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What this Twitter Account is trying to convey?

We all know, what it means: Why they want COMPLETE & UNCONDITIONAL Withdrawal of Pakistan Army from Ex-FATA areas.

So that the business of CIA, NDS, MOSSAD & RAW along with ISIS could thrive again! Of course Pakistan DOESN'T PAY in enveloped Dollars!

@Khafee . Its time to secure Pakistan.
These Bastards just want army to withdraw , so that TTP can start its killing spree in Pakistan again , but army ain't withdrawing anytime soon , they can moan as long as they like ... these days our army soldiers are embracing Shahadat , Civilian casualties are close to zero , Our soldiers are sacrificing their lives to protect people ...
We all know, what it means: Why they want COMPLETE & UNCONDITIONAL Withdrawal of Pakistan Army from Ex-FATA areas.

So that the business of CIA, NDS, MOSSAD & RAW along with ISIS could thrive again! Of course Pakistan DOESN'T PAY in enveloped Dollars!

@Khafee . Its time to secure Pakistan.

Don't worry about the scums, which are all circling at that twitter account.
The traitors should be jailed, or killed if resist. No two ways about it.
Don't worry about the scums, which are all circling at that twitter account.
The traitors should be jailed, or killed if resist. No two ways about it.

Should be killed, in any case, whether they resist or not, where they physically challenge the writ of state.
what if these dogs are withdrawn from this world before Army withdraws from any part of Pakistan, just like the dogs before them have been withdrawn.
State should deal with these traitors & terrorists with an iron hand.
This is the dirt of army. Now we have foreign agents cashing in on real grievances of the people to destabilise NWFP.

I don't know which country treats its citizens the way Pak army treated Pashtuns. First, throw them into Soviets war and glorify them, make a powerful militia giving them control over Pakistan then make them terrorists for America and purge them.

Pakistan had traitors for leaders. The politicians destroyed it economically, the generals destroyed it physically, NWFP at least
This is the dirt of army. Now we have foreign agents cashing in on real grievances of the people to destabilise NWFP.

I don't know which country treats its citizens the way Pak army treated Pashtuns. First, throw them into Soviets war and glorify them, make a powerful militia giving them control over Pakistan then make them terrorists for America and purge them.

Pakistan had traitors for leaders. The politicians destroyed it economically, the generals destroyed it physically, NWFP at least
'Pak Army' treated Pashtuns?

Pashtuns were forced to join
Mujahedeen unwillingly?

They hated fanatic Islam?

They hated fighting?

Gen Akhtar was not a Kakezai himself?

Did US help clear up the mess?

Did Pakistan have a choice?

Do you equate yourself to be strong enough to withstand a Intl. Coalition?

Tribals collaborated fully for helping Army in searching for AQ in Waziristan?

Was harbouring anti-state extremism good for the country?

People had no sympathy for TNSM-esque outfits?

There weren't any attacks on civilians by these outfits?

They didn't challenge the writ of the state in ex-FATA and KPK till Buner?

Army didn't evacuate civilians before operations?

Army's OP ZeA and RuF didn't help in reducing violence?

Army did no effort for rehabilitation?

Army didn't accept it's mistake for not controlling this ideology in 90s?

We understand that there have been severe policy failures by the top brass which came back to haunt us, but it's not like anything was in their hands following 9/11.

Pakistan had to make a U-turn, even though support of extremist ideologies wasn't a good choice ethically, but since it had been doing the job in Kashmir, and keeping the Western Front stable, it was deemed fine.

Causes of Pashtun grievances are totally not one sided. You cannot be easy cannon fodder without being corrupt yourself, without being sold out for petty incentives.

Poverty, ultra-conservatism and motivation to fight are VERY crucial factors on why Pashtuns are suffering from violence in the past decades or so.

Right now the major problem is due to tribal sense of autonomy being endangered/threatened by persistent presence of military in their homelands, which have been fiercely out of bounds for the state from independence till recent times.

Ultra-egoistic people with little respect for institutions due to scarce interactions and violence causing several of their own perishing, during service with terror outfits fighting against the military.
'Pak Army' treated Pashtuns?

Pashtuns were forced to join
Mujahedeen unwillingly?

They hated fanatic Islam?

They hated fighting?

Gen Akhtar was not a Kakezai himself?

Did US help clear up the mess?

Did Pakistan have a choice?

Do you equate yourself to be strong enough to withstand a Intl. Coalition?

Tribals collaborated fully for helping Army in searching for AQ in Waziristan?

Was harbouring anti-state extremism good for the country?

People had no sympathy for TNSM-esque outfits?

There weren't any attacks on civilians by these outfits?

They didn't challenge the writ of the state in ex-FATA and KPK till Buner?

Army didn't evacuate civilians before operations?

Army's OP ZeA and RuF didn't help in reducing violence?

Army did no effort for rehabilitation?

Army didn't accept it's mistake for not controlling this ideology in 90s?

We understand that there have been severe policy failures by the top brass which came back to haunt us, but it's not like anything was in their hands following 9/11.

Pakistan had to make a U-turn, even though support of extremist ideologies wasn't a good choice ethically, but since it had been doing the job in Kashmir, and keeping the Western Front stable, it was deemed fine.

Causes of Pashtun grievances are totally not one sided. You cannot be easy cannon fodder without being corrupt yourself, without being sold out for petty incentives.

Poverty, ultra-conservatism and motivation to fight are VERY crucial factors on why Pashtuns are suffering from violence in the past decades or so.

Right now the major problem is due to tribal sense of autonomy being endangered/threatened by persistent presence of military in their homelands, which have been fiercely out of bounds for the state from independence till recent times.

Ultra-egoistic people with little respect for institutions due to scarce interactions and violence causing several of their own perishing, during service with terror outfits fighting against the military.

People are gullible and fall prey to authority. Please look up the history of Mujahideens aka talibans aka terrorists and how they started and who started it. Putting the blame on the misguided people is unfair.

It was called Jihad and Jihad is compulsory on Muslim. When the state wants to mislead people then it's very easy especially in the dark ages without any Internet and social media of 70s-80s.

The current army has done right by cleaning it up but we can expect PTM and the likes for time to come unless we bring Waziristan to same level as other parts of the country. Your language would be very different and far less condescending if you were forced to live there, the things you take for granted are a luxury to them.

Try telling those people that they're corrupt and brought this upon themselves.
People are gullible and fall prey to authority. Please look up the history of Mujahideens aka talibans aka terrorists and how they started and who started it. Putting the blame on the misguided people is unfair.

It was called Jihad and Jihad is compulsory on Muslim. When the state wants to mislead people then it's very easy especially in the dark ages without any Internet and social media of 70s-80s.

The current army has done right by cleaning it up but we can expect PTM and the likes for time to come unless we bring Waziristan to same level as other parts of the country. Your language would be very different and far less condescending if you were forced to live there, the things you take for granted are a luxury to them.

Try telling those people that they're corrupt and brought this upon themselves.

You my friend are totally an anti-Pakistani type of guy , here you are blaming Pak army and in the other thread you were constantly trying to prove that China is persecuting Uighurs ... and most of all you give shitty reasons and illogical explanations ro prove your points , in short , i think you are a false flagger ...
People are gullible and fall prey to authority. Please look up the history of Mujahideens aka talibans aka terrorists and how they started and who started it. Putting the blame on the misguided people is unfair.

It was called Jihad and Jihad is compulsory on Muslim. When the state wants to mislead people then it's very easy especially in the dark ages without any Internet and social media of 70s-80s.

The current army has done right by cleaning it up but we can expect PTM and the likes for time to come unless we bring Waziristan to same level as other parts of the country. Your language would be very different and far less condescending if you were forced to live there, the things you take for granted are a luxury to them.

Try telling those people that they're corrupt and brought this upon themselves.
You're the one who's solely blaming the establishment for 'misguiding' them. I'm the one who's saying it's not a black and white case, both sides are responsible.

Creating the Mujahids wasn't a total tactical folly, as those days we had the Soviets right next door with frequent cross border attacks and implementation of a regime which was totally opposite from our nation's ideology. Threat Matrix deemed a formation of these fighters to keep the pressure on the Soviets and eventually drive the hostiles out from our rear.

The mistakes happened in the 90s, establishment sought to use these men for supporting the anti-India insurgency in Kashmir. We allowed the ultra conservative ideology to sweep across in the Pashtun heartland, and had to disturb the hive after 9/11.

State misled, but give me an honest answer, would the same happen if FATA hadn't been alienated from Pakistan from '47, owing to tribalism and the desire of not being a total subject of the state.

Progressive nations cannot have such systems or else economic/social inequality reaches critical levels which shakes the roots of the country.

The PTM is led by left winger socialist/communist comrade types, who use the ethnic card to get local support from FATA. Other support comes from Pashtun nationalists and leftists across the nation. There are genuine grievances, but blaming must be realistic.

Who the hell wouldn't want development in Waziristan? Isn't the Army striving for that? An institution who's job is something else yet due to zero civil govt presence, they're helping in rehab. I'm not saying the people deserved this violence, but at least they should be considerate enough to assist the military and not see them as a threat to their autonomy.

In short, it will take them sometime to adjust to this new way of life where you're actually subservient to a state rather than the tribe, when they're checks and balances and respect for a international border rather than crossing it at random.

I'm a person who's lost relatives in this WoT, from Swat to NWA, from AK to Tochi Scouts. My grandparent was discriminated by the military and accused of being an Indian spy due to him being a migrant from IoK.

People talk about 'structural racism' against Pashtuns, and act as if other ethnicities are bossing the nation, and are in absolutely chinky conditions. The structural racism is there, to some extent, but limited to ex-FATA, who's residents have a tense recent relationship with the rest of the country.
I think you're a totally anti-Muslim type of guy and you love atheistic communists and defending their holocaust on Muslims but i am wrong just like you are wrong about me.

But we aren't here to judge others character based on our limited knowledge, are we?

Please stick to the actual discussion instead of attacking me and giving your opinions about my character.

All I can say is this, thank God you are a "DeadSparrow". Stay like that on this forum, no need to post any comments. We don't need comments from people like you. We can smell you from a mile. Your kind and their motives.
No get the hell out of this forum.
All I can say is this, thank God you are a "DeadSparrow". Stay like that on this forum, no need to post any comments. We don't need comments from people like you. We can smell you from a mile. Your kind and their motives.
No get the hell out of this forum.

Can you smell what cologne am i wearing now?
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