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What role MOAB has Pakistan's Defence?

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If you really want to affect advancing columns use cluster munitions like DPICM artillery, and DPICM 122mm grad rockets. Egypt and China both have great rockets for anti-tank and vehicle usages.

We have MRLS also but to eliminate advancing marching columns every military needs multiple options to eliminate enemy's advancing columns as quickly as possible @Philip the Arab
Its still a lose-lose situation nuking your own
It will be a suicide attack
Pakistan would prefer dying with honor than facing humiliation
Matlab ham to haar jayein gay par jashan Bharat main bhi nahi manaya Jaye ga
well they do not have to penetrate too deep into indian territory
Ever heard stand off Cruise missiles @faani83
  1. Important point is that It can give Pakistan psychological advantage. It would be easier to use without garnishing international attention. It can also wreck havoc on advance indian columns with an area of 5 Kms. Can also be used REPEATEDLY....perfect conventional reply without going nuclear.....!
and which aircraft can carry it tell me bro and it will be a easy target of enemy SAM's S-300/400, first fighter jets clears the way for bombers destroying SAMs batteries, air superiority fighter jets then bombers will come on to play @faan
it happened in early 1994

Some fan boys stuff, as i say Iraqi nuclear program destroyed long ago by Israel in 1981, if you have a reliable links on that please share with us @GIANTsasquatch :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
Nuclear weapons would be used when defeat is certain if Pakistani forces couldn't stop Indian tanks then nasr would be used
Ham to dobay Hain Sanam par tumhain bhi sath lay jayein gay
No when the enemy is in Battlefield range of 60kms NASR will be used as dictates cold sstart doctrine pak army's agenda will be to use it long before crossing the borders, its to create a nuclear radio active zone where no one can dare to cross it......some crossing tanks with radio active protection will be taken care of by border side defenses....
Oh my god 30kt nuke exploded and the people of the city didn't have any scratch, august 1945 at Hiroshima lose lives of 80,000 people from Little Boys yielding 20kt, it could destroy whole Kuwait City, and crash Israeli nuke missile that landed In Iraq, in which world do you live in kid @GIANTsasquatch :crazy::crazy::crazy:
No when the enemy is in Battlefield range
Pakistan will use nasr when it's certain that it can't stop Indian forces with conventional weapons
Nuclear weapons are last resort or suicide attack
@doorstar star mentioned how a nuclear warhead was used in iraq, I just expanded on where,what,why e.t.c.

I'm surprised you didn't know about this...
and how its possible 30kt nuke was exploded and doesn't kill or injured single citizen, in fact if 30kt nuke exploded in Kuwait the Kuwait (country) had have destroyed by then, what a stupid conspiracy theory this is @GIANTsasquatch
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Massive Ordnance Air Blast or Mother of All Bombs was recently deployed by USA in Afghanistan.China Also recently tested a version of it. It could be very relevant to deter & wipe out Indian strike corps as a "Second last" resort. It can help Pakistan to hold longer without going nuclear. Could Pakistan procure it from China or own research? Any restriction on it as its non nuclear? PAF has to built a bomber squadron? Have they thought about it?What are your thoughts ?......
do we have any platform to launch MOAB on indian soil? C130 will need to be modified but will it be able to penetrate the indian air space.
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