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What role MOAB has Pakistan's Defence?

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Aug 11, 2019
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Massive Ordnance Air Blast or Mother of All Bombs was recently deployed by USA in Afghanistan.China Also recently tested a version of it. It could be very relevant to deter & wipe out Indian strike corps as a "Second last" resort. It can help Pakistan to hold longer without going nuclear. Could Pakistan procure it from China or own research? Any restriction on it as its non nuclear? PAF has to built a bomber squadron? Have they thought about it?What are your thoughts ?......
It should be the first strike option. it has less long lasting consequences
It's a good idea but transporting the weapon will be very hard and will probably need a transport plane just to get the bomb on target.
Massive Ordnance Air Blast or Mother of All Bombs was recently deployed by USA in Afghanistan.China Also recently tested a version of it. It could be very relevant to deter & wipe out Indian strike corps as a "Second last" resort. It can help Pakistan to hold longer without going nuclear. Could Pakistan procure it from China or own research? Any restriction on it as its non nuclear? PAF has to built a bomber squadron? Have they thought about it?What are your thoughts ?......
No need for bomber , PAF needed long range deep strike jet like J-16/Su-34 rather then bombers, and Pakistan and different approach then to dater enemy advancing columns, We have NASR and Abdali for that purpose, Bombers is useless for Pakistan @faani83
Good thread, I'd Give you a positive rating if I could. Pakistan needs an option like MOAB, before being forced to go nuclear.. Nasr can escalate to a full blown out nuclear war..in such a scenario both sides can end up pretty much destroying each other. Nuclear CANNOT be an option.. PERIOD

Give the guy a positive rating
China Also recently tested a version of it.
And tell me which MOAB type weapons type tested by China, only USA/Russia tested MOAB like weapons, if you have some information about Chinese MOAB like weapons kindly share links for us, thanks @faani83
do we even have MOAB ?
It could be developed, but instead of that size I think MK84 with 985lb Thermobaric would be more useful and easier to transport. A warhead of that size would make the explosion be equivalent to 3000 lbs and the JF-17 could carry 3 of them so 9000 pounds of TNT dropped on a target. If guidance kit like REK could be integrated range could be 100km+ dropped from inside of Pakistan.
it has failed to deter taliban in afghanistan.I think we should go for hydrogen bomb as moab cannot be delivered by fighter jets and require heavy bombers like b52,c130 which can be easily downed by airdefences
it has failed to deter taliban in afghanistan.I think we should go for hydrogen bomb as moab cannot be delivered by fighter jets and require heavy bombers like b52,c130 which can be easily downed by airdefences
That's a nuke lol. Nuke = MAD.
We have this beautiful plane
It could be developed, but instead of that size I think MK84 with 985lb Thermobaric would be more useful and easier to transport. A warhead of that size would make the explosion be equivalent to 3000 lbs and the JF-17 could carry 3 of them so 9000 pounds of TNT dropped on a target.
without air to air load out @Philip the Arab o_O
Just watching CNN international they are about to show Bollywood movie clips about mumbai terrorist attack that Cristian Aman poor up to no good

Now Bollywood movie = News
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