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What language do you think in?

Nah its okay . I can teach you sindhi words whenever you want .
Anyway , thanks for that punjabi line , I memorised it . : )
While we are already off topic...I noticed on ur profile it says ur naani died. I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences to u and ur family. May Allah forgive her and grant her paradise.
Aameen . She was very nice lady , I'm sure she's in heaven .
Thankyou :)
well, I'll be darned! the thread woke up after six years!

I remember years ago, one morning my wife said, "You were talking in your sleep last night" (oops!). Apparently I was having a dream and blabbering in French! Thankfully my wife does not know French so - whew!
She said I had a long conversation with someone - punctuated by laughter!

So apparently I sometimes dream in French (depending on the quantity of beer) but still think in English! :-)
I think and dream in italian, i guess its normal to have your mother language for that
In urdu cant think in any other language , possible hi nahi hai

This a very interesting question. You should also have added---what language do you count in.

There is a reason for you to think in the language that you think and count in the language that you count in---.

You can make yourself think in a different language---if you are fluent in that language and as long as you are not tired or under duress. If you are under duress and are extremely tired---your thinking nodules will revert back to your mother tongue and you will have to put an effort in thinking in the language other than your mother tongue. Proven under extreme physical torture.

As far as counting---we all revert back to our mother tongue awhen we are counting---that is instantaneous without any effort.

I for myself---switch immediately over to my mother tongue when I start counting---can't or don't want to count in urdu---either it is in english to start with and then switch to my mother tongue immediately, adding, multiplying or subtracting---even though I have lived away from my pakistani brethren for at leasst 25 years, but as far as language is concerned---as tired as I get, the thinking language changes from english / urdu / to my mother tongue---in that sequence.

Now how about another addition---what is the language of your dreams---???

This is the best answer, and not surprised, considering who wrote it.

I think in English, dream in various languages, depending on the context, but when stuck, count in Bengali.
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