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what shaheed...?????

Pilot 123


New Recruit

Dec 25, 2012
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I wonder why everyone is saying benazir is shaheed. Let me get your record straight... Shaheed is the one who gives his life for Allah. Anyone who is looking for power and dies meanwhile you can't call them shaheed... She came to Pakistan to get power and she was killed by some one who also wanted power... We should not humiliate shaheedz by including bibi or whatever in that category atleast not as educated people :)... She was greedy for power and was killed .. Simple and straight... No jaey bhatoo.. We don't need looters and crooks in our country anymore :)
I wonder why everyone is saying benazir is shaheed. Let me get your record straight... Shaheed is the one who gives his life for Allah. Anyone who is looking for power and dies meanwhile you can't call them shaheed... She came to Pakistan to get power and she was killed by some one who also wanted power... We should not humiliate shaheedz by including bibi or whatever in that category atleast not as educated people :)... She was greedy for power and was killed .. Simple and straight... No jaey bhatoo.. We don't need looters and crooks in our country anymore :)

you cannot even put your own ideas in right manner, shows what you know !! get a life loser !!

Unnecessary debate! Only God knows who's shaheed and who's not, moreover nothing would change if title is withdrawn or unanimously agreed upon.

On a different note - A person who dies of severe ailment is also a shaheed..
Ask at religious forum. There is no Alim over here, I think.

No need of any Alim here and there, simple read Qur'an translation without tafseer so you will get very clear about Shaheed from verses of God.
No need of any Alim here and there, simple read Qur'an translation without tafseer so you will get very clear about Shaheed from verses of God.

Where matters reach to Benazir then i want to say that who went Garhi Khuda Bakhsh crossing 200 dead bodies (when her heli could be landed in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh) couldn't be called Shaheed.
Same with ZAB. I explained this in a post before. Basically when someone dies you feel sympathy for them... and tend to forget the wrongs they have committed. An entire district, Nawabshah which has historical connotations was wiped out and renamed Shaheed Benazirabad, an airport was renamed. All this for a leader, for a family that has made a major mess for Pakistan.

But you cannot explain this to our people. How can you, it is depraved to talk ill of a dead person... and so we forgive them.
Benazir was very educated leader but gave nothing to nation only bribery, corrpution , poverty
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