the news... The second plane had just hit and it was clear that its an attack not an accident.

Then in came pouring hundreds of crusaders, spewing hate, at any venue they could against Muslims they found on the internet, over the course of the next year I found myself naturally inclined towards political forums. Joined a forum on this little free service. Back then it was called Pakistani defence. It didn't even have its own domain name name back then.
Believe me or Not I was actually sleeping that day. I live not that far from WTC.....
I was talking on the phone at home to a client and watching CNN when the second plane hit. I lived about 10 miles west of the Pentagon at the time and so then saw the coverage of the Pentagon on fire. After that the skies over my house were full of military aircraft and helicopters for the next week. One of my neighbors was killed at the Pentagon. Our local Fairfax County Fire Department Disaster Squad was instrumental in rescuing a lot of people from the Pentagon fires.
It was my Sophomore year and I had 8am classes that semester(Calculus II Ugh). Couple of mins into the class someone told us that a plane had crashed into the Empire State Building(sic) and of course our Chinese TA couldn't have cared less. And then soon after there was a lot of commotion in the halls so couple of us excused ourselves to check it out and everyone downstairs was glued to TV by the vending machines. Then the 2nd plane hit and I rememebr some people screamed. It was a chilling moment.

I grabbed my stuff from class and we all made a dash for the Student Union to watch it on the big screens. It was kinda ethereal because everyone just had look of disbelief on their faces and then it felt like a chorus of cell phones going off. I hadn't seen so many students in the lounge even on football Saturdays.

I went back home soon after and watched the tube for like 3days straight.
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I had woken up maybe some 10 or 15 minutes bfore and was drinking coffee, talking to my mother on the phone, something was on TV, it was a live event and I had not paid attention. After my conversation with my mother, I poured another cup of coffee and was looking at the TV with the announcer saying something about a plane flying into the building - my first thought was that he must have had a probelm with his nav equipment and that he must had some error, some kind of error in the lat/long identifiers in the way points and then the other plane suddenly appeared on the side and slammed into the building -- It did not even occur to me that it was a hijack or terrorism - I just kept looking at the screen trying to make sense of what I had just seen

one nav error, but two in a row, jeppensen are up shitcreek - what just happened?
I was watching regular transmission and suddenly all channels switched to 9/11 footage.I was only 12 years old at that time so did not know much about Osama Bin Laden or Terrorism i just thought plane crashed into WTC.It was 9 in the night here in Lahore and then we were given 1 day vacation in school.
I was just about 13 years and Me and My bro just came back from a street cricket match, when I saw it on T.V..didnt care much about it...didnt pay any attention and slept peacefully after 30-50 minutes....
I was at my Pre Engineering School ...and I heard my anti-American Teacher say" Ole! which one did you folks like the best ...the straight one or the tilted one"...I could say nothin more than " Fcuk you Bastard"!!! (aloud)
huh....what kind of a human was he? was he human at all?...doubtful...very doubtful!

And I was also hoping my brother's Okay.
Got to work 10 minutes prior. Big-screen T.V. was always on. We watched it from the first moment and immediately went into lockdown. I was working for Bonneville Power Administration's Transmission Business Line and it got real hairy for about six hours.

We were pulling contingency planning out of our azz to displace to an "unknown location" from which to direct the west coast electrical grid.
I was at the Airport handling my last flight when we were called for an emergency briefing at the OCC (Operations Control Center). The TV was on, we saw the second impact live!

We were all in shock...didn't know if one of our planes was involved as KLM and Nortwest are partners.
I was dealing with a costomer in my shop (infact a retiere police officer), his designer walks in late, and tells us the some idiot with a sesna crashed into world trade center. Not knowing the seriousness of the situation, we just finished doing our business. Afterwards I went to my office and called home, and my wife was just in a shock, telling me what was going on! I did not have the tv at my office so i got minute by minute reporting from her.

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