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What the US can do to Pakistan, short of war.

The HBS Guy

Oct 31, 2010
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Najam Sethi's brilliant analysis of the steps that the US could take to up the ante against Pakistan if it decides to.

Aapas Ki Baat | Muneeb Farooq - September 28 2011 Talk Show @ Pakistan Herald

Some of the steps are:

1. Stopping military aid.

2. Stopping military AND civilian aid.

3. Declaring the Haqqani Network a terrorist organisation and by implication of it further pressuring all the companies that do business with Pakistan.

4. Tightening the screws at WB, IMF. Pakistan owes a great amount of debt to the IMF.

5. Stopping Pakistanis in America from sending remittances to Pakistan.

6. Tightening access to American market for Pakistani textiles and other exports.

7. Telling other western countries like UK and other such countries in the EU etc. to tighten the noose on Pakistan vis a vis trade, remittances etc.

8. Restraining Pakistan's access to western military technology either from America or Europe.

9. Restraining/Stopping PIA operations in America.


As a result of some of these steps like IMF pressure etc., Pakistan will have no choice but to print more Pakistani Rupee thereby setting in motion a process of inflation (probably hyperinflation) and subsequent depreciation of Pakistani Rupee.
Najam Sethi's brilliant analysis of the steps that the US could take to up the ante against Pakistan if it decides to.

Aapas Ki Baat | Muneeb Farooq - September 28 2011 Talk Show @ Pakistan Herald

Some of the steps are:

1. Stopping military aid.

2. Stopping military AND civilian aid.

3. Declaring the Haqqani Network a terrorist organisation and by implication of it further pressuring all the companies that do business with Pakistan.

4. Tightening the screws at WB, IMF. Pakistan owes a great amount of debt to the IMF.

5. Stopping Pakistanis in America from sending remittances to Pakistan.

6. Tightening access to American market for Pakistani textiles and other exports.

7. Telling other western countries like UK and other such countries in the EU etc. to tighten the noose on Pakistan vis a vis trade, remittances etc.

8. Restraining Pakistan's access to western military technology either from America or Europe.

9. Restraining/Stopping PIA operations in America.


As a result of some of these steps like IMF pressure etc., Pakistan will have no choice but to print more Pakistani Rupee thereby setting in motion a process of inflation (probably hyperinflation) and subsequent depreciation of Pakistani Rupee.

All of above is possible but at the cost of loosing trillion dollar war, packing up from Afghanistan with the possibility of few more thousand soldiers dead and most importantly a re-establishment of Taliban Govt. back in Afghanistan.

Your call!
Najam Sethi's brilliant analysis of the steps that the US could take to up the ante against Pakistan if it decides to.

Aapas Ki Baat | Muneeb Farooq - September 28 2011 Talk Show @ Pakistan Herald

Some of the steps are:

1. Stopping military aid.

2. Stopping military AND civilian aid.

3. Declaring the Haqqani Network a terrorist organisation and by implication of it further pressuring all the companies that do business with Pakistan.

4. Tightening the screws at WB, IMF. Pakistan owes a great amount of debt to the IMF.

5. Stopping Pakistanis in America from sending remittances to Pakistan.

6. Tightening access to American market for Pakistani textiles and other exports.

7. Telling other western countries like UK and other such countries in the EU etc. to tighten the noose on Pakistan vis a vis trade, remittances etc.

8. Restraining Pakistan's access to western military technology either from America or Europe.

9. Restraining/Stopping PIA operations in America.


As a result of some of these steps like IMF pressure etc., Pakistan will have no choice but to print more Pakistani Rupee thereby setting in motion a process of inflation (probably hyperinflation) and subsequent depreciation of Pakistani Rupee.

1, 2 is possible

3 is possible but unlikely, as they might be involved in the endgame in Afghanistan, & without them on the table, the Taliban might not be in the mood to negotiate either.

4 is unlikely, as the IMF & WB independently of the US. The US sanctioned Pakistan in the 1990s under the Pressler Amendment, but the IMF & WB were heavily involved with Pakistan.

5 is impossible, because it is illegal, unconstitutional, & they haven't stopped Iranians from doing that.

6 is possible

7 is possible

8 is possible

9 is possible
You can plan a war but its impossible to imagine all possible dynamics, it could lead.

^^ Some Pakistani General, once wrote.
5 is impossible, because it is illegal, unconstitutional, & they haven't stopped Iranians from doing that.

They have already restricted it i.e. now all Pakistani remittances must be directed from a single office in NYC.

No other routes of remittances to Pakistan are permitted now.

This could very well be just the start.
@HBS Guy
you and your wet dreams.........., just cant help it can you?

and Obama blames us that we are obsessed with India :disagree:

Americans have already done enough short of the war so whatever else they want to do they can do that but the time has come when they will be making a very unceremonious departure from Afghanistan. And no one in the neighbourhood would be crying a river after them

:note to Mods: please check the contents of this thread and decide if it has any relevence or any value to the section of "Pakistan's War"? I fail to see any.
Lets be fair everybody, US cannot afford to stop the aid right now , not until it stays in Afghanistan.

BTW, they stopped more than half of our military aid, what visible differences have been made by that step? And a recent bill was introduced in US Congress to stop all aid, what happened of that as well?
America cant do squat. Nothing that cant be sorted out. Its our corrupt political leaders that behave like lemons. If I was running the country i would have americans not knowing which way to turn. Actually isnt that already happening lol
1. Stopping military aid. They have done this before, if Pakistan did not learn this lesson from history, they deserve to be fooled again.

2. Stopping military AND civilian aid. Again, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

3. Declaring the Haqqani Network a terrorist organisation and by implication of it further pressuring all the companies that do business with Pakistan.

4. Tightening the screws at WB, IMF. Pakistan owes a great amount of debt to the IMF. Pakistan's own fault for being in debt to IMF and Japan. Look at India, no debt no pressure.

5. Stopping Pakistanis in America from sending remittances to Pakistan. One solution, start storing Yuan reserves as well as Dollars. most countries that trade with China have started storing Yuan and lessening their reserves of Dollar because Yuan is the future dollar. won't help current remittances but in the long run, limiting remittances won't matter because the dollar will be worthless

6. Tightening access to American market for Pakistani textiles and other exports. Pakistan's own fault (again) for looking too much to the West for exports. look at China, India.. invest and trade more with Africa/ Vietnam/Pacific region. China does it, why can't Pakistan look East instead of West?

7. Telling other western countries like UK and other such countries in the EU etc. to tighten the noose on Pakistan vis a vis trade, remittances etc. Again, Look East not West, the future of growth and investment lies in investing in Africa and Pacific. West is for old investors who still think in old ways.

8. Restraining Pakistan's access to western military technology either from America or Europe. Done it before during Ayub Khan's time, if Pakistan did not learn from that before, they had it coming to them. Those who cannot learn from past mistakes will always repeat them.

9. Restraining/Stopping PIA operations in America. Seriously, invest more in East, West is on the decline anyways. Even westerners are migrating to eastern countries now.
Ok USA can do whatever it wants in case of war, to Pakistan.
But some body answer ONE simple question of mine

What will USA do without any military transportation to Afghanistan, Does US current economy allow her to change to any costy route (VIA land or Air) ?
Ok USA can do whatever it wants in case of war, to Pakistan.
But some body answer ONE simple question of mine

What will USA do without any military transportation to Afghanistan, Does US current economy allow her to change to any costy route (VIA land or Air) ?
US economy (regardless of its weak condition) is still very strong. And the cost of the Iraqi front has significantly reduced.

Here are some plans:

U.S. Now Relies On Alternate Afghan Supply Routes : NPR

US expanding non-Pakistan supply routes to Afghanistan

One thing is for sure that cost of war in Afghanistan will increase without logistics related support of Pakistan.
What will this accomplish? Oh yes, starvation, inflation, unemployement, more anti-american sentiment. But then again, you're just an inhuman, barbarous, brutal, cruel, roughshod, savage, vicious
beastly, bestial Indian

why thank you sir whatever makes you happy:partay:
To my Pak friends, show the US that you dont need their help. Show tham Pak can easily do without their support!!
Hopefully HBS guy will behave properly on this forum. More importantly behave yourself from being Anti-Pakistan.
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